37a. Procrastination

This episode is SO underrated. As a kid, I didn't really understand why Spongebob was doing random things in his house but now that I'm in High School I get why Spongebob keeps doing random things and his dream makes a lot of sense. That twist at the end made things a lot better and the fact that Spongebob realized you can pretty much write anything on the essay since it's an essay on what not to do at a stoplight is really clever. 9.5/10

Season: 2

Episode: Procrastination

This episode was pretty good. The plot was weird, but good. There were some scary scenes that i liked. There were some funny jokes. 7.5/10
I like this episode, there are good jokes in this episode, and the plot is relatable as well.

Once again another underrated classic. This episode is so relatable to me because I procrastinate A LOT. Also this episode is very peculiar with Spongebob's dream about his house burning down. It also has great jokes like,THE... and the different ways SpongeBob procrastinates.

Pretty underrated episode. It's definitely one of my favorites. It has some really funny parts. 9.5/10
It's a good episode. It's pretty funny and the plot is somewhat relatable, but I've never found myself liking this one as much as others this season.

Ranking so far:
1. Graveyard Shift (A+)
2. Patty Hype (A+)
3. Band Geeks (A+)
4. Survival of the Idiots (A+)
5. Pressure (A+)
6. Big Pink Loser (A+)
7. Shanghaied (A)
8. Life of Crime (A)
9. Dying For Pie (A)
10. Christmas Who? (A)
11. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III (A)
12. Squidville (A)
13. Gary Takes a Bath (A)
14. Squid's Day Off (A)
15. Welcome to the Chum Bucket (B)
16. Imitation Krabs (B)
17. Krusty Love (B)
18. Frankendoodle (B)
19. No Free Rides (B)
20. Squirrel Jokes (B)
21. Procrastination (B)
22. Your Shoe's Untied (B)
23. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (B)
24. Prehibernation Week (B)
25. Something Smells (B)
26. Wormy (C)
27. The Smoking Peanut (C)
28. Bossy Boots (C)
29. The Secret Box (C)
30. Bubble Buddy (C)
31. Dumped (E)
32. Grandma's Kisses (F)
This has actually always been one of my favorites. Like Rock Bottom, it takes something that should be repetitive (Spongebob finding different ways to procrastinate) and takes all the advantage it can out of it without getting stale. It helps that this episode is also very funny and relatable. As someone with ADHD, it felt like I connected spiritually with Spongebob throughout the course of this episode, which isn't something I can say alot. The dream sequence was also very cool and has some great visuals. The way this whole episode plays out is just perfect. Underrated gem right here.

Perfect episode (10/10)

1. Graveyard Shift (10)
2. Procrastination (10)
3. Band Geeks (10)
4. Shanghaied (9)
5. Dying For Pie (9)
6. Something Smells (9)
7. Patty Hype (9)
8. Squidville (9)
9. Welcome to the Chum Bucket (9)
10. Survival of the Idiots (9)
11. Big Pink Loser (9)
12. Christmas Who? (8)
13. Frankendoodle (8)
14. Squid's Day Off (8)
15. Wormy (8)
16. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy III (8)
17. The Secret Box (8)
18. Imitation Krabs (8)
19. Life of Crime (8)
20. Krusty Love (7)
21. Prehibernation Week (7)
22. Pressure (7)
23. Gary Takes A Bath (7)
24. No Free Rides (7)
25. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (7)
26. The Smoking Peanut (7)
27. Bossy Boots (6)
28. Your Shoe's Untied (6)
29. Dumped (6)
30. Bubble Buddy (5)
31. Squirrel Jokes (5)
32. Grandma's Kisses (5)

This has three elements that makes it good. Humorous, Relatable, and Weird but Good. Procrastinating is very relatable, we can all agree that SpongeBob's dream was weird, and the jokes were funny.

Big Pink Loser: (10/10)
Something Smells: (10/10)
Squidville: (10/10)
Imitation Krabs: (10/10)
Patty Hype: (10/10)
Christmas Who?: (9.5/10)
Procrastination: (9.5/10)
FrankenDoodle: (9.5/10)
Shanghaied: (9.5/10)
Squids Day Off: (9.5/10)
Dying for Pie: (9/10)
Graveyard Shift: (9/10)
Welcome to the Chum Bucket: (9/10)
Band Geeks: (9/10)
MM&BB III: (9/10)
No Free Rides: (9/10)
Wormy: (9/10)
Your Shoes Untied: (9/10)
Survival of the Idiots: (8.5/10)
I'm Your Biggest Fanatic: (8.5/10)
Bossy Boots: (8.5/10)
The Smoking Peanut: (8/10)
The Secret Box: (8/10)
Pre-Hibernation Week: (6.5/10)
Grandma's Kisses: (6.5/10)
Life of Crime: (5.5/10)
Gary Takes A Bath: (5/10)
Krusty Love: (4.5/10)
Bubble Buddy: (4/10)
Squirrel Jokes: (3.5/10)
Dumped: (1.5/10)
Procrastination wasnt my favorite. Sure the jokes were nice but i watched this episode with the deleted scenes "cmon spongebob" ruined the episode for me...

Rating: Polite episode

Graveyard Shift (Golden)
Dying For Pie (Golden)
Band Geeks (Golden)
Survival of the Idiots (Golden)
Krusty Love (Perfect)
Frankendoodle (Perfect)
Shanghaied (Perfect)
Pressure (Perfect)
Big Pink Loser (Perfect)
No Free Rides (Amazing!)
MMABBIII (Delightful)
Christmas Who? (Sublime)
Imitation Krabs (Superb)
The Smoking Peanut (Awesome)
Squidville (Tolerant)
Squid's Day Off (Tolerant)
The Secret Box (Great)
Life of Crime (Great)
Dumped (Great)
Procrastination (Polite)
Something Smells (Polite)
Bubble Buddy (Polite)
Bossy Boots (Polite)
Gary Takes a Bath (Okay)
Your Shoe's Untied (Dull)
PreHibernation Week (Bad)
Welcome to the Chum Bucket (Bad)
Patty Hype (Sucky)
Wormy (Pathetic)
I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (Stupid)
Grandma's Kisses (Garbage)
Squirrel Jokes (Trash)
Is it just me or does "Procrastination" feel more like a short than an episode? I know that a couple scenes were cut from it, making it have a slightly shorter runtime, but honestly it feels like a 7-minute episode. And frankly, I wish it was 7 minutes because this episode gives me too much anxiety lmao. It feels like one of those dreams where whatever goal you're trying to attain is just out of reach. That's not to say that this episode is bad by any means, it's actually quite good, but these are the vibes I get from it.

The episode starts off pretty well, with SpongeBob's infectious enthusiasm. I prefer when Bikini Bottomites aren't annoyed by SpongeBob, but I have to admit Nat's mocking of SpongeBob was hilarious so I'll let it slide.

"Procrastination" is definitely a relatable episode. Watching SpongeBob try and fail to start his essay is funny, but it is a bit repetitive and starts to grow anxiety-inducing and frustrating. Especially once SpongeBob starts hallucinating/dreaming. Though I will admit I love the bit with Patrick, that scene is hilarious and I definitely have parts of it saved for reaction meme purposes. But yeah especially once the house is lit on fire, I'm getting sucked into the anxiety over procrastination along with SpongeBob. And I mean that shows that the writers definitely have an understanding of what procrastination is, but man do I not want to feel that when watching SpongeBob haha.

The ending of the episode oscillates between pissing me off and making me laugh. Because on one hand, it's extremely frustrating for SpongeBob and the audience to have gone through all of that for nothing. But on the other hand, it achieves an affect similar to "Squid's Day Off", making all the effort going to waste be something to laugh at.

I really don't have much more to say about this episode beyond what I already have. It's a good, if both slow and fast episode, and it makes me feel anxious when I don't exactly want to. It's a good contender for my "Good" tier. Sometimes it feels like this episode is rather forgotten about, which I think is a shame. It may be two tiers below the cream of the crop, but very few episodes of this show deserve to be forgotten, in my eyes.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7.6/10