34a. Welcome to the Chum Bucket

Needs more attention.

A lot of good gags, a solid plot and even a fantastic song, a wonderful episode. 9.5/10
Pretty good episode. Plankton, like always, is great, the plot is good for a Spongebob episode, and my favorite part is definitely the song. One of the most underrated Spongebob songs.

This was my favourite when I was little, mainly because of the song but I was so emotional with this...I used to prefer emotional than humorous episodes....still love it ..10/10
Another heartfelt and emotional episode, This Grill is Not a Home is definitely one of my favourite SpongeBob songs and it's one of the main reasons I love this episode aside from funny jokes and heartfelt plot.

Welcome to the Chum Bucket:
SpongeBob must work for Plankton after a card game between Krabs and the evil green bean. With nothing else to do, he must deal with working in a new frycooking fashion. This episode is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very mean to SpongeBob.
A touching episode with a happy ending and beautiful visuals (except that chum burger that SpongeBob had made) and audio, especially This Grill Is Not a Home! Title card music is Oyster Girls, instant plus on my book! 10/10
A great episode, it shows that Mr. Krabs really cares about Spongebob and that he isn't just a way to make money to him. It also had some really funny moments and the song was great. 9/10
I was literally only an inch away from giving this episode a perfect score, There was a little bit of filler at the beginning, but man is the rest so good, The song is amazing, the plot is awesome, and the jokes are good.

Pretty good episode. The song is nice, and the overall tone of the episode is great, but this episode could have used a few more jokes.

Ranking so far:
1. Patty Hype (A+)
2. Survival of the Idiots (A+)
3. Pressure (A+)
4. Big Pink Loser (A+)
5. Shanghaied (A)
6. Life of Crime (A)
7. Dying For Pie (A)
8. Christmas Who? (A)
9. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III (A)
10. Squidville (A)
11. Gary Takes a Bath (A)
12. Squid's Day Off (A)
13. Welcome to the Chum Bucket (B)
14. Imitation Krabs (B)
15. No Free Rides (B)
16. Squirrel Jokes (B)
17. Your Shoe's Untied (B)
18. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (B)
19. Prehibernation Week (B)
20. Something Smells (B)
21. Wormy (C)
22. The Smoking Peanut (C)
23. Bossy Boots (C)
24. Bubble Buddy (C)
25. Dumped (E)
26. Grandma's Kisses (F)
I feel like some more jokes might've hurt the overall mood of it, I think it's perfectly funny enough, and serious enough to make a really great episode.
I actually really really like this one. The plot is great; slightly emotional and the episode is pretty funny too. I love seeing Spongebob and Plankton interact and Spongebob getting all sassy. I'm always a big fan of seeing Spongebob portrayed like this. Great episode.

Great episode (9/10)

1. Shanghaied (9)
2. Dying For Pie (9)
3. Something Smells (9)
4. Patty Hype (9)
5. Welcome to the Chum Bucket (9)
6. Big Pink Loser (9)
7. Squidville (9)
8. Survival of the Idiots (8)
9. Christmas Who? (8)
10. Squid's Day Off (8)
11. Wormy (8)
12. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy III (8)
13. Imitation Krabs (8)
14. Life of Crime (8)
15. Prehibernation Week (7)
16. Pressure (7)
17. Gary Takes A Bath (7)
18. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (7)
19. No Free Rides (7)
20. The Smoking Peanut (7)
21. Bossy Boots (6)
22. Your Shoe's Untied (6)
23. Dumped (6)
24. Squirrel Jokes (5)
25. Bubble Buddy (5)
26. Grandma's Kisses (5)

I like this one a lot. I love the jokes, the plot is nice, but the real highlight is the song. It's heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, and is my second favorite song in the series, right behind Gary Come Home. It shows that Mr. Krabs cares for SpongeBob, and doesn't just see him as a money-machine. Other than that, it's a pretty good episode. Not the absolute best, but it is what it is.

Big Pink Loser: (10/10)
Something Smells: (10/10)
Squidville: (10/10)
Imitation Krabs: (10/10)
Patty Hype: (10/10)
Christmas Who?: (9.5/10)
Shanghaied: (9.5/10)
Squids Day Off: (9.5/10)
Dying for Pie: (9/10)
Welcome to the Chum Bucket: (9/10)
MM&BB III: (9/10)
No Free Rides: (9/10)
Wormy: (9/10)
Your Shoes Untied: (9/10)
Survival of the Idiots: (8.5/10)
I'm Your Biggest Fanatic: (8.5/10)
Bossy Boots: (8.5/10)
The Smoking Peanut: (8.5/10)
Pre-Hibernation Week: (6.5/10)
Grandma's Kisses: (6.5/10)
Gary Takes A Bath: (5/10)
Life of Crime: (5.5/10)
Bubble Buddy: (4/10)
Squirrel Jokes: (3.5/10)
Dumped: (1.5/10)
Now doing what @SpongeBronyPH does and im listing the episode numbers

Season 2 Episode 34a: Welcome To The Chum Bucket

LITTERALLY THIS IS THE WORST EPISODE OF SEASON 2! alse song is great but why does Plankton have threaten poor SpongeBob CUT OUT HIS BRAIN?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!? Also i kinda found this to be a very boring episode i will hate this episode for eternity :original: HOWEVER IT DOES HAVE 2 REDEEMING QUALITIES! 1: The song almost made me cry 2: Plankton gets what he deserves for threatening SpongeBob to do an illegal act this :)
Welcome_to_the_Chum_Bucket_175.pngThis is still the worst season 2 episode though

0/10 Hellish Episode

The Smoking Peanut (PERFECT)
Squid On Strike (PERFECT)
Squidville (Amazing!)
Pressure (Amazing!)
Bossy Boots (Great)
Welcome To The Chum Bucket (Hellish)