089b. Sing a Song of Patrick

One of the best post movie episodes.

Fish #1 - And that's why your my cookie wookie TEDDY BEEEEEAAAAAAAR!
Fish #1 - I hate my life,
Fish #2 - I hate your life too, dude.

Fish #1 - OK, guys. We gotta do this even if it kills us.
Fish #1 - A one, a two, a......
(turns to the band's funeral)


nuff said.
I didn't like the beginning with Patrick stealing SB's comic book money, but it started getting better with Patrick's dodgeball nightmares about his previous poem. I laughed tons at the song (SB was right; that poem was amazing!) and everbody's reactions to it, such as Gary's. 8/10, hilarious!

Squidward: It smells like something crawled into your brain and died!
Patrick (smugly): That's the creative process at work!

One of the best episodes of Season 5! Patrick's song was hilarious to listen to!

Rating: 10/10

Best Character: :patrickomg:

Best Moment: The song! :hehe:
Hm, I guess I'm the only one that doesn't see this as one of the best post-movie episodes, or even one of the best Season 5 episodes. It had some funny moments, but most of it was just, well, stupid. Overall I find it pretty easy to forget about, which is how I feel about most of Season 5.
This and its partner are the New Digs/Krabs a la Mode of this season. The amount of time I sang I Wrote This by Patrick Star at school is embarrassing.
I like it. I just don't like how pretentious Patrick is in this episode. But that's only a minor complaint. This episode is pretty fun and I like the song number. 7.5/10
Season: 5

Episode: Sing a Song of Patrick

This episode was very good. The plot was good. The song was really funny. There were some funny jokes. 8.5/10
This is actually in my top 5. This has to be the funniest post-movie episode. Every line is a new classic in my opinion. Patrick's song is hilarious and they pulled off a creative plot with tons of humor. Patrick can be very frustrating in post-movie but if every Patrick episode was this funny I wouldn't mind them.
