30a. No Free Rides

The Appetizer said:
Really clever gags (love when the narrator gets hit by SB at the beginning), and of course...

PS- SB + Boaty= Best ship ever
:bullshrimp: No, Squidward + Krabby Patty is the weirdest best ship ever...


Need I say more?
Mrs. Puff is a great character, and I think this may be the episode that shows her at her best. There's lots of memorable moments and the car chase is pretty good. Plus, Mrs. Puff actually gets arrested for a realistic reason.

That's the Mrs.Puff we all love...not the one in ''Demolition Doofus x.x'' but the one in here :) I like this episode...I wish this episode was more popular, it deserves it..anyways, 9/10
Tbh this episode is kinda forgettable to me Idk why, maybe because I get it confused with other Boating School episodes. It's still good though, I loved the carjacking scene.

This is one of the only two boating school-related episodes on my list. I've generally found those episodes to be dull and repetitive, but this was a grand exception. In it, Mrs. Puff decides to get SpongeBob out of her life by handing him an extra credit assignment that a preschooler could pass. Of course, this is SpongeBob we're talking about, so it becomes a long-drawn out and hilarious attempt to get ten simple words onto a piece of paper. Even though he fails the test miserably, Mrs. Puff gives him his license anyway, and it's not until she gets home that she realizes she just put the entire city in danger for her own self-gratification. She decides to set things right by breaking into SpongeBob's car and driving off in it, which is completely reasonable. Unfortunately, she happened to do so while the little yellow guy was right under her, leading to the greatest chase scene in SpongeBob history.

Suffice it to say, this episode was wonderful, chock-full of the clever writing and general silliness that made us fall in love with the show.
This is a pretty cool episode. It had an interesting plot, and an interesting execution. I like what they did with this episode. I wouldn't say it's great, but it's good for what it is.

Ranking so far:
1. Patty Hype (A+)
2. Survival of the Idiots (A+)
3. Big Pink Loser (A+)
4. Life of Crime (A)
5. Dying For Pie (A)
6. Christmas Who? (A)
7. Squidville (A)
8. Squid's Day Off (A)
9. Imitation Krabs (B)
10. No Free Rides (B)
11. Your Shoe's Untied (B)
12. Prehibernation Week (B)
13. Something Smells (B)
14. Wormy (C)
15. Bossy Boots (C)
16. Bubble Buddy (C)
17. Dumped (E)
18. Grandma's Kisses (F)
It's pretty good. I'm not really big on boating school episodes usually, and this is no exception. It isn't very interesting or memorable imo, but there are good jokes, and the plot is nice. I'd say that this episode is relatively close to average, but the jokes propelled it into good territory for me.

Good episode (7/10)

1. Dying For Pie (9)
2. Something Smells (9)
3. Patty Hype (9)
4. Big Pink Loser (9)
5. Squidville (9)
6. Survival of the Idiots (8)
7. Christmas Who? (8)
8. Squid's Day Off (8)
9. Imitation Krabs (8)
10. Wormy (8)
11. Life of Crime (8)
12. Prehibernation Week (7)
13. No Free Rides (7)
14. Bossy Boots (6)
15. Your Shoe's Untied (6)
16. Dumped (5)
17. Bubble Buddy (5)
18. Grandma's Kisses (5)

This is my second favorite Boating School episode. It had funny jokes, and a good plot. The beginning's fourth wall break gag of The French Narrator getting knocked down by SpongeBob's careless driving was pretty funny, and don't forget "EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION? AAAAAAAAAA!".

Big Pink Loser: (10/10)
Something Smells: (10/10)
Squidville: (10/10)
Imitation Krabs: (10/10)
Patty Hype: (10/10)
Christmas Who?: (9.5/10)
Squids Day Off: (9.5/10)
Dying for Pie: (9/10)
No Free Rides: (9/10)
Wormy: (9/10)
Your Shoes Untied: (9/10)
Survival of the Idiots: (8.5/10)
Bossy Boots: (8.5/10)
Pre-Hibernation Week: (6.5/10)
Grandma's Kisses: (6.5/10)
Life of Crime: (5.5/10)
Bubble Buddy: (4/10)
Dumped: (1.5/10)
I really liked this episode. I liked the "EDUCATIONAL TELEVISON" quote. Overall a pretty descent episode. 8.5/10