087a. To Love A Patty

I hate this episode SO much. It's also kind of gross. I hate it when they show the old, moldy krabby patty. SpongeBob was acting pretty gay here. Falling in love with a Krabby Patty? What were the writers THINKING? As you can tell, I point a lot of hatred to this episode. I know, it's just a cartoon, but it's a really bad episode. 0/10.
The worst episode of the series. The way he loves this patty, just is so ridiculous, just so disgusting. There are no funny jokes, the episode gets really really gross at the end with that close up. Then having him eat that thing. His song about the patty was terrible. I can't name one thing I like about this episode. It is one of those things in animation that I hate with a passion. Right up there with Doogal. Not even close to decent. When I first saw the episode, when the gross-up shot of the patty came up, I wanted to puke. Honestly, I don't understand how any of Nickelodeon's executives could let this episode come through. "Nasty Patty" did contain a gross-up shot of the patty, that wasn't nearly as detailed, and it was in the name of comedy. This is not funny. One of my favorite Cartoon Network shows,The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack (many episodes, of which, are storyboarded by season 3's Kent Osborne), relies a lot on gross up shots, but once again, it is funny. The show is funny. This isn't funny, it is creepy, it is disgusting, it is wrong. It is terrible.

0|10 Overall

That is all.
This is one of my least favorite's of the show. The first half was good, but the second half was gross. 3/10
Oh baby they may call me a fool... But probably not because I think it's garbage like everybody else the only spongebob episode to make me reallllly grossed out which is an accomplishment 0/10
This episode SUCKED. I think I found something nearly as awful and cringeworthy as "Boating Buddies" here. Just a blatant ripoff of "I Love Chicken," a Games Ren and Stimpy episode that did this kind of plot way better. Completely out of character and creepy SpongeBob dating a ::dolphin noise::ing sandwich. Come on! It was a doomed episode from the start. If they had tried something like this with Patrick, I could at least understand where they were going with it or better yet just make this something about SpongeBob and Sandy actually dating a bit. I can truly consider this one the worst episodes ever. 1/10
This episode as creepy as heck. First of all SpongeBob falls in love WITH A PATTY. If you don't think that's weird enough, its gets even weirder. He sings a song to it, takes it to a carnival, and then takes it on a date to the Krusty Krab. Then SpongeBob realizes that the patty's gone bad and guess what? HE EATS IT! This episode gets a 0/10 for being to weird.