229b. Moving Bubble Bass

I really don't have much to say about this episode. It was just all-around good SpongeBob comedy.

1. Scavenger Pants (A+)
2. Teacher's Pests (A+)
3. The Legend Of Boo-Kini Bottom (A+)
4. Squid Noir (A)
5. Chatterbox Gary (A)
6. Man Ray Returns (A)
7. Doodle Dimension (A)
8. Spin The Bottle (A)
9. Larry The Floor Manager (A)
10. Drive Happy (A)
11. Stuck On The Roof (B)
12. There's A Sponge In My Soup (B)
13. Moving Bubble Bass (B)
14. Pat the Horse (B)
15. Spot Returns (B)
16. Fun-Sized Friends (B)
17. Cave Dwelling Sponge (B)
18. The Clam Whisperer (C)
19. No Pictures, Please (C)
20. Cuddle E. Hugs (C)
21. Old Man Patrick (C)
22. Krabby Patty Creature Feature (C)
23. Don't Feed the Clowns (C)
24. The Check-Up (D)
25. Grandmum's the Word (D)
I really love this one especially the “things are gonna get crazy!” From Patrick. That one had me dying!

I like this episode. I liked the "Things are gonna get crazy" scene. 8/10
Can I just say that I love what this show has done with Bubble Bass? I really like how many background and recurring characters have been fleshed out, like Fred and Larry. And the same goes for Bubble Bass. “Moving Bubble Bass” is one of the key episodes that demonstrates this direction of the show. Because we learn so much about Bubble Bass in this episode, though…none of it is stuff we couldn’t already guess (like him being a loser who lives in his mom’s basement. nothing wrong with living with your parents, and just look at today's economy and housing market...yeah. but at least take some responsibility if you're going to live there. like...cleaning your stuff, being polite, etc.).

Bubble Bass is simply hilarious in this episode. I love how much it’s emphasized that he’s a huge loser. His whole little imaginary talk show at the beginning was super funny. And I love how his mom really could not give a darn about his attitude. He’s lucky she lets him kick it at her place at all. Bubble Bass decides that now’s the time to move out, and you can tell that his mom ascends. Of course, even though Bubble Bass says he’s going to move out, he refuses to actually do it on his own. So he recruits SpongeBob and Patrick, resident gullible idiots, to do it for him, with the promise of free lunch. The expressions from all 3 characters in this scene are hilarious to me. I also love the subtle delivery of the fact that Bubble Bass ain’t even moving out on his own, he’s just gonna move to his grandma’s basement.

We move our focus from Bubble Bass onto SpongeBob and Patrick as they proceed to pack up his “place”. I’m sure you can imagine what happens next. That’s right, SpongeBob and Patrick do what they do best—act stupid and cause chaos. Though the chaos comes later. First is the stupid. And I mean this in the best way possible, because it’s 100% deserved to watch them mess up all of Bubble Bass’s stuff. He brought this on himself. Then, SpongeBob and Patrick start moving all of Bubble Bass’s stuff, making their way towards his grandma’s house. We get an appearance from the rich lady from “Krusty Katering”, which was pretty funny, especially when she starts getting run over LMAO. We get more shenanigans when the bag full of Bubble Bass’s stuff gets loose, running a whole bunch of people over, but luckily SpongeBob and Patrick manage to catch it in time, in an entertaining sequence, before it runs over a bunch of babies (to which I say, where are the parents???)

Surprisingly, SpongeBob and Patrick make it to Bubble Bass’s grandma’s house with little issue, thought they do break the whole house getting Bubble Bass’s stuff inside. But there’s 4 minutes left of this episode, so I’m excited to see what more shenanigans await. Turns out, the first bit of hilarity comes from the fact that SpongeBob and Patrick were at the wrong house, and they destroyed this poor guy’s whole abode. His explosion out of anger is hilarious. SpongeBob and Patrick are then forced to take this giant bag across a rickety little rope bridge, complete with all the fear of heights tropes you’d imagine. Well, all those tropes and more, as some of the previous jokes of the episode, the rich lady and the babies, come back to haunt SpongeBob and Patrick. But, they still manage to make it to Bubble Bass’s grandma’s house.

And now, the two are ready to claim their free lunch, especially Patrick. And of course, Bubble Bass ain’t willing to give it. Patrick’s reaction to this is both hilarious and also a little heartwarming, since he doesn’t even think about himself, just SpongeBob. I thought that was cute. And again, this was hilarious with the live action bit. And then SpongeBob coming over and moralizing about it made it even better. SpongeBob and Patrick then leave with their dignity intact, while Bubble Bass gets everything he deserves.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
  1. The Legend of Boo-kini Bottom (15/10)
  2. Squid Noir (13.5/10)
  3. Krabby Patty Creature Feature (10/10)
  4. Scavenger Pants (10/10)
  5. Doodle Dimention (10/10)
  6. Teacher's pests (10/10)
  7. Larry the floor manager (10/10)
  8. Grandmums The Word (10/10)
  9. Sanitation Insanity (10/10)
  10. Chatterbox Gary (10/10)
  11. No Pictures Please (9.5/10)
  12. Spot Returns (9/10)
  13. Drive Happy (9/10)
  14. Stuck on the roof (8.5/10)
  15. Moving Bubble Bass (8/10)
  16. There's A Sponge In My Soup (8/10)
  17. Pat The Horse (8/10)
  18. Cave Dwelling Sponge (7.5/10)
  19. The Checkup (7.5/10)
  20. Cuddle E. Hugs (7/10)
  21. The Clam Whisperer (7/10)
  22. Don't Feed The Clowns (6.5/10)
  23. Spin The bottle (6/10)
  24. Fun-Sized Friends (5.5/10)
  25. Bunny Hunt (5/10)
  26. Man Ray Returns (4/10)
  27. Old Man Patrick (2/10)