127b. I ♥ Dancing


Feb 28, 2008

This episode aired this morning, let's talk about it.

I liked it a lot, SpongeBob's dance moves were hilarious, and it wasn't that much like Slimy Dancing after all, specially the ending! I Heart Squilliam!

Another reaosn to love this episode is that Mr. lawrence co-wrote it! :w00t:
Omfg, it's that good? :P Due to timezones I won't see it for another 2 and a-half hours.

I told you Mr. Lawrence would make a comeback. :P
This one was actually really good! It was a perfect ending because Squidward got his rightful chance to win, but also got the karma he deserved for tricking Spongebob. We are now 3 for 3 with the new episodes!
Awesome! SO glad Mr. Lawrence came back to write this. He always writes a good episode.
Yeah, it was good, but I don't like them using Squilliam like in "I Heart Dancing" and "Professor Squidward" if it's not going to be for the WHOLE episode.
Yeah, it was good, but I don't like them using Squilliam like in "I Heart Dancing" and "Professor Squidward" if it's not going to be for the WHOLE episode.
Well, Squilliam has more character potential than most minor characters and he gives the writers a good excuse to punish Squidward, so I'm fine with him making more appearances.
Yeah, it was good, but I don't like them using Squilliam like in "I Heart Dancing" and "Professor Squidward" if it's not going to be for the WHOLE episode.
Well, Squilliam has more character potential than most minor characters and he gives the writers a good excuse to punish Squidward, so I'm fine with him making more appearances.
I thought Squilliam was different in this episode, I mean, how he was voiced and stuff was ickish. :\
Yeah, it was good, but I don't like them using Squilliam like in "I Heart Dancing" and "Professor Squidward" if it's not going to be for the WHOLE episode.
Well, Squilliam has more character potential than most minor characters and he gives the writers a good excuse to punish Squidward, so I'm fine with him making more appearances.
I thought Squilliam was different in this episode, I mean, how he was voiced and stuff was ickish. :\
hm, now that you mention, I did notice something different on his voice... I wouldn't say icky, but slightly different.
I have never seen this episode,I only saw a clip,it seemed pretty cool,I'll discuss it when i would see it
If they were going to use Squilliam this often, I think they should have used him more often in seasons 3-5, like at least 1-3 times per season, with bigger roles.

I think that he is too off-model, and his voice is weird now. He's still funny, but not as funny as he used to be.
If they were going to use Squilliam this often, I think they should have used him more often in seasons 3-5, like at least 1-3 times per season, with bigger roles.

I think that he is too off-model, and his voice is weird now. He's still funny, but not as funny as he used to be.
I agree his voice does sound off and they should have used him more in Seasons 3 and 4.
Wow, no one has reviewed this episode in over three years! :O

This is a pretty average episode. It was better than Slimy Dancing, but it was kind of bland. I like the "Who Put You on the Planet?" Song though and it was cool seeing Squilliam near the end. But not that great of an episode. 5.6/10
Meh not a great episode but it had a little humor! 5/10
Best Season 7 episode. 10/10. Especially when SpongeBob is dancing with the cane and it quickly turns into SpongeCeption.
I adore the ending of this episode, it's probably one of my favorite endings in the series. I thought it was clever how the writers gave Squidward what he wanted while still giving him the punishment he deserved for what he did to SpongeBob. Plus, Squilliam's appearance was great. I love any appearance by Squilliam, mostly because of how rarely we see him, and although his appearance in I Heart Dancing was short, the writers made the most of it. He was hilarious, and his over-the-top criticisms and training methods served as a great parallel to how Squidward was treating SpongeBob earlier. That's how you do karma, writers! Remember that!

Unfortunately, the rest of the episode is mediocre. A couple of jokes got a laugh out of me, but more because of how random they were and not because of any actual wit, so that lowers the replay value of the episode.

Dat ending, though...
I actually loved this episode so much. It's so underrated. I think It's one of the best season 7 episodes. I agree with Ugly Barnacle. It was better than Slimy Dancing. I also agree with HarryPotterLives. The ending was great and Squidward got what he deserved. It was great to see Squiliiam again and his cameo at the end was unexpected and very funny. This episode was very entertaining and very funny. "Who Put You on the Planet?" line cracked me up and I think It's one of the best post-movie lines. SpongeBob and Squidward dancing in this episode was very funny. The twin sisters dancing and being cute and then the judge saying "That was very cute girls. In fact, It's too cute. You are out." was very funny. I recommend this episode. 10/10
Pretty good episode. The "Who Put You on the Planet" line was genius and it's great that they're trying to use Squilliam more. He's such a great character that could be fleshed out even further.

8/10 overall.