42b. My Pretty Seahorse

I quite liked this one, it had an interesting story and good characterizations.

Pretty good episode. A lot of the gags like the coinslot, the onions, Patrick's cameos, are great, Mr. Krabs' story about the quarter is touching yet funny, and it's a great episode.

Awesome, Mystery has an interesting backstory, the episode is really funny, and yeah, it's just great.

Episode: My Pretty Seahorse (S3-E42-A)

I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! It reminds me of My Little Pony, since I'm a brony. I even like the onion joke.

Final Score = 10/10
Unpopular Opinions Ep 4:

People might call this a underrated episode, but for me, it's underhated. Pretty much everything about this episode is generic, boring, pathetic, and all the jokes are lame. I did like some gags like the onions and very few expressions, but the rest didn't make me laugh, they're just lame or plain filler. Patrick is very unnecessary to appear in this episode because he has no point to be here. He is meant to be a running gag, but like I said, the jokes in the episode are lame. Also, the first act went on too long, every character now feels bland, The climax was too heartwarming and the montage made me feel very bored, pretty much the two things that this episode is recycling F.U.N's plot. All I have to say is that this episode fails to be funny and focuses on becoming like F.U.N and continuosly be dull.

Nadir: Patrick

Another episode I'm not too fond of. Yikes, we're having a lot of those in Season 3. It's not that bad; it has decent humor, but, like with Club SpongeBob, this episode bores me. Plus Mr. Krabs is kind of annoying here.

Ranking so far:
1. The Algae's Always Greener (B)
2. My Pretty Seahorse (C)
3. Club SpongeBob (C)
4. SpongeGuard on Duty (C)

I sure hope Just One Bite can bring these ratings up...
Good episode. It is a little bit generic and predictable but the plot is good and there's some funny jokes. Patrick is also really great in the few scenes he's in.

Good episode (7/10)

1. The Algae's Always Greener (9)
2. My Pretty Seahorse (7)
3. Spongegaurd on Duty (6)
4. Club Spongebob (6)
Plot: (9/10): The idea of SpongeBob getting a horse has a lot of comedic and interesting potential. And for the most part, I do really like it. SpongeBob faking he returned the seahorse to the wild is good, as well as the Patrick scenes. The only faulty part about it is when SpongeBob was insulting Mystery for no reason other then to get rid of him.

Humor: (5/5): This episode is really funny. The "I can't find the coin slot!" joke is one of my all-time favorites. I also find it really funny where Mystery ate all of Mr. Krabs' money and he hunts Mystery down for it.

Visuals: (9.5/10): Nothing really looked ugly or too gross in this episode, just looks like a regular pre-movie episode.

Episode score: 200 points.
Last edited:

Really like this one. The plot is nice, and the humor is spot on. Patrick is super funny, and the "Who put this bowl of onions here?" gag was pretty funny. I also like SpongeBob and Mystery playing together, that scene was nice. Overall, gud episode.

The Algaes Always Greener: (10/10)
My Pretty Seahorse: (9/10)
Club SpongeBob: (8.5/10)
SpongeGuard On Duty: (6.5/10)
I like this episode it had some decent and heartwarming moments and Mystery is a pretty great character! This episode really was pretty.

Rating: Delightful Episode

The Algaes Always Greener (Amazing!)
My Pretty Seahorse (Delightful)
SpongeGuard on Duty (Okay)
Club SpongeBob (Meh)
I don't know why, but I find myself forgetting about this episode more often than not. It's a pretty decent episode, if very...slow. And that's this episode's major problem, it really isn't all that funny. It's entertaining enough though, so I'm not bored, I'm just...passively watching the episode. And because this is the episode's major problem, I'm not going to try and hit every plot point of the episode like usual, I'm honestly just gonna do a nice overview of each segment.

I like the intro well enough, it makes viewers interested by wondering what's happening to SpongeBob's flowers. I like that seahorses in SpongeBob SquarePants are just like regular horses. Things are pretty meh until SpongeBob brings Mystery to the Krusty Krab. The part with Scooter and the other fish is pretty funny, I'll give that joke that, especially since we get my favorite trope, random explosions.

Things once again get kinda meh, and feel more like moving the plot along rather than an experience curated for the viewers' enjoyment. The shenanigans of SpongeBob trying to hide Mystery simply fall flat to me, because they're too slow and therefore drag on too long. However, this part of the episode has one of my favorite quotes in the series, so I will give props to that. Squidward stays keeping it real whenever he talks about working for a living.

I do like that Mr. Krabs connected with SpongeBob in this episode, and I thought it was funny that he used a story about money to try and teach SpongeBob that wild animals aren't pets, and that they're happy out in nature. The ending of this episode (like the last ~2 minutes) is easily the best part of "My Pretty Seahorse", and probably the only part I really actively enjoyed. SpongeBob crying and sending both Mystery and Patrick away is hilarious, and the discovery that Mystery ate all the money in the safe is pretty funny as well. And then of course we have the cutaway ending gag of Patrick trying to enter the hat store, but failing due to the wood on his head, which is just so funny because of how...random it is. We keep getting these cameos of Patrick and it's funny.

I think my opinion of "My Pretty Seahorse" is pretty clear. Other than the ending, it's a slow and dull episode. Not quite boring, but not super entertaining. So, it's a good edition to my "Good" tier. If there were more jokes, I think this episode could've landed in "Great".

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7/10
I don't know why, but I find myself forgetting about this episode more often than not. It's a pretty decent episode, if very...slow. And that's this episode's major problem, it really isn't all that funny. It's entertaining enough though, so I'm not bored, I'm just...passively watching the episode. And because this is the episode's major problem, I'm not going to try and hit every plot point of the episode like usual, I'm honestly just gonna do a nice overview of each segment.

I like the intro well enough, it makes viewers interested by wondering what's happening to SpongeBob's flowers. I like that seahorses in SpongeBob SquarePants are just like regular horses. Things are pretty meh until SpongeBob brings Mystery to the Krusty Krab. The part with Scooter and the other fish is pretty funny, I'll give that joke that, especially since we get my favorite trope, random explosions.

Things once again get kinda meh, and feel more like moving the plot along rather than an experience curated for the viewers' enjoyment. The shenanigans of SpongeBob trying to hide Mystery simply fall flat to me, because they're too slow and therefore drag on too long. However, this part of the episode has one of my favorite quotes in the series, so I will give props to that. Squidward stays keeping it real whenever he talks about working for a living.

I do like that Mr. Krabs connected with SpongeBob in this episode, and I thought it was funny that he used a story about money to try and teach SpongeBob that wild animals aren't pets, and that they're happy out in nature. The ending of this episode (like the last ~2 minutes) is easily the best part of "My Pretty Seahorse", and probably the only part I really actively enjoyed. SpongeBob crying and sending both Mystery and Patrick away is hilarious, and the discovery that Mystery ate all the money in the safe is pretty funny as well. And then of course we have the cutaway ending gag of Patrick trying to enter the hat store, but failing due to the wood on his head, which is just so funny because of how...random it is. We keep getting these cameos of Patrick and it's funny.

I think my opinion of "My Pretty Seahorse" is pretty clear. Other than the ending, it's a slow and dull episode. Not quite boring, but not super entertaining. So, it's a good edition to my "Good" tier. If there were more jokes, I think this episode could've landed in "Great".

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7/10
another great review

best joke in the episode:

''who left this bowl of onions here''