First episode where all stories are bad

My least favorite pre-movie pair has always been the #11 pair (MuscleBob BuffPants / Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost) since both episodes are some of the most forgettable of the era. The #8 pair comes pretty close, though. Seasons 2-5, as well as 9-11 don't really have one that stand out in quality.

Noticeably lesser pairs in post-movie era are #105 (The Splinter/Slide Whistle Stooges), #117 (Shuffleboarding/Professor Squidward), #142 (Trenchbillies/Spongecano), and #173 (Squiditis/Demolition Doofus) but nothing tops the infamous #131 pair (Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful/A Pal for Gary).

For the post-sequel/spin-off era, the weakest pairs are #243 (The Nitwitting/The Ballad of Filthy Muck), #253 (Jolly Lodgers/Biddy Sitting), #271 (Something Narwhal This Way Comes/C.H.U.M.S.), and #292 (SquidBird/Allergy Attack!).
My personal first might be The Play's The Thing and Rodeo Daze. Neither were good imo.
My Friend Patty/FUN-believable is another bad episode pairing for me.

Reasoning: FUN-believable is my least favorite episode of season 13, and My Friend Patty was more of a bad episode.