225b. Pat the Horse

Más Navidad said:
This episode was a complete waste of time. I'm giving it a light F. I really hoped that this Season would be stronger given it's released some amazing episodes thus far, but with episodes like this, I'm worried the show's taking a complete nosedive in quality.
Well, I don't think we need to think about it like that. After all, after Sportz show didn't go downhill, why it's supposed to go downhill from here? :)

As for episode... It was atrocious.
(As for reference, I think Sportz at least 1/10)
SpongeBuddyPH said:
Patrick the horse looks cute as Pinkie Pie! :pattongue:
Episode: Pat the Horse (S11-E225-B)

This is the best episode! It's like Ben Gruper revived (not rip-off) My Pretty Seahorse. Patrick the horse looks cute as Pinkie Pie! :pattongue:

Final Score = 11/10 :1st: :whoo: :sbyes:
This is probably one of the worst posts I've ever seen on this site

And not just because of the rating.
I don't know how any one could say Cuddle E. Hugs was worse than this episode. The bizarre stuff in Cuddle E. Hugs had a point and added to the plot, this is just randumb stupidity for the sake of randumb stupidity.

This episode was awful. I couldn't even finish it through the first time. This is one of the most juvenile and stupid episodes of the series.
I don't know how any one could say Cuddle E. Hugs was worse than this episode. The bizarre stuff in Cuddle E. Hugs had a point and added to the plot, this is just randumb stupidity for the sake of randumb stupidity.

This episode was awful. I couldn't even finish it through the first time. This is one of the most juvenile and stupid episodes of the series.
Out of curiosity, which would you consider worse, Man Ray Returns or this episode?
Wintermelon43 said:
Out of curiosity, which would you consider worse, Man Ray Returns or this episode?
While I don't like Man Ray Returns, it did have some nice things like Man Ray being in-character and enjoyable, a couple of decent jokes, and a plot, that while bad, wasn't boring. Pat the Horse was just dull, nothing was accomplished in the plot, and none of the jokes worked imo.
I already reviewed this episode, but now I was thinking that this episode could've actually been good. How to achive that?
Premise is stupid, but here IS potential for grrat humor. For example instead of this stupid scene in the beginning when SpongeBob woke up we could subvert the expectations. Scene goes like in original episode and when SpongeBob finally sees Patrick he... Just standing and making horse noises. Because Patrick don't know how to be the horse.
SpongeBob tries to help him become a horse all episode, but Patrick would eventually realize, that this kind of thing is not for him, because... err, I don't know, horses can't eat ice cream, for example?
There's can be Squidward, that plays the role of straight man, but no other character here in even needed. Kaz capable of making well-written scripts, but not capable enough to write Patrick well...
Honest Slug said:
I don't know how any one could say Cuddle E. Hugs was worse than this episode. The bizarre stuff in Cuddle E. Hugs had a point and added to the plot, this is just randumb stupidity for the sake of randumb stupidity.

This episode was awful. I couldn't even finish it through the first time. This is one of the most juvenile and stupid episodes of the series.
ranDUMB? lol how cheesy :rofl:
Really bad episode. The whole plot was stupid. There’s nothing funny here. It’s annoying and childish. The race doesn’t really save it it’s just horrible and my second least favorite post-sequel episode! Only Sportz? is worse.

Rating: SCUMBOB!
It seems like Kaz has a thing now with writing Patrick as a whiny, braindead hyperactive child. It's kind of sad because it's starting to become a return of the bad characterization that initially disappointed fans back in post-movie. I feel like the characterization as a whole has been somewhat slipping since season 9B ended (and 9B was amazing with how it fixed many of the characters' issues after seasons 4-9). But now with these new seasons, we're seeing different issues with the characters like this, plus Squidward's OOC zaniness/overreacting (which I honestly haven't seen much of lately) and SpongeBob occasionally reverting back to his season 5-6 self in episodes like ScavengerPants.

I agree that Cuddle E. Hugs, despite playing out like a bad Internet fanfiction, has more depth than this episode. It doesn't have many jokes, but it has some great visuals, the drug parallels are interesting, and at the end of the day, it makes sense through all of its outlandishness. I also feel like the strange, unnerving atmosphere is what gives the episode some of its charm. I may have felt uneasy watching it the first time, but at least I was feeling something.

In contrast, Pat the Horse is just... nothing. Unlike its partner, it doesn't do very much to make its bizarre plot something memorable and as a result, I found very little redeeming qualities. The race is probably the best part of the episode, and even that wasn't interesting enough to make up for the all-around lack of excitement. I still do believe it's the worst episode of the season so far. Hoping that it stays that way, and that Kaz somehow tries to improve Patrick's character in future episodes.
It seems like Kaz has a thing now with writing Patrick as a whiny, braindead hyperactive child. It's kind of sad because it's starting to become a return of the bad characterization that initially disappointed fans back in post-movie. I feel like the characterization as a whole has been somewhat slipping since season 9B ended (and 9B was amazing with how it fixed many of the characters' issues after seasons 4-9). But now with these new seasons, we're seeing different issues with the characters like this, plus Squidward's OOC zaniness/overreacting (which I honestly haven't seen much of lately) and SpongeBob occasionally reverting back to his season 5-6 self in episodes like ScavengerPants.

I agree that Cuddle E. Hugs, despite playing out like a bad Internet fanfiction, has more depth than this episode. It doesn't have many jokes, but it has some great visuals, the drug parallels are interesting, and at the end of the day, it makes sense through all of its outlandishness. I also feel like the strange, unnerving atmosphere is what gives the episode some of its charm. I may have felt uneasy watching it the first time, but at least I was feeling something.

In contrast, Pat the Horse is just... nothing. Unlike its partner, it doesn't do very much to make its bizarre plot something memorable and as a result, I found very little redeeming qualities. The race is probably the best part of the episode, and even that wasn't interesting enough to make up for the all-around lack of excitement. I still do believe it's the worst episode of the season so far. Hoping that it stays that way, and that Kaz somehow tries to improve Patrick's character in future episodes.
Well, Patrick is somewhat better in "Old Man Patrick". And in "Spin the Bottle" by the way, which was Kaz's episode too.

Squidward's overreacting on things is funny for most of the tims tho, unlike Patrick's really childish behavior.
...and to be fair, Kaz's Patrick characterization in 9B wasn't that better, Salsa Imbecilicus is a prime example. It's just seems that he has something against this character or something.
SpongeBuddyPH said:
Episode: Pat the Horse (S11-E225-B)

This is the best episode! It's like Ben Gruper revived (not rip-off) My Pretty Seahorse. Patrick the horse looks cute as Pinkie Pie! :pattongue:

Final Score = 11/10 :1st: :whoo: :sbyes:
This is one of those episodes that's bad in such a way that I like it ironically. However, I don't want another episode like this. It's really funny to me because it's such an exception to the show's normal style, but if it keeps happening it will become the rule rather than the exception and that would be horrible.