Give This Picture A Caption (Fun Game)

Patrick2403 wins!!


Patrick:HAHAHAHA!!!!! I wondere why so many people think this is a sandwich when it's really a bunny!!
SpongeBob: DON'T EAT THAT PATRICK! You'll stay up all night farting!
Patrick: Magic Conch, do I eat the sandwhich, or the pie?
Magic Conch: Maybe.
Patrick? :P Magic Conch, do I eat the sandwich or the pie?
Magic Conch: Maybe.
Patrick. Magic, Conch. Do I eat THE SANDWICH, or THE PIE?
Magic Conch: Maybe.
Patrick, Magic Conch, are you playing a trick on me?
Magic Conch: Maybe.
Patrick: Magic Conch, do I eat the sandwhich, or the pie?
Magic Conch: Maybe.
Patrick? :) Magic Conch, do I eat the sandwich or the pie?
Magic Conch: Maybe.
Patrick. Magic, Conch. Do I eat THE SANDWICH, or THE PIE?
Magic Conch: Maybe.
Patrick, Magic Conch, are you playing a trick on me?
Magic Conch: Maybe.

DJ, i think that's funny

Patrick: i think this is a Ipod, see the geen thing at the top?, that's the eye, that's why i think they named it an Ipod, Magic Conch
Patrick; Wow! 5 sandwiches stacked on top of each other. With three pies on the side. Aah!!! it has an eye!!! Please don't eat me, sandwich!
Patrick: Isn't this Squidward's sandwhich?
Magic Conch: Yes.
Patrick: Can I eat it anyways?
Magic Conch: Sure, why not.
Patrick: Have you seen this sandwich?! It's about this tall!
Magic Conch: Turn to your left.... a little more.... closer...... closer...... CLOSER!
Patrick: Gotcha! *eats it*
Magic Conch: Patrick, that wasn't the sandwich....
Patrick: Hey Magic Conch. Where'd you go?
Magic Conch: *In patrick's stomach* Oh brother!
spongebob: i thinks that is the real squidward.
*puts the other squidward in a sea food tray*
spongebob:*looking at what he thinks is the real squidward* know that the clay squid is gone, we can go jellyfishing........ squidward?.... squidward?
patrick: i think im seeing double
*gets hit in the head*
patrick: now i am.