30b. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic

Pretty funny episode, and one of my favorites in Season 2. Kevin was a great one-time character. Needs to show up more often. Gotta love it when Patrick touches everything and then the cop shows up after him.
A funny episode, it has some cool visuals in jellyfish fields and is an example of a fun karma episode 8/10.
This episode is not the most memorable, not bad, but i've seen better episodes.

This is one of the first SpongeBob episodes I watched, I find it extremely underrated. It's really funny, the scene where Patrick touched everything was funny, I also liked the line "Do you want it to hurt me Kevin?" and even though he is a jerk Kevin got quite a lot of comeuppance that it balanced out it's jerkiness.

A very underrated episode, it seemed like a classic story where they want to be part of the group but that you're doesn't like them so they try to get that hurt, but funny! Visuals and scenery at the Jellyfisher's Convention were clean and pleasant to look at. 7.5/10
"Am I in the Jellyspoters now?""Am I in the Jellyspoters now?""Am I in the Jellyspoters now?""Am I in the Jellyspoters now?" No you are not in the jelly spotters now? This is a pretty funny episode and its sad how Kevin never got another appearance ever again :(. But this is still a GOLDEN episode with a Jelly 11/11
Best part are the anchovies, haha.

"No, Kevin, no. He's a geek!!

"Wamp wamp waaaaaamp!!"
Underrated episode. Not only is it funny, but this "Kevin" character is also really snarky, in a good way. I'm kinda disappointed that isn't episode isn't talked about much because it's pretty good.

Ranking so far:
1. Patty Hype (A+)
2. Survival of the Idiots (A+)
3. Big Pink Loser (A+)
4. Life of Crime (A)
5. Dying For Pie (A)
6. Christmas Who? (A)
7. Squidville (A)
8. Squid's Day Off (A)
9. Imitation Krabs (B)
10. No Free Rides (B)
11. Your Shoe's Untied (B)
12. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (B)
13. Prehibernation Week (B)
14. Something Smells (B)
15. Wormy (C)
16. Bossy Boots (C)
17. Bubble Buddy (C)
18. Dumped (E)
19. Grandma's Kisses (F)
Kissface!! lol King Jellyfish mistake Kevin's Robot Queen Jellyfish for his wife!

It's a nice episode. Honestly the episode only really gets great when the King Jellyfish enters the plot. The rest of the episode is just sort of boring. Still, I like it well enough and Kevin is a pretty entertaining character. I just wish there was a bit more comedy.

Good episode (7/10)

1. Dying For Pie (9)
2. Something Smells (9)
3. Patty Hype (9)
4. Big Pink Loser (9)
5. Squidville (9)
6. Survival of the Idiots (8)
7. Christmas Who? (8)
8. Squid's Day Off (8)
9. Imitation Krabs (8)
10. Wormy (8)
11. Life of Crime (8)
12. Prehibernation Week (7)
13. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (7)
14. No Free Rides (7)
15. Bossy Boots (6)
16. Your Shoe's Untied (6)
17. Dumped (5)
18. Bubble Buddy (5)
19. Grandma's Kisses (5)

Not a bad episode, I did laugh a bit. I didn't hate Kevin as much as other people, I actually found his jerkiness a tiny bit funny. I also like the moral a bit. Although it did get a bit boring at times, but the rest was alright. Oh yeah, can't forget The King Jellyfish. Plus Patrick, he's funny.

Big Pink Loser: (10/10)
Something Smells: (10/10)
Squidville: (10/10)
Imitation Krabs: (10/10)
Patty Hype: (10/10)
Christmas Who?: (9.5/10)
Squids Day Off: (9.5/10)
Dying for Pie: (9/10)
No Free Rides: (9/10)
Wormy: (9/10)
Your Shoes Untied: (9/10)
Survival of the Idiots: (8.5/10)
I'm Your Biggest Fanatic: (8.5/10)
Bossy Boots: (8.5/10)
Pre-Hibernation Week: (6.5/10)
Grandma's Kisses: (6.5/10)
Life of Crime: (5.5/10)
Bubble Buddy: (4/10)
Dumped: (1.5/10)
This one was pretty bad. The torture that occured in the "queen jellyfish" scene was noticeable. Also KEVIN?! YOU THINK ITS OKAY TO CALL YOUR BIGGEST FAN A LOSER?!?!?!??!?!?!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?

Rating: Stupid episode

Dying For Pie (Golden)
Survival of the Idiots (Golden)
Big Pink Loser (Perfect)
No Free Rides (Amazing!)
Christmas Who? (Sublime)
Imitation Krabs (Superb)
Squidville (Tolerant)
Squid's Day Off (Tolerant)
Life of Crime (Great)
Dumped (Great)
Something Smells (Polite)
Bubble Buddy (Polite)
Bossy Boots (Polite)
Your Shoe's Untied (Dull)
PreHibernation Week (Bad)
Patty Hype (Sucky)
Wormy (Pathetic)
I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (Stupid)
Grandma's Kisses (Garbage)
See "Grandma's Kisses" and "Hooky"? This is how you handle an embarrassment plot! Yeah, spoiler alert, I like this episode. Let me tell you why.

Just like my introduction said, this episode handles embarrassment in its plot. And it does it far better than certain other contenders, that's for sure. And that is because of a couple things. First off, the actual embarrassment does not last very long. Yes, Kevin is trying to humiliate SpongeBob for most of the plot, but it only actually happens for less than a minute, and that tension is broken by King Jellyfish showing up. SpongeBob enjoys himself for the rest of the trials that are supposed to lead to his humiliation, which means it's actually enjoyable to watch. The second reason this episode does much better with the embarrassment aspect than other episodes is because the humiliation is fairly minor. It's not a whole restaurant laughing at SpongeBob, it's just a few members of a club. And it's also not people we were previously familiar with. So this works just fine for me, and I don't really get any secondhand embarrassment.

Now, to focus on other parts of this episode, "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic" is simply funny. Patrick's whole journey at the beginning and the end of the episode cracks me up every time, as does SpongeBob's antics when he spots Kevin. I also found the montage of Kevin repeatedly getting stung to be hilarious because of the immediate justice being served. The anchovies in this episode were a nice touch, being good hype men towards Kevin, and later turning on him once it turned out he was just a wuss.

In terms of the plot, I also like the plot of this episode. It makes perfect sense to me that being the geek he is, SpongeBob would have idols in jellyfishing. It also kind of expands the world of SpongeBob SquarePants a bit because now we know that jellyfishing is both a recreational activity and a serious (at least kind of) sport/hobby. Enough for popular figures in it to have a die-hard fanbase, at least.

I don't have all that much to say about this episode. Kevin is, of course, an a-hole, but that's the point of his character and he's entertaining and well-voiced. I really like the visuals in "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic", from both the visual jokes to the lovely Jellyfish Fields background. I have no problems with this episode whatsoever, and so it will be in my "Amazing" tier.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
this episode is much better nowadays its like a sort of commentary on YouTubers now
  1. Dying For Pie (50/10)
  2. Big Pink Loser (11/10)
  3. Squidville (10/10)
  4. Survival Of The Idiots (10/10)
  5. Life Of Crime (10/10)
  6. No Free rides (9.5/10)
  7. Im you Biggest Fanatic (9.5/10)
  8. Squid's Day Off (9.5/10)
  9. Bubble Buddy (9/10)
  10. Wormy (9/10)
  11. Imitation Krabs (9/10)
  12. Patty Hype (9/10)
  13. Something Smells (8.5/10)
  14. Christmas Who? (8.5/10)
  15. Bossy Boots (8.5/10)
  16. Your Shoes Untied (8/10)
  17. Prehibernation Week (6.5/10)
  18. Dumped (6.5/10)
  19. Grandma's kisses (0.5/10)