Top 30 worthy, this episode is really funny and clever indeed. One of the best post movie episodes.
Okay, with that out of the way, I want to talk about an incredibly false rumor that's spreading around about this episode, and people actually believe it :patnotamused: . The rumor is that Krusty Towers was originally a season 3 episode, written by pre-movie writers, but got moved to season 4 and that's why the episode is so good. It's not true and here's why: the writers of Krusty Towers, Luke Brookshier, Tom King and Steven Banks, all started working on the show after season 3 ended, the first episode they've made was Funny Pants which was a season 4 episode, so that means they're post movie writers, and how could Krusty Towers be originally a season 3 episode IF the makers of the episode started working in season 4?
The reason why I'm trying hard to bust this rumour is because a lot of people believe it, and I find it really disrespectful to not give the people who actually wrote this episode credit and instead give the credit to people who didn't make it, just basically saying "Oh look, a good post movie episode?! Impossibleh! This must've been written by pre movie writers, that's probably why it's so good, see post movie writers, you suck, this is how you make an episode!"