Here's the story for the Hugs "Party for One" plus a little sketch that took me WAY too long. These stories are mostly just for myself but I decided I'd share them. Sorry if this doesn't sound all that great this is my first one.
Hugs really does not have good experiences with parties, this and "What Party" (in the works) really proved that.
Please ask me any questions you have!
Back in the times was only 5, while 6 now, Hugs was happy that he gets to have a birthday party. Sure, he might have set it up on his own, his parents not providing any help, as usual, but Hugs had come to expect that. Hugs was 6 now, surely he could set up a party for him and his few friends he'd invited.
Hugs set Kyle up in the chair right next to him. He'd made sure everyone had their reserved seats. He was thrilled, everyone said they could come. Four, Stormy, and Puro were all 3 of his friends. It was a surprisingly well made party for being set up by a kindergartner.
After all was set up, all there was to do was wait for his friends to arrive. Hugs sat in his chair hopefully, his Kyle plushie had a hat on, well, he had to be dressed for the special occasion. Hugs wasn't exactly the most patient child though, he paced back and forth and looked out his window maybe three or four times. It felt like the time for the party would never come.
By the starting time of the party, Hugs had already tired himself out by pacing around and having to pull himself up on the window sill to see outside. He was a little disappointed no one had arrived a little early, but he hadn't given up hope completely. He'd put in all his effort to make today fun, and he knew his loyal buddies would want to have fun with him. Why wouldn't they show up? They all said they would, and Hugs believed that. His friends rarely ever lied to him.
Minutes passed and Hugs still waited for people to show up. Every time a car passed, Hugs felt a little hopeful, a little excited. Was it really them? But every single time, the car would pass, leaving Hugs alone at his party again. He grabbed Kyle off of his chair and squeezed him. He tried to stay hopeful, but it was getting harder and harder as time passed by. He was starting to feel like maybe none of them were going to show up. This thought made him tear up a bit. Why did they say they'd come if they didn't want to?
Sure, maybe his friends were up to something else and since they had no phones of their own, how could they have told Hugs anyway? But Hugs was stuck on the thought that maybe no one wanted to come to his party. Hugs had gone to all their's, bringing them things he bought with his small amount of money he had, and even sneaking out of his house when his parents said he didn't need to go. He tried to be the best friend someone could ever have. But maybe he wasn't. He thought to himself a bit, wondering if they liked them just as much as he liked them.
An hour passed and Hugs still had no guests. He held Kyle a little tighter, knowing that even if none of his friends showed up, he'd still have Kyle to hug. Kyle would be his party guest.
"It'll be fine," Hugs whispered, but it was so quiet that even if anyone had been around him, they wouldn't even hear it. Hugs was saying it like he was telling Kyle it'd be okay, but in reality, he was telling himself. But would it be okay? This was his first ever party and no one showed up.
Hugs' mom watched as Hugs slowly began to cry. Even she was a little surprised no one came. She knew Hugs had friends, despite her careless attitude towards him. But she did not feel bad. She did not think Hugs really needed a birthday party anyway. She didn't think it was necessary to celebrate Hugs just being alive, that was a bare minimum, and 6 years wasn't even that long. So she did not care to attend Hugs' party, she just watched carelessly as her sons failed party crumbled. But there was a sense of feeling that she knew this'd happen. Despite being good buddies, Hugs' friends were understandably terrified of Hugs' mom, just like Hugs was.
Hugs cried, he held his only guest, his valued plushie Kyle. Kyle always made him feel even a little better, his fabric, though worn, felt soft and comforting. But Kyle couldn't really talk to Hugs or hug him back, as he was just a plushie. Hugs cried, he just wanted at least someone to show up to his party. And it made him more sad to think: maybe he was just as useless and lonely as his mom had always said he was. He couldn't even get anyone to show up to his party.
"Happy birthday," Hugs said to himself. "There's always hope for next year." Hugs held Kyle closer, knowing that even if no one showed up, he was going to try to be the best friend he could be. Even if no one else would, he wanted to make sure none of his friends felt the same way he did that day. As a young one, there was still a small amount of hope for his future.
Tell me what you think, if you wanna see more, PLEASE ask me questions and tell me how you feel about it.