55b. Mid-Life Crustacean

For the 5 year olds, it's just good clean lulz
For me, it's a decent episode with an OK plot, and decent but dirty jokes, making it unforgetable.
Elderly Fish: Hey, no cuttin'! You gotta wait your turn like everybody else in line! [Mr. Krabs notices a long line in front of the Bikini Bottom Cemetery]
Mr. Krabs: No! No! I ain't old like you! I ain't old! I ain't old! [runs away]
Elderly Fish: What's his problem? [the line is for ice cream]

The "Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?" and panty raid scene are gold. 9/10
This is one of those episodes that seems like it's written more for adults than for kids. Not only because of the panty raid bit, but the plot and the jokes in general seem more geared toward adults. Anyway, I love this one, it's one of the better Mr. Krabs episodes, and a rather unique one at that, since he doesn't mention money once throughout the whole thing. Now that's rare!
I loved this episode. It's not one of the best episode of this season because I've seen a lot of better season 3 episodes than this but It's one of the best Mr. Krabs episodes. There were lots of hilarious parts in this episode. Mr. Krabs swallowing a giant pill was very funny. SpongeBob and Patrick yelling at Squidward was hilarious. The part when SpongeBob, Patrick and Mr. Krabs went to the wash was hilarious. "Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?" parts really made me laugh, especially the part with Patrick riding on a guy's back and saying "I'm feeling it, SpongeBob!" and then SpongeBob saying "Patrick, that's not a ride!". "Are you ready to par-tay" parts were really funny. Panty-raid part was also funny. 10/10
One of the best episodes IMO. It was hilarious, but I thought it has some weird jokes. :\
Are you ready to party? was the best part.
Overall: 9.5/10
REALLY FUNNY! They go to some "CRAZY" places, huh??? The episode is really funny! The plot and the jokes are great! Although, how did they get away with the panty raid??? Everyone thinks that...
"panty raid" and "are you feeling now Mr. Krabs"

Man, this episode is fun, really fun. Loved the dirty joke. XD
Season: 3

Episode: Mid-Life Crustacean

This episode was very good. The plot was good. There were many funny jokes. 8.5/10
It was SOOOO funny and everything run soo smoothly...It's one of these episodes I never get tired of..Mr.Krabs thinking that he's old was so so funny...the beggining was HILARIOUS, so it was the song..''You're Olddd'' :P Then the scene at the Krusty Krab was funny too..I don't think elders would be offended by this..they'd find it humorous...Squidward's mad yell at SB and Patrick yelling at their fun night was HILARIOUS too, then you know...everything was F-U-N-N-Y ..I couldn't stop laughing, every single thing about it is funny...Mr.Krabs spying on his mama clothes , HILARIOUS...The ending was funny too.. 10'/10
This episode is pretty notable for the maturity of most of the jokes in this episode, but they are hilarious! "The Wash" scene and especially the "Panty Raid", when I saw them as a kid I was almost shocked like, "Oh my gosh, did they really get away with that!" I would say thought a lot of clever writing and a well-structured story had came out of this episode with minimum settings. Lackluster, not as memorable, ending though. 9/10