102a. Penny Foolish


your mom
Sep 19, 2009
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Not one of the best episodes, I think Mr. Krabs's greed was nearly stretched thin in this one.
This shows me how greedy mr krabs can be. It might have been funny at times but it shows how much his character changed. We all know he loves money but not enough to break into spongebob's house. I will give this episode a 5.5 out of 10
I thought this episode was good, and although Mr. Krabs was cheap, I still think he was cheaper in "Born Again Krabs". At least in this episode he didn't try to serve people a rotten patty to save a few cents, nearly rip a man's arm of for a penny, or trade SpongeBob's soul for 62 cents. :P
I thought this episode was good, and although Mr. Krabs was cheap, I still think he was cheaper in "Born Again Krabs". At least in this episode he didn't try to serve people a rotten patty to save a few cents, nearly rip a man's arm of for a penny, or trade SpongeBob's soul for 62 cents. :P
you got a good point but those i actually found funny this episode i found repeitive and stalkerish.
Okay, so this episode is all about Mr. Krabs trying to obtain a penny that SpongeBob found. Um, Mr. Krabs, hello? It's just a stupid penny! Let it go already. This episode is just so stupid, pointless, and boring that I didn't even laugh or crack a smile. And, the part where SpongeBob's brain fell out wasn't funny at all. It was just pointless. What were the writers thinking? What about all those stupid attempts that Mr. Krabs used to get the penny. I think the movie theatre was the worst of them all. It was boring and just not funny! "Penny and the Pennyless" was meh! And, then Mr. Krabs starts using a metal detector to find the penny? Has he lost his mind!? And then, SpongeBob reveals that it was a piece of chewed up gum. So, when Mr. Krabs leaves, SpongeBob finds out that it was a $500 dollar bill, and he tosses it. Then, at the end, Mr. Krabs is digging holes in SpongeBob's yard STILL looking for the penny! This episode sucks so bad that I'm giving it a lonely 0/10!
Amphitrite pretty much hit all of the points. It is just a really uninspired episode, and just not well written at all. At least in "Born Again Krabs", he wasn't stalkerish, the episode was funny, and it kept me entertained the whole way through. This episode couldn't do any of those things.

0|10 Overall
Dear lord, it comes time to review this. Mr. Krabs is a greedy, filthy, backstabbing son of a ::dolphin noise::. Why, oh why, did Mr. Krabs stalk SpongeBob for a stupid penny? There's 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 pennies in the world, and he has to get THAT ONE? No jokes, just greediness. Nice effort, though. 1/10
Meh. Not the worst Mr. Krabs episode but it'll do. 5/10

5 points for the ending with a $500 bill and Mr. Krabs not noticing.
I hate this eppy. The plot is stupid, the jokes-wait, what jokes? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH(ahem)I hate this episode and it's one of the worst of all time.
This used to be my least favorite episode of the series when it first came out! I don't hate it as much as I used to, but it's still really bad, nonetheless. I mean, Krabs stalks the poor Sponge for a stupid penny and even though he was told in the end that the penny was just a piece of gum (actually a 500$ bill), Krab is STILL looking for the god darn penny by digging up Spongebob's yard! I mean, it goes along the same level of selfishness and greed as Born Again Krabs (another episode I really hate)!

Rating: I'm going to give this episode a lonely 0/10. It doesn't deserve anything more than that... :angry:

Worst Character: :mrkrabs:

Worst Moment: The ending: (Krabs is seen digging up Spongebob's yard.) :mrkrabs: : Penny, must have buried it around here somewhere. I'll just have to keep digging.
Hahaha, oh God, Penny Foolish. This episode is dangerously close to so-bad-it's-good territory for me.