Give This Picture A Caption (Fun Game)

Spongebob: Hey Squidward wanna...
Squidward: NO!!!!
SpongeFan818 wins!!!

(Edited. Previous one didn't make any sense.)

Police Guy: I hope you like the new look!
TTS: Does it make me look fat?
OK,for some reason I can't see the images anymore.What does it show?

TTS:All I did was trying to steal the viruses out of that sick lady!
"Welcome to our Bikini Bottom Police Department Beauty Salon! How may we torture, I mean...beautify you today?"
Tattle Tale Strangler: Would you loosen these chains? I gotta go to the bathroom.
Police Off. : These chains should be tight enough.
TTS: I can't breathe...
Narrator: Well you see that Tattletale Strangler Strangled him self.