089b. Sing a Song of Patrick

At first, I wasn't too keen on this episode, I didn't think it was bad, more meh-ish. But after some time, I've come to appreciate it and it's comedy. This episode feels differently than previous episodes, I don't know, it more similar in tone to something like Simpsons, I think. It feels more satirical and mean-spirited (not in a bad way), than usual and it works.
Almost every line is quotable and worth a chuckle. And scenes with Patrick writing a song, were somewhat relatable, similarly to "Procrastination".
It's not perfect episode, tho. Patrick's characterization is far from perfect. He isn't annoying here, but some of his actions are questionable, to say the least. And SpongeBob felt here a little bit dumber than usual, he is almost as oblivious as Patrick, if not even more so.
But those flaws are not that big of a deal, in great scheme of things. Underrated classic.
This is a very funny episode. It's filled with classic lines, and the song that Patrick wrote is so memorable. And Patrick "thinking" was also really funny as well.

Ranking so far:
1. Krabs a la Mode (A+)
2. Roller Cowards (A+)
3. New Digs (A)
4. Bucket Sweet Bucket (A)
5. The Krusty Plate (A)
6. Spy Buddies (A)
7. Sing a Song of Patrick (A)
8. Friend or Foe (A)
9. SpongeBob vs. the Patty Gadget (A)
10. Money Talks (B)
11. Picture Day (B)
12. The Krusty Sponge (B)
13. Boat Smarts (B)
14. Night Light (C)
15. Rise and Shine (C)
16. The Donut of Shame (C)
17. Slimy Dancing (C)
18. Pat No Pay (C)
19. Fungus Among Us (D)
20. The Original Fry Cook (D)
21. Good Ol' Whatshisname (D)
22. Breath of Fresh Squidward (E)
23. Waiting (E)
24. To Love a Patty (F)
This one was pretty good. There was actually some really good comedy and the song was pretty funny too. My only problem is that Patrick was a little annoying at times but that's only for a pretty small portion of the episode. Definitely a solid and funny episode.

Good episode (8/10)

1. Roller Cowards (10)
2. Spy Buddies (8)
3. Spongebob vs. the Patty Gadget (8)
4. Sing a Song of Patrick (8)
5. Friend or Foe (8)
6. Krabs à La Mode (8)
7. The Krusty Sponge (7)
8. New Digs (7)
9. Bucket Sweet Bucket (7)
10. Money Talks (6)
11. Night Light (5)
12. Boat Smarts (5)
13. Rise and Shine (5)
14. Slimy Dancing (5)
15. Breath of Fresh Squidward (5)
16. The Original Fry Cook (5)
17. Good Ol' Whatshisname (4)
18. To Love A Patty (3)
19. Waiting (3)
20. Fungus Among Us (2)
I really like this episode. And the song is amazing. 9/10. Easily one of my favorites from Season 5.
I think it's a pretty awesome episode. I think Patrick's song is awesome actually. It was worth the band dying to hear it haha. It's very random and fits Patrick well. I think the little bit we heard of the band singing "Kooky Wooky Teddy Bear" sounded weirdly nice too. This episode also has some great jokes like the pitchforks and cotton candy one, the band dying from producing Patrick's song, Gary owning a dodgeball, and Patrick "thinking." The story of the episode is also fun and kind of adventurous, with Patrick writing and getting his song made, to Spongebob and Patrick trying to get the song on the radio, and then to the town rioting against the song. A hilarious and fun episode overall with an awesome song at the center of it all.
This is one of the most overrated episodes of the series in my opinion. I didn't enjoy Patrick's portrayal in this episode even a smidge. I think he has a pretty flimsy motivations for creating his songs, and he also does some pretty annoying stuff in a couple scenes. Although I will say there were some good jokes in this episode. I enjoyed Patrick thinking, and the ending where his gym coach shows up at random. And Patrick's song was actually kind of clever, it fits Patrick's personality perfectly, and it contains quotes that he heard while brainstorming, which is nice. But as whole, this episode is pretty underwhelming
This episode has a very solid amount of humor. Patrick's flashback was very funny "Roses are blue Violets are Red I have to go the Bathroom" was one of the show's most funniest moments.

Rating: Great Episode

Roller Cowards (Perfect)
Friend or Foe (Perfect)
Spy Buddies (Amazing!)
SpongeBob Vs. The Patty Gadget (Amazing!)
Sing a Song of Patrick (Great)
Bucket Sweet Bucket (Great)
Krab a la Mode (Great)
Slimy Dancing (Great)
Breath of Fresh Squidward (Great)
Rise and Shine (Great)
Boat Smarts (Meh)
Fungus Among Us (Meh)
Night Light (Alright)
The Krusty Sponge (Okay)
The Original Fry Cook (Okay)
New Digs (Okay)
Good Ol' Whathisname (Bad)
Money Talks (Bad)
To Love a Patty (Terrible)
Waiting (Terrible)
Next up, we've got "Sing a Song of Patrick", an episode that I don't think is forgettable, but also isn't one that's very much talked about. You know, now that I'm thinking of it, does this episode count as infamous? I feel like the general consensus is that it’s disliked, no? (EDIT: I did look at other forum reviews now and I guess I was wrong, seems other people like this episode too lol) I was never a huge fan of this episode either, so maybe that’s just my bias talking. Of course, I did rewatch it for this review, so all opinions are updated, and perhaps they are different than past ones, who knows?

This episode follows Patrick, which makes it different from other episodes. Unfortunately, as I have said before, Patrick is not exactly the best character to follow, especially when he is on his own. This beginning part of the episode has me empathizing with the other comic-book-store goers because Patrick is supremely obnoxious while reading the comic book. But then SpongeBob enters the scene which helps things immensely. And now apparently Patrick is illiterate…okay. I like the way SpongeBob read the ad though. It makes me think of when I’m reading some ad out loud for some reason or another, I always put on an advertiser voice because it’s more fun that way. And then we move to me being bored by the lack of comedy to me being annoyed when Patrick literally steals SpongeBob’s money in the most predictable turn of events of all time, so I’m irritated for two reasons simultaneously…not a good start to this episode I must say. Thankfully, they did not spend much time on Patrick stealing SpongeBob’s money at all. SpongeBob getting kicked out of the comic book store is a tiny bit humorous, but then more annoying considering SpongeBob didn’t even try to leave the store so why did they kick him out for holding comic books??? Makes no sense and now I’m annoyed.

And then we move to Patrick trying to make his “masterpiece”. I kind of like that he works at SpongeBob’s house, if only to see Patrick in a different environment than under his rock. The flashback we see is also pretty amusing. Patrick having dodgeball trauma is kinda funny lol. I liked how Patrick told the story to SpongeBob, SpongeBob’s reactions were great, and I love the whole part with Gary’s records. This episode makes much emphasis on the fact that Patrick is dumb. And it works well enough here, I liked the exhaust joke with Patrick’s thinking, especially once Squidward gets involved for his brief appearance in this episode. Once we cut to the next day, I'm legitimately laughing because I love how the band is literally so over everything, that’s the kind of…for lack of a better term adult humor I like to see in this show. I wouldn’t call it dark humor, or even that mature, but there’s a whole other layer of funny with this kind of joke when you’re older than like 7 lol, I don’t know how to describe it. And I’m still quite young, so I’m sure it gets increasingly funny as you get older. I love all the visual gags we get with this part too, and I love how it ended up killing them lmao.

I also love all the buildup we get to hearing Patrick’s horrendous song. See I feel like we’re told this song is so horrible, but of course they aren’t going to make an actually atrocious song, so the production value is pretty good, but the lyrics are abysmal. So the song itself is actually kind of catch, even with the terrible lyrics. I think it adds to the comedic factor. I love how everyone has this hilarious reaction to the song, including inanimate objects lol. And honestly the lyrics are kind of fire when you listen to them (I’m kidding…….yeah). And I really liked SpongeBob’s support too, as well as the second iteration of the arm joke.

I really loved how SpongeBob and Patrick were kicked out of the radio place immediately too lol. I just think the horribleness of this song is done really well, in terms of reactions. Of course, I get slightly annoyed again when SpongeBob is used as a mule to carry Patrick to the top of the tower when Patrick coulda done that ish himself but okay. I don’t like when SpongeBob is mistreated, as we all understand by now. And Patrick taking his time as dull as well. But things pick up again once the record starts playing, because everyone’s reactions are absolutely hilarious, as is the chaos they cause. So many fun visual gags as well as pretty clever jokes in there. The salesmen part was definitely a highlight, and a joke I always remember in the back of my head at such random moments. And then once the mob catches SpongeBob and Patrick, we’re treated to an interesting bit of random comedy as SpongeBob and Patrick just start playing random instruments for no reason. Yeah, didn’t quite get that one, but whatevs. And then I love that the dodgeballs come back, I thought that was a great way to end the episode, if a bit abrupt.

I'd say "Sing A Song of Patrick" is an alright episode. It's not great, but it does have some really funny moments in there. However it also has some really annoying moments, particularly in Patrick's treatment of SpongeBob. The episode takes a little bit to really get rolling because of this. Also the episode feels like it's weirdly paced or something because the ending is quite abrupt to me. Taking all of this together, I'd say this episode fits in "Good", just barely. That SpongeBob treatment really bogs things down, and there are a few moments of dullness that don't help matters, but the moments of great humor help keep this episode from going any lower.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7/10
Patrick is not exactly the best character to follow, especially when he is on his own.
This episode was very funny i liked the song and its one of the many highlights of season- wait i already said that
  1. Friend or foe (10/10)
  2. Roller Cowards (10/10)
  3. Krabs à La Mode (10/10)
  4. Spy Buddies (10/10)
  5. Spongebob Vs The Patty Gadget (9.5/10)
  6. Bucket Sweet Bucket (9.5/10)
  7. The Krusty Sponge (9.5/10)
  8. Sing A Son
  9. Rise And Shine (9/10)
  10. New Digs (8.5/10)
  11. Night Light (8.5/10)
  12. Money talks (8.5/10)
  13. Breath Of Fresh Squidward (7.5/10)
  14. Slimy Dancing (5.5/10)
  15. The Original Fry Cook (4.5/10)
  16. Good Ol'Whatshisname (3.5/10)
  17. Boat Smarts (3/10)
  18. Waiting (1/10)
  19. Fungus Amongus (0.5/10)
  20. To love a patty (0/10)
I honestly feel like this episode is a bit overrated. It's not a bad episode by any stretch but the episode wasn't as strong as it could've been in my opinion. The song was good of course and I chuckled at the woman punching the man after "Peugh, What's that horrible smell?" I didn't really find myself laughing terribly hard at anything else though and Patrick can be a bit annoying in this episode sometimes.

I honestly feel like this episode is a bit overrated. It's not a bad episode by any stretch but the episode wasn't as strong as it could've been in my opinion. The song was good of course and I chuckled at the woman punching the man after "Peugh, What's that horrible smell?" I didn't really find myself laughing terribly hard at anything else though and Patrick can be a bit annoying in this episode sometimes.

But its the one with the really good song