49a. Krab Borg

Didn't care for the ending, and the beginning was decent but not great. The middle is pure gold though.

Funny episode. I don't think it's bad, but I don't think it's fantastic either. I feel like the concept of Mr. Krabs being a robot could have been explored a bit more, but it's still pretty good.

Ranking so far:
1. Snowball Effect (A+)
2. Can You Spare A Dime? (A+)
3. Idiot Box (A+)
4. Just One Bite (A)
5. No Weenies Allowed (A)
6. Nasty Patty (A)
7. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV (A)
8. The Bully (B)
9. Doing Time (B)
10. Squilliam Returns (B)
11. The Algae's Always Greener (B)
12. Krab Borg (B)
13. One Krab's Trash (B)
14. My Pretty Seahorse (C)
15. Club SpongeBob (C)
16. SpongeGuard on Duty (C)
17. As Seen On TV (D)
Solid episode. It is a little repetitive, and the interrogation scene wasn't fantastic or anything, but it's still a nice episode. One of the weaker season 3 episodes though.

Good Episode (7.5/10)
This is a really good Mr. Krabs episode, and that's saying a lot considering the upcoming ones in this season aren't too good. The jokes and the plot in general are very well paced in this episode. The chemistry between the characters in this episode is also gold. The interrogation scene was entertaining for the most part, but it did feel a little repetitive at times. The good parts of this episode are too hard to ignore, though, so this episode gets a...

Great episode (9/10)

1. Idiot Box (10)
2. The Algae's Always Greener (9)
3. Snowball Effect (9)
4. Can You Spare A Dime? (9)
5. Just One Bite (9)
6. Krab Borg (9)
7. As Seen On Tv (8)
8. One Krabs Trash (8)
9. Nasty Patty (8)
10. No Weenies Allowed (8)
11. My Pretty Seahorse (7)
12. Squilliam Returns (7)
13. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy IV (7)
14. The Bully (7)
15. Doing Time (7)
16. Spongeguard on Duty (6)
17. Club Spongebob (6)
Aw yeah, Krab Borg is so epic! 10/10 really funny, 11th best episode of the show, very kool.
This is one of those episodes of spawned a bunch of YTPs. Anyways, I freaking love this one! It was hilarious!

I dont know why i like this episode but i do! Its probably because i like the gags a lot and plus its funny. It also has a funny plot and the Electric Zoo tune was pretty neat (p.s. its stuck in my head).

Rating: Amazing Episode

No Weenies Allowed (Golden)
Idiot Box (Perfect)
Krab Borg (Amazing!)
The Algaes Always Greener (Amazing!)
Just One Bite (Amazing!)
Squlliam Returns (Amazing!)
My Pretty Seahorse (Delightful)
Doing Time (Great)
Snowball Effect (Great)
One Krabs Trash (Good)
Can you Spare a Dime? (Good)
SpongeGuard on Duty (Okay)
Club SpongeBob (Meh)
Nasty Patty (Bad)
The Bully (Bad)
As Seen on TV (Bad)
I love this episode because of how well it succeeds at everything. The interactions between the characters feel so interesting and charming, the plot (while not brilliant) does make sense and let's not forget the jokes.

"Why couldn't the 11 year old get into the pirate movie? It was rated Arrrrrgh!" ~Squidward Tentacles
Next up, we've got "Krab Borg", an episode I always thought had a hyphen in its name until right this moment, it seems. I also kind of get it mixed up with "Imitation Krabs" but not really, idk, it's a weird situation there haha. Whatever the case, "Krab Borg" is definitely better than "Imitation Krabs" to me, so let's talk about it!

As CEO of Gary the Snail, I love that he and SpongeBob have movie nights together, that's so cute. And I love that SpongeBob is so dead-set on watching this scary movie, even as Gary tells him that he shouldn't cuz he'll be up scared all night. And lo and behold, that's exactly what goes down. I guess he ends up sleeping, but he gets nightmares the whole time so, yeah he's still a scaredy pants. It's funny watching SpongeBob's paranoia get the best of him, both in this beginning portion and the rest of the episode, to the point where he'll even question if Gary is a robot despite having lived with him for years now.

SpongeBob's paranoia really begins to shine once he gets to the Krusty Krab, and we have some great faces and voice acting while SpongeBob mans the grill, screaming out in terror at inanimate objects he's falsely perceiving to be robots. The "I surrender" part is just too funny, and gets me laughing every time. One thing I like about this episode is that SpongeBob immediately tells Squidward that he got this whole paranoia from a movie, it's not some drawn-out thing where it all turns out to be from fiction (though we do get a play on that trope which works infinitely better) or something, and SpongeBob doesn't really hide that he's feeling paranoid. It's the little things, you know? I love how he literally asks a customer if they're a robot, just too funny.

And then we get to the meat and potatoes of the episode, which is when SpongeBob walks by Mr. Krabs' office and becomes convinced that he's a robot. I love the dramatics of it, especially when the camera zooms in on SpongeBob as he says "...a robot" (and I love that this happens again a bit later in the episode, it works just as well). At least SpongeBob isn't so far gone that he doesn't dismiss the possibility when it first arises. But as we all know, the paranoia gets the better of him...

I love that we see Mr. Krabs being a fan of some electronic music, even getting up and dancing to it. It adds a nice fun element to his character, seeing him actually enjoy and have fun with something that isn't money. Too bad he dances so robotically as to set off all of SpongeBob's robot alarms. Another gag I really like in this episode is another one of those gags that deconstructs cartoon logic in a way, when Squidward throws SpongeBob in the kitchen and he reappears behind him, and Squidward's all like "how did you" only to be ignored. Little things like that are my favorites.

The whole section of SpongeBob trying to prove that Mr. Krabs is a robot to Squidward is great, and I love how much more annoyed Mr. Krabs gets with every attempt. And don't worry Squidward, I thought your pirate joke was funny. Mr. Krabs' reaction is pretty good though, just stick to your day job Mr. Squidward. And I love how Squidward refuses to consider that maybe his joke was just bad, that's so in character for him. That's one thing I really like about this show, it stays true to the characters (most of the time), and writes jokes around that, or more accurately, integrating that. It doesn't sacrifice established character traits for jokes. Anyway, this whole segment climaxes with Mr. Krabs barging out of his office with red, burning eyes, seemingly battery-powered and with a metal "claw" for a hand. Everyone's voice acting is once again great here, and I love the sense of panic exuded between the music, the voice acting, and the visuals.

And of course, I have to mention one of the best bits in this episode, the "not the navy", just too funny! It raises a lot of questions too, like does Bikini Bottom have a navy? Are they calling the navy of the surface world? And knowledge of the surface world seems to be widespread, if Squidward's correction of "our world" over the intercom is any implication. The whole poop bit is also pretty funny. Sometimes you can appreciate some toilet humor, you know?

And then of course, we have the great interrogation scene with Mr. Krabs. I love how SpongeBob truly has no idea what he's doing here, and Squidward gets way too into it and it's so funny. Mr. Krabs getting increasingly upset, and SpongeBob and Squidward getting increasingly unconfident, is entertaining to watch. But of course, the best part of it all is the ending, when SpongeBob gets the hell out of dodge and Squidward sheepishly starts to clean the office of the irate Mr. Krabs. Just a great note to end this hilarious episode on.

I love "Krab Borg", I think it's a hilarious episode that shows Mr. Krabs, Squidward, and SpongeBob at some of their best insofar as dynamics go. It's also just so funny to watch Squidward and SpongeBob give into hysteria and panic, and the plot is just so beautifully absurd. Definitely a worthy addition to my "Amazing" tier.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.2/10
An overlooked classic in the depths of the SBSP Golden Era.

Episode Score: 93/100 (A)
Episode Tier: Great
beep boop boop beep boop: beep boob bap beep boop bup beep boop bup bub bub bab been Bo bo bob beep boop bap boop boop beep boop "BEEP BOOB BOO BOO?!" Boo boo bop bop boop bip boop boop boop
Lovely episode. I remember watching this one a lot as a kid. Me and my sister really loved the electric zoo song, I've loved it since I was 6.

Also, I quote this episode frequently.

And along with that, I enjoyed the Squidward's father joke, I thought it was so funny and I still laugh every time I see it.

10/10 for a masterpiece episode.