In Progress Every Spongebob Episode and Movie Reviewed (by your's truly)

My goal is to get finished with Season 1 by the end of this year and at least try to get started with Season 2 as well...
Season 1 Episode 7a: Hall Monitor
Air Date: August 28th 1999
Production Number: SB-108

You know, this is episode is good...

It does have some good stuff in it like Spongebob trying to do good when really, he's doing bad (albeit not knowing).

I like how they included Patrick in this one as he probably is the best character in this episode and without him, I would've probably given this a "mediocre" raking...

Heck, without Patrick, we wouldn't have the "WE-WO WE-WO WE-WO!!!" scene!

This episode is also notable for being the first where Mrs.Puff gets arrested, I like how she foreshadows it if you think about it.

Overall I do think that this episode is good in my opinion and overall is a 7.5/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 7b: Jellyfish Jam
Air Date: August 28th 1999
Production Number: SB-118

The episode is good (once again)

I was debating on ranking it meh a bit mainly because of how the Jellyfish acted in the episode, but really they just wanted to party, and besides they did redeemed themselves at the end of the episode...

Squidward kinda deserved getting stung though he thought that it was Spongebob partying so he kinda doesn't...

I do like how this is the first episode to dabble into digital animation with a few scenes (Spongebob's house moving sparaticly and the final shot at Jellyfish Fields)...

I also like the trippy dance scene as it'd probably took some time to get that done (though they could have used digital effects for the colors)...

Overall this is (in my opinion) a 7.5/10
Season 1 Episode 8a: Sandy's Rocket
Air Date: September 4th 1999
Production Number: SB-110

This episode is a nice one...

We have the first episode that has space in it (plus are first appearance of Flats).

I do like how Spongebob and Patrick think that Bikini Bottom is an optical illusion made by aliens when they got back from space, though it did get a bit redundant when Spongebob and Patrick captured Sandy thinking she was an alien...

Like seriously, at least there was some reason to capture the others, but you literally see Sandy wearing her full outfit.

But I can't hold it against them...

At least by the end, Spongebob gets stranded on the Moon and he gets karma from the Bikini Bottomites.

Overall this episode is Great in my opinion, 8/10

On to the next segment (one that I'm looking forward to)...

Season 1 Episode 8b: Squeaky Boots
Air Date: September 4th 1999
Production Number: SB-102

Interesting that this episode was held off until Episode 8...

Anyways, this episode is one of my favorites, Mr.Krabs sanity going from great to insane was executed perfectly.

Pearl is introduced in this episode, and in my opinion, she's a mixed bag...

I like how Mr.Krabs does get Karma, but in a way, it's a bit harsh...

Squidward is relatable in this episode, mainly because people would probably get annoyed by that squeaking from the boots...

Overall, this episode was Amazing and it's a 9/10 for me...

And with that episode/segment done, we have completed the first disc of Season 1, and let's just say, I never thought that I would get to this point...

Well join me at some point later, where we will be continuing on to Disc 2 of Season 1.
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Nice reviews! I noticed how the pineapple looked completely different from the rest of the other houses. It's because it was digital! My favorite scenes on Sandy's Rocket are when Patrick thought the computer in the rocket had a video game, and when SpongeBob and Patrick were floating up in space!
The episode did look like Help Wanted in terms of design.

Which is weird because we were past that fase (but hey it didn't bother me).
Season 1 Episode 9a: Nature Pants
Air Date: September 11th 1999
Production Number: SB-120

So what do I think of this episode?

Well it's an okay, almost borderlineing on meh but the ending is what saved it from getting the meh ranking...

I do have to say, Squidward technically breaks the fourth wall (though it's subtle and some might miss it).

But Anyways, why would Spongebob want to be with the jellyfish?

Because so far up to this point, Spongebob witnessed the queen stinging Squidward to the point of wearing a body cast in Jellyfishing, then they made a mess out Spongebob's house in Jellyfish Jam...

Literally the only episode that had the jellyfish not be hostile to any character was Tea at the Treedom, and that's the first episode where they appeared...

But aside from those criticisms, the episode is okay and has at least some memorable moments, like Patrick hunting Spongebob to make him a trophy (which was the birthplace of Savage Patrick).

I will respect the episode for what it's worth, so it's a 7/10 in my opinion...

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 9b: Opposite Day
Air Date: September 11th 1999
Production Number: SB-112

This episode is amazing and funny...

I like how Squidward makes up opposite day as a way to keep Spongebob quiet so his house can sell, however though, it all backfires on him because of Patrick.

I also like how Spongebob and Patrick (heck even Gary) decides to imitate Squidward and honestly that was funny.

I do like the end of the episode, as it was Spongebob and Patrick's karma that got them to that point, it pretty much balances out the episode a bit, as it wasn't harsh on Squidward if anything, Squidward was replaced by Spongebob and Patrick during middle of the episode...

So what do I think of the episode?

Well It's amazing (in my opinion), 9/10

On to the next episode...

Season 1 Episode 10a: Culture Shock
Air Date: September 18th 1999
Production Number: SB-122

I honestly feel bad for Squidward in this episode, but before we get on to that, let's talk about some notable things in this episode...

This is our second episode to use digital animation albeit only for one scene, which was at the beginning where Squidward fantasizes himself as the dancer in his book:

And this is technical (in production order) the first appearance of Spongebob's parents...

But anyways, the reason why I feel bad for Squidward is because he gets tomatoed even though he did a good dance while Spongebob gets the cheers for doing what? Mopping up the floors?

But the episode saves itself from being meh by supplying memorable moments, like the entire concept though the ending is a weak point for the episode (but not a bad one)

Overall (in my opinion), this episode is great 8/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 10b: F.U.N.
Air Date: September 18th 1999
Production Number: SB-121

This episode is amazing...

For one, Plankton's character was expanded a bit, so he wasn't like how he acted in Plankton! where he would do anything to get the Krabby Patty...

Instead what we got, was actually character development, where Plankton does bond with Spongebob and feels bad for stealing the Krabby Patty.

At least until he says "Evil is too good for me!"...

I also like to say that when I first started to draw Plankton, I mainly based my drawings on the pre-movie episodes and one of them is based on the scene where Plankton "I win! I win!!!".

Also this is Bubble Bass's last appearance with his iconic design, as in the next episode we see him in (which is Fools in April), he looks different...

Anyways, this episode is amazing (in my opinion) 9.5/10
Season 1 Episode 11b: Musclebob Buffpants
Air Date: September 25th 1999
Production Number: SB-123

What do I think of this episode?

It's a mixed bag (a.k.a. it's an okay episode)...

I do like how the gage in the episode is about Spongebob's arms, he either loses them or they hinder his ability.

I do have to question the logic for this episode, mainly when Spongebob gets his drink but can't lift it.

All is I can say is if he was at The Krusty Krab, he wouldn't even be able to flip Krabby Patties.

The ending was at least watchable though, so it gets some points for that...

Overall the episode is okay in my opinion, 7/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 11b: Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost
Air Date: September 25th 1999
Production Number: SB-115

The episode was great...

I do like how this episode implies death more than any other episode Spongebob today or episodes of the time that were on Nicktoons.

This was because it was one of (if not) the first episodes of Spongebob to get away with stuff that other shows on Nickelodeon couldn't (such as Patrick saying "dead").

Also the Flying Dutchman appears as a cameo in this episode, however though his first appearance in production order wasn't this one...

I also like how Spongebob still believes that Squidward is a ghost and thinks that he is in denial which if you put into context with the ending, it makes the episode a bit dark considering that they still think Squidward is dead...

Overall I like this episode and in my opinion, it is great 8.5/10

On to the next episode...

Season 1 Episode 12a: The Chaperone
Air Date: October 2nd 1999
Production Number: SB-113

It was almost a mediocre, but it didn't stray into that territory...

It's honestly a depressing episode, it starts out with Pearl crying because she lost her first date, then when Pearl almost crys a second time Spongebob ends up crying because he couldn't find something he and Pearl could do that was already ruined by him, and by the end of the episode Pearl and Spongebob gets kicked out and it was revealed that Spongebob used the realistic dummy he made...

I've basically summed up my thoughts about the episode, however though I do like that Mr.Krabs cares about Pearl (something that I didn't touch upon in my Culture Shock review) because during Seasons 1 to 3, Mr.Krabs didn't care about money more than his daughter...

Overall this episode is a meh 6/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 12b: Employee of the Month
Air Date: October 2nd 1999
Production Number: SB-125

Side Note: This is the last episode of Season 1 to be produced in 1998, as any episode after this point (beginning with Reef Blower) was produced in 1999...

Anyways, the episode is amazing...

It should go un-noted that if it hadn't been for Mr.Krabs saying that there could be a new face on the employee of the month wall, Spongebob wouldn't have thought Squidward was on to him and was challenging him.

I like how that's the case, and the fact that Spongebob does himself in once Squidward finally declares that he will be the employee of the month.

This is also Mr.Krabs karma due to him starting it (albeit unintentionally)...

I also like the ending, Spongebob and Squidward basically trying to best the other to the point of exploding The Krusty Krab...

Heck even the episode even ends in a cliffhanger, so it's up to interpretation as to who got the employee of the month award...

Overall this episode is amazing in my opinion 9/10
Season 1 Episode 13a: Scaredy Pants
Air Date: October 28th 1999
Production Number: SB-109

The episode is good for being a Halloween centric (and the first to do so)...

The episode was somewhat meanspirited towards Spongebob during the beginning but when Patrick appears, it starts to tone down a bit on Spongebob.

I like how we finally get an actual appearance of the Flying Dutchman (which he was voiced by Bill Murray's brother) and the first time we see him in the episode, he has no pupils which could be a contender for being a scary scene in Spongebob...

I like the ending, originally it was going to be a cliffhanger without the line "Don't worry, it grows back!" Which would've been pretty dark, but then they decided to change it to have the line added.

Overall this episode is good in my opinion, 7.5/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 13b: I Was a Teenage Gary
Air Date: October 28th 1999
Production Number: SB-117

In my opinion, this episode done better with the creepy factor than Scaredy Pants did...

It's also notable/noteworthy to say that this was the first episode to have time cards albeit without Frenchy saying it (though some prints of the episode do have Frenchy say "3 days later...").

I like how Squidward regrets his decision of not feeding Gary, as it adds some character to him and how we can forgive Squidward...

I also like how by the end of this episode, Spongebob and Squidward now transformed (alongside with Gary) are singing (which pays some tribute to the golden age of animation with the depiction of alley cats) and how Patrick responds to the singing by throwing a boot at Squidward (which is kind of karma)...

Overall, this episode is great in my opinion 8/10
Season 1 Episode 14a: SB-129
Air Date: December 31st 1999
Production Number: SB-129 (obviously)

The episode is pretty surreal, though considering that this episode aired during New Year's Eve 1999, it fits well as a special of sorts...

I like how Squidward ends up freezing himself while trying to avoid going jellyfishing with Spongebob and Patrick, which no one over the 2000 years of Squidward being trapped in that freezer has never considered looking for him (though Spongebob and Patrick could have made few attempts to find him over the course of their lifetimes).

I also like the "future" and "primitive" sections of the episode as it begins to take off from there.

I do like how Squidward just breaks the time machine by accident trying to get back to the present, but ends up getting kicked out of time itself and into a boundary of which is somewhat indescribable...

Some things to note is that this is the first "Post Reef Blower/SB-127" episode, the first to have Frenchy say the timecards, and it introduces another meme which is Primitive Sponge doing a pose...

It also has digital animation during the scene where Primitive Sponge and Seastar are drooling:

Overall this episode is amazing in my opinion 9/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 14b: Karate Choppers
Air Date: December 31st 1999
Production Number: SB-135

Episode was boring...

I don't know why, but it could be because it was one of the few episodes on Absorbing Favorites that I'd watch whenever doing a complete watch of it.

And honestly, seeing that episode many times really doesn't help my feelings towards it (though I'll give it a okay albeit below-average).

I do think that this episode is notable for 2 things: Spongebob gets fired (albeit rehired after Sandy convinces Mr.Krabs to give him another chance) and the fact that it's the last segment/episode to air in the 1990s and the 20th Century...

I do like how Spongebob is fixated on karate and his goal of trying to beat Sandy, which bleeds into his working hours of The Krusty Krab (where he usually is fixated on getting work done) to the point of thinking that Sandy is in disguise...

Overall in my opinion, the episode is a below-average okay 6.9/10
Season 1 Episode 15a: Sleepy Time
Air Date: January 17th 2000
Production Number: SB-141

The episode is interesting...

I do like how every character has a dream that matches their personality (i.e Mr.Krabs, Patrick, and Plankton's dreams are the most notable in my opinion)...

My favorite dream sequences (aside from Patrick's) are Gary's, Mr.Krabs, and Plankton's dreams because, I don't know, I just like how there interpreted.

To be honest, there really isn't much to talk about this episode except for the dream sequences, the reveal of when Spongebob and Mr.Krabs were born (being 7/86 and 11/42 respectively), the fact that this is the last episode produced for Season 1 meaning the last episode made in Traditional Animation, and the fact that this is the first episode to air in the 2000s and 21st Century.

However though, I like the idea of the episode and that's why it's going to get a 8/10 great from me (in my opinion).

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 15b: Suds
Air Date: January 17th 2000
Production Number: SB-132

A pretty great episode...

I like how Patrick tries to help Spongebob, even though it's not helping him at least he's trying to help.

I also like the inclusion of Sandy in this episode, as she knows that Spongebob needs an actual doctor in order to help him get better...

I like the ending of the episode, as we see Spongebob and Patrick being used as cleaning utensils (albeit Spongebob getting the better piece of the stick than Patrick).

Someone probably had to pay big money to get Tom Kenny in the shower with a camera behind him while getting washed by a guy holding a sponge...

Also the episode gives Patrick karma, but it's not that bad considering that he impersonated a doctor and the fact that he gets the same treatment as Spongebob...

Overall I think that this episode is well deserving of an 8.5/10 Great (in my opinion)...

On to the next episode...

Season 1 Episode 16a: Valentine's Day
Air Date: February 14th 2000
Production Number: SB-128

This is an episode I tackled on my Top 10 list so my opinions are bound to change...

Anyways, is this episode worth the rewatch? Short answer; Yes, Long answer; I don't have one...

I still think that this is one of my favorite episodes of this series, even if Patrick was a bit of an ungrateful jerk in this episode (though the reason why I'm saying that is because of the ending when Patrick says "Oh Spongebob, you didn't have to get me anything...").

To be honest I do think that the episode is overhated by some, and that's kinda why I'm defending Patrick's actions in this episode...

Because if you were in Patrick's place and having all this built up excitement, you'd probably would have been disappointed just like Patrick when all you get is a "Friendly Handshake" (albeit going on a rampag due to that)...

But Anyways, I do think that this episode is still good and after rewatching it, it gets an 8/10 Great from me...

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 16b: The Paper
Air Date: February 14th 2000
Production Number: SB-134

This is an episode that tackled on my Top 10 list, so my opinions are bound change...

Anyways, what do I think of this episode now?

Well, aside from the ending, it's a great episode...

I like how this episode is kind of a precursor to Idiot Box, as those two episodes have a similar plot and how the endings of both episodes affect Squidward in a way.

I do have to say, I feel bad for Squidward by the end of this episode as he's now homeless (but hey, he at least has a job)...

Basically, this episode is pretty simple but noteworthy for being one of the rarer episodes of Spongebob to air on TV due to it being paired with Valentine's Day...

Overall in my opinion, this episode is great 8/10

And that's it for Disc 2 of Season 1, join me on Disc 3 where I'm going to speed through that disc in order to make the deadline of getting this finished by December 31st 2021...
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Season 1 Episode 17a: Arrgh!
Air Date: March 15th 2000
Production Code: SB-130

This episode is pretty great...

For one, I like how we have Patrick in this episode instead of Squidward, as most episodes related around The Krusty Krab or Mr.Krabs for that matter usually has Squidward involved as well...

I like how The Flying Dutchman returns (albeit only at the end of the episode)...

Mr.Krabs greed is the downfall of getting the treasure as if he hadn't brought along Spongebob and Patrick, he'd probably of gotten the treasure all to himself, and that's what I like about these episodes, It makes you think!

The one thing to note is that this is the first episode since Episode 12 to resume airing episodes of Spongebob every week instead of every month...

Overall this episode is (in my opinion) an 8.5/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 17b: Rock Bottom
Air Date: March 15th 2000
Production Code: SB-138

Honestly, aside from the ending of the episode, it's a meh...

I honestly feel bad for Spongebob in this one because he can't be able to catch a bus, and unless it's that guy who got whacked by the glove balloon at the beginning, driving every single one of those buses, then all the blame goes to that bud driver...

I do think that this episode isn't talked about that much, mainly because of how rare it is to see it on TV and DVD (literally, this episode is mostly exclusive to Complete sets)...

The one thing that I like about this episode is the ending, as Spongebob finally gets out of Rock Bottom thanks to a friendly looking dragon fish (I don't know if that's what he's based on but I do know that it isn't an anglerfish)...

I also do like how Patrick goes back for Spongebob though by that point, he's not there, and Patrick is probably going to get strung up in a similar predicament similar to Spongebob's...

Overall in my opinion, this episode is a meh 6/10

On to the next episode...

Season 1 Episode 18a: Texas
Air Date: March 22nd 2000
Production Code: SB-139

The episode is amazing...

I like how people can relate to Sandy in this episode, mainly when they moved away to a different place with different people that you're not familiar with...

I also like how Spongebob and Patrick's only way to get Sandy to The Krusty Krab was to basically make fun of Texas (in general) and well, it worked but at the cost of Patrick getting hogtied by Sandy as well as Spongebob being at The Krusty Krab at the right time.

Also Patrick still saying that Texas is stupid at the end of the episode is funny...

Overall this episode is amazing in my opinion, 9/10

On to the next segment

Season 1 Episode 18b: Walking Small
Air Date: March 22nd 2000
Production Code: SB-133

The episode is great almost amazing...

I like how this feels like an actual sequel to Plankton! because I feel that F.U.N. fits in on its own and the other episodes Plankton appears in during this Season, are usually cameos.

I also like how we don't have The Krusty Krab (with the secret formula) as the main focus here, instead we have Plankton trying to turn Goo La Goon into his new restaurant "The Chum Bucket: Mega Bucket!" As Plankton says...

Also this is one of the more memorable Plankton episodes as its usual memed...

Overall in my opinion, this episode is great 8.5/10

Side Note; Starting with Walking Small, I'll use my TV as a way to watch these episodes instead of my DVD portable because that died while I was watching this episode (it was the reason why Naughty Nautical Neighbors was delayed) but it doesn't mean I will stop using my DVD portable, as I might continue using it once I'm done with Season 1 and when I begin Season 2...
I like that everything is rate as either a whole number or a number that ends with .5 and then you gave a 6.9 rating. nice
Season 1 Episode 19a: Fools in April
Air Date: April 1st 2000
Production Code: SB-140

This episode is great...

I like how Squidward realizes that he did something wrong to Spongebob, and actually tries to apologize to him for what he did but can't due to him being a grouch.

I also like how Patrick literally tells the truth to Squidward, saying "It must've been good to make him cry like that" which is the truth considering that Squidward laughs at Spongebob during the prank he pulled on him...

Also Bubble Bass returns but like I said in my F.U.N. review, he's looks different and this look isn't that iconic compared to the other one; the classic dark and light green with the orange shorts and shirt...

But this design...
Not really as iconic as the first...

Also Squidwards mom debuts in this episode, showing other characters family that wasn't Spongebob's...

Overall this episode is (in my opinion) great 8/10

On to the next segment...

Season 1 Episode 19b: Neptune's Spatula
Air Date: April 1st 2000
Production Code: SB-137

It's amazing just like Spongebob's cooking...

I like how Neptune is a new character, and the fact that he carries the episode mostly.

I also like how Patrick stands up for Spongebob, even to the point of getting zapped into ashes.

Also how many times are we going to see this guy (Tom Kenny) in the shower?
Just 2 times at least...

Also I consider this the funniest part of the episode, and Tom Kenny performance in that shower just makes it funnier!

I like how the moral of the episode is that you can't make Krabby Patty's with magic and have to be made with love, or else they'll taste like processed chicken...

Overall, this episode (in my opinion) is amazing and gets a 9/10
Season 1 Episode 20a: Hooky
Air Date: April 8th 2000
Production Code: SB-136

This episode is something...

I like the beginning and middle of the episode, as it had Patrick acting like a doofus and the fact that Mr.Krabs is worried about them.

The ending on the other hand, well that's the low point of the episode, as Mr.Krabs does make sure that Spongebob doesn't go around the hooks but in the process he embarrasses Spongebob.

And honestly because of that, it loses some points...

I do like how this episode references Help Wanted the most than any other episode in this season (i.e. When Spongebob goes to work but Patrick says he's going the wrong way and the "Help Wanted" sign)...

Overall this episode (in my opinion) is a meh episode 6/10

On to the next (a.k.a. final Season 1) segment (and one I'm looking forward to)...

Season 1 Episode 20b: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II
Air Date: April 8th 2000
Production Code: SB-131

This episode is so far my favorite MM&BB episode mainly because it's funny...

I do like how this episode has some gags throughout the episode, the first gag being used for the beginning of the episode which is Spongebob blowing the Conch Signal a lot of times and the second being Barnacle Boy and how he's harmed which is throughout the episode.

Like seriously, Barnacle Boy gets hurt exactly 7 times in this episode, and every time he gets hurt, it's pretty funny...

Also The Dirty Bubble first appears here and it's the first time we see a main villain that's a recurring one throughout the series being on screen.

Also this episode is notable for being the last episode of Season 1 and the last episode of the series to be aired every week (at least until what ever Season breaks it)...

Overall in my opinion, this episode is funny and amazing and it gets a 9.5/10

And that's it, that's all of the Season 1 episodes and to be honest... I didn't think that I would get this far into reviewing but hey, I did it!

So join me on Season 2 as episodes 1 and 2 will be reviewed tomorrow...

Before I do that however, there will be a bonus review so stick around!
Bonus Review!!! #1:
KK Short: I'm Urchin You to Leave
Air Date: Feburary 2nd 2021 (On DVD; Canada) / July 13th 2021 (On DVD; U.S.A.)
Production Code: N/A

A great short, considering that I haven't seen it until now...

I like how this is based on Eak! An Urchin but just not at the Krusty Krab and instead, it's at Kamp Koral.

I also like how Squidward gets progressively worse when the urchin is in the cabin.

For being the first Kamp Koral short, it's (like I said above) great, and (in my opinion) gets a 8/10 from me...

Now why am I doing this review instead of going on to Season 2? Well, everytime when I get to the end of a season, I'll do these bonus reviews (Season 2 will have a Stephen Hillenburg tribute while Season 3 will have the Help Wanted review).

I don't know if I'll do the same with Season 4, but that depends, but anyways, tomorrow I will truly begin with the reviewing of Season 2...
Season 2 Episode 1a (21a): Your Shoe's Untied
Air Date: November 2nd 2000
Production Code: SB-142

The episode is good for being a premier to Season 2...

Now one of the things that you'll notice in this season is that it's the first one to be animated in digital, not traditional.

But anyways aside from that, the episode has a few things to note, such as the beginning of it where Spongebob changes the channel when Gary comes into the livingroom.

Also Harold, shut up because you're not even wearing clothes, if anything, three others aren't wearing anything yet walk out of The Krusty Krab because Mr.Krabs is wearing underwear...

Anyways, I like how this episode has Spongebob in a relatable position where he doesn't know how to tie his shoes, and some people can relate to Spongebob in this episode because of it.

I also like how this episode is the most Season 1 looking out of this entire season (being that it was possibly put into production in 1999).

Also this episode is notable for the fact that Patrick gets his Z-Eyebrows in this episode though it's at the end, because during this episode he still has his M-Eyebrows...

Anyways you know what it's going to be ranked as, and it's a good episode in my opinion 7.5/10

On to the next segment...

Season 2 Episode 1b (21b): Squid's Day Off
Air Date: November 2nd 2000
Production Number: SB-145

This is an episode that I talked on my Top 10 list, so my opinion is bound to change on this one...

So Anyways, It's a great episode and still is...

It's just nostalgic to me being that when I first watched the episode, it was on the Seascape Capers VHS, and the fact that I remember watching it on there.

It's also pretty funny when Squidward gets distraughted and he makes this face:

And don't worry! This face will return...

I do like how this episode ends, it makes you feel bad for Squidward because even though he didn't get "tortured", he still went through everything in this episode only to have it all be for nothing because the restaurant was somewhat closed throughout.

Anyways, the episode is great in my opinion and gets a 8.5/10

See you in 2022, guys...
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Season 1 Episode 7a: Hall Monitor
Air Date: August 28th 1999
Production Number: SB-108

You know, this is episode is good...

It does have some good stuff in it like Spongebob trying to do good when really, he's doing bad (albeit not knowing).

I like how they included Patrick in this one as he probably is the best character in this episode and without him, I would've probably given this a "mediocre" raking...

Heck, without Patrick, we wouldn't have the "WE-WO WE-WO WE-WO!!!" scene!

This episode is also notable for being the first where Mrs.Puff gets arrested, I like how she foreshadows it if you think about it.

Overall I do think that this episode is good in my opinion and overall is a 7.5/10

On to the next segment...

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Season 1 Episode 7b: Jellyfish Jam
Air Date: August 28th 1999
Production Number: SB-118

The episode is good (once again)

I was debating on ranking it meh a bit mainly because of how the Jellyfish acted in the episode, but really they just wanted to party, and besides they did redeemed themselves at the end of the episode...

Squidward kinda deserved getting stung though he thought that it was Spongebob partying so he kinda doesn't...

I do like how this is the first episode to dabble into digital animation with a few scenes (Spongebob's house moving sparaticly and the final shot at Jellyfish Fields)...

I also like the trippy dance scene as it'd probably took some time to get that done (though they could have used digital effects for the colors)...

Overall this is (in my opinion) a 7.5/10

Nice, detailed, and informative reviews! With interesting facts! I like the high quality images too. I never knew this episode used some digital animation. I always thought the some scenes of this episode looked "newer," and that explains it! Cool even in season 1 they played a little with digital. Also, I just remembered, my username comes from this episode!
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Season 2 Episode 2a (22a): Something Smells
Air Date: October 26th 2000
Production Code: SB-143

(SIDE NOTE: It's been a while hasn't it? Well I'm back, but only for a little...

Anyways let's get on to the review!)

It's a good episode, boarding on the "great" ranking...

It has probably a few of the most memorable moments from this season (plus the entirety of pre movie all together), with scenes being Patrick telling his story "The Ugly Barnacle", Patrick giving Spongebob motivation, and probably the entirety of the end of the episode (when Spongebob and Patrick go to the movies to when they hug Squidward).

But I do think that it is kinda repetitive being how it is one of the more memorable and acclaimed episodes of series (plus how it spun off it's own memes), so I would expect it to be seen pretty commonly throughout the internet...

I do like how Patrick helps Spongebob by trying to motivate him, which is something we don't see from Patrick that much...

Sure, he may be Spongebob's most loyal friend, but I do think that this episode (along with Boating School) are two great examples of how Patrick is shown to be pretty helpful to Spongebob and not just be a lovable (or loathed) idiot.

Overall, the episode is a 7.5/10 (good) in my opinion...

On to the next segment...

Season 2 Episode 2b (22b): Bossy Boots
Air Date: October 26th 2000
Production Code: SB-146

The episode is great, and it was nice to rewatch it again...

I do like how this episode actually dives into how The Krusty Krab kinda effects everyone's mentality...

Squidward and the rebranding affected him mentally, Pearl and the rebranding affected her socially, Spongebob and the rebranding affected him emotionally, and Mr.Krabs and the rebranding affected him financially.

If you do take a deep dive into this (like I have), you could see how deep this episode is (like a "don't judge a book by its cover" thing).

But if you look at the episode on its surface, it's a nice episode that doesn't get talked about that often...

Overall this episode in my opinion is Great 8.5/10