Give This Picture A Caption (Fun Game)

:rofl: (on phone):so,how about Saturday?
boss(offscreen):SpongeBob,were you talking to my wife again?!

O_o I love prank phone calling! Hello, music records.
Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob, is that you!?
SB: Good morning. I'm calling on behaf of the Federal Social Security Administration. I am calling about your social security check. I am calling because we're going to be reducing your check because the government is having cutbacks right now. Because f the hurricanes, and the lack of oil we will be cutting your check down to $250 a month. :xdmagic:
O_o I love prank phone calling! Hello, music records.
Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob, is that you!?


goofy-goober said:
SB: Good morning. I'm calling on behaf of the Federal Social Security Administration. I am calling about your social security check. I am calling because we're going to be reducing your check because the government is having cutbacks right now. Because f the hurricanes, and the lack of oil we will be cutting your check down to $250 a month.

:xdmagic: hello, sir. my i transper your call
:P yeah, i have a krabby patty with chease.
:P uh, sir. i don't give fast food.
Spongebob:Hello I'll have 1000000 pineapple pizzas with extra cheese
Pizza Guy:That'll be 5000000000 dollars
SB: not Me!
*sweet talk*Hello,spongebob speaking
old lady:yes hello?
Helloooooooo,how do you do,so how is everything,.So, you still live with your mom.I'll tell you that i've lived with my mom over 16 years now and...
Old Lady hungs up.

I know it sucks.
:sbx: Hello, this is the operator building.
:P Don't we usually call YOU?
(SB hangs up)
:P and where would YOU like to transfer,whoever you are?
SB's Mother: Honey,it's me.
:sbx: MOM?!

I dunno.....
SpongeBob: *calls ssj*
ssj4gogita4: Hello?
SpongeBob: Hello, this is Bikini Bottom Insurance. We make sure you get tons of mayonnaise, or else!
ssj4gogita4: Or else what?
SpongeBob: You get Spongey34.
ssj4gogiat4: MERCY! NO I'LL NEVER GET SPONGEY34!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! *runs*
SpongeBob: Hello?
well,it's taking snellie a while to return with a new pic so i'll do the new pic. :(


Narrator:announcing,Bikini Bottom's heroes!!!!
I'm sure snellie will post the new picture soon so