Pinned thread Episode or Episode

Pest of the West

Truth or Square or The Clash of Triton
Truth or Square

Krabby Road Or Sheldon S SquarePants
I Had an Accident

The Other Patty or SpongeBob On Parade
SpongeBob on Parade

SquidBob TentaclePants or Squiditis
SquidBob TentaclePants

Hysterical History or PL-1413

The Splinter or Slide Whistle Stooges
BassWard (Never watched Swamp Mates.)

Pizza Delivery or Karate Choppers?
No Weenies Allowed

Truth or Square, or SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout?
SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout

Big Sister Sam or Sandy's Nutty Nieces
Graveyard Shift

Gramma's Secret Recipe or Grandmum's the Word
Grooming Gary

Not Normal or Gone
Band Geeks

New Leaf or Once Bitten?
Once Bitten

Gary in Love or The Masterpiece?
Gary in Love

Something Narwhal This Way Comes or C.H.U.M.S?