BrutalWreckage said:
1. Yes, episode consensus does change over time. We're not talking about changes within years or after some thought, though, we're talking several months later after the episode premiered when it just suddenly changed to people outright despising the episode. The argument being made here is that the change is so rapid and seems a bit forced, given the fact that before November there really wasn't any Season 10 episode that had too much infamy.
Sportz was always called bland and it slowly gained a few people who outright despise it, and most have announced their hate at completely different time periods, me multiple pages in the episode discussion before Slug (and I even hated it at the first airing), another person over time, and someone else who waited until SBC's Top 50 worst episodes list only a few months ago to reveal it as their 4th worst. There is no indications of us all choosing to gang up on a random season 10 episode whatsoever, the timings don't match up, the fact that we chose only one episode instead of the entire season to hate makes no sense, and other episodes in season 10 like Krusty Katering were not liked at first release either.
BrutalWreckage said:
2. I'm not lying about anything. Several people have complained about Sportz having weird animation errors like the names on the box for instance. And I just listed that one complaint because I don't feel like writing a goddamn essay about a SpongeBob episode, especially since the rest just mostly comes down to interpretation. You either like the slapstick or hate the slapstick, like the character's portrayals or hate them, etc.
The thing is that there is no possible way for that to be an animation error. Animation errors are completely unintentional things like accidental miscolorings, the names on the box do not fall into such lines. The box had the name explicitly on there in the beginning, had the names there for Sandy to eventually discover, and had the name clearly facing the audience for the entire 30 second plus long scene. That is not an animation error, that falls into writing and direction, which are the episode's main issues with the detractors.
BrutalWreckage said:
3. What honest criticism? Not one person I have seen outside of these forums agrees that these posts are anything more than pettiness over Pieguy simply disagreeing with the general consensus on an episode. Oh, so you hate the fact that Pieguy got so bored of Lost and Found that he looked at the backgrounds? Such a huge problem!
There are episode topics on here and SBC, the SpongeBob Wikia comments and discussion pages, and an entire entry on SBC's worst episode of 2018 list where Sportz was ranked the 30th worst episode of the show via the format. I would link to them myself, but I think there may be stray curse words and I do not wish to get in trouble for directly linking to what could be considered innappropriate content on SBM, so you will have to look for those yourself.
BrutalWreckage said:
And again, they are petty jokes that serve no purpose other than to show how upset you are at one person's opinion. Also, don't get into irreleveancies. My username and profile pic changes have nothing to do with the conversation at hand here.
You are generalizing a specific set of members while also being hypocritical. Your defenses have been irrational, and have been argued against with no actual counterarguments from yourself, as you instead resort to things like calling people "petty"
BrutalWreckage said:
No one's lying about anything here. I'm simply stating arguments that have been made by certain people and explaining why I personally think they're ridiculous.
Says the person still lying and agreeing with the false point about us hating Sportz to gang up on an episode and hating Pieguy's review for reasons that you take completely out of context in order to twist them into your own narratives.
BrutalWreckage said:
I'm not taking this argument seriously anymore anyway. If people want to be this upset and immature over an opinion on a SpongeBob episode, that's their call. I should probably stop replying to these messages since this is all just a waste of breath.
It's not the opinions of Sportz or Pieguy's video, it's his defender's immature and farcical responses to people who have criticized his video. I simply want to clear my name, yet you keep falling back onto your web of lies.
jack_of_all_traids said:
If people can't handle an unpopular opinion, that's their problem, not yours. People are too sensitive in this day and age. You keep doing what you do best :thumbsup:
If someone blatantly lies about you in order to make you and your opinion look bad and uninformed to others, would you honestly take that lying down? I wouldn't because I want at least a basic level of decency and respect that should be expected to everyone yet some users are completely failing to give that.
Let me make this clear if it's genuinely gotten lost: I have no grudges against Pieguy himself. I disagree with his video, but I'd be willing to leave it at that. However, multiple users on here are attempting a clear cut smear campaign against those who disagree with him, all of this intentionally being done behind our backs as well
as we aren't regulars on SBM, thus making this a perfect place to talk trash about us without us ever knowing. That didn't happen, but it's still downright scummy. That's what I'm getting so "sensitive" about, and if that's being sensitive then you clearly won't mind if I wrongly mock you elsewhere now.