Well now, this is a change. Been a while since I’ve seen a seen an episode regarded with some disdain. “Bunny Hunt” is nowhere near infamous, but I do remember there being some real negative reactions to it back in the day. As it stands, I haven’t seen this episode in a long time. Honestly, I don’t have any memory for watching this episode in full, but I must’ve at least one time. Either way, it’s prime rewatch material. Let’s see how it holds up.
“Bunny Hunt” is a Squidward-focused episode, at least at first, and as such, this being a Squidward torture episode is one of the more popular complaints. Y’all already know I couldn’t care less about that kind of complaint, but I do think it’s important to note this. Especially because this episode is rather…repetitive. It’s very…Tom & Jerry, now that I think about it. Unfortunately, this episode doesn’t make me laugh as much as Tom & Jerry does. Honestly, it’s weird. SpongeBob SquarePants is usually pretty good with the slapstick, but this episode doesn’t really do it all that well. At its worst, it bores me. And its best, moderately amuses me. The non-slapstick jokes are kind of the only ones that really work.
This episode also suffers from the same problem as “House Worming”, the problematic new character is not given enough for us to work with. I couldn’t care less about the sea bunny, because there’s no character to it at all. I don’t really find it annoying, but I don’t find it interesting either. And when SpongeBob enters the episode, adopting the little guy, it destroys SpongeBob’s house. Doesn’t exactly endear me. Especially with the sea bunny’s penchant for pyromania.
Okay, back to the humor again. Sorry, this episode doesn’t really give me much to work with outside of the style of humor. There’s just something off about this episode and I can’t really place it. It just doesn’t feel like the regular SpongeBob flair. Like I said before, the slapstick isn’t effective. And the visual gags here don’t really do much for me either. There are some decent ones here and there, but none of them really get me laughing.
SpongeBob’s solution to the bunny problem is to bring in another bunny. A female bunny. Because I guess the bunny with no discernable gender must be male. Though I’m choosing to think these are gay bunnies because it’s funnier that way, even though we all know there’s no way that’s what was going on. Yeah, if y’all want to see me get on a soapbox about this kind of thing, read my To Love A Patty review. I’m sure I also went on that soapbox somewhere else too, but that’s the one I remember most clearly. I’m too tired to be on the soapbox today.
Another little problem I have with this episode is that it has no real focus. It presents itself as a Squidward focus episode, then turns to SpongeBob (with some input from Patrick), and then back to Squidward we go. This would be fine if it didn’t all feel so abrupt. And it means that nothing ever feels established in these 11 minutes. Now, this is a huge nitpick, as other episodes have shown less focus before, and still turned out fine. But on top of the issues of the episode being boring, not funny, and slightly annoying, this issue stands out to me.
Finally, we reach the end of the episode. I’ll take this time to say that the French Squidward joke did not work for me even one bit. It didn’t annoy me, but it wasn’t amusing either. This last minute or so of the episode does give me the one joke that I actually liked here, which was Squidward’s reaction to seeing the bunny again, and to seeing SpongeBob and Patrick in the dirt. Though, something about the bunnies crawling in the walls and s*** really makes me extremely uncomfortable. Like I was looking away from the screen. I don’t know what it is, but I hated that. Extremely. The very end of the episode I feel like just reiterates my point about this episode lacking focus and feeling disjointed. Because we go back to Squidward being the focus as he’s assaulted by bunnies, so he loses it. But him losing it doesn’t feel as…earned as it should be, because we spent so much time away from him. So it just feels out of place.
“Bunny Hunt”…let me just come right out and say it, the writing for this one’s sloppy. It’s unfocused, it’s disjointed, and the comedy that might’ve held this thing together doesn’t work. So the episode falls apart. This is easily some of the worst writing I’ve seen in this show in a long, long time. Like…since “Squid Baby”. It’s not just that the comedy didn’t work, but the writing was glaringly flawed. And when both of those things are true, the episode is simply poor. But the question is, how poor? I haven’t used my lower tiers in quite a while, I feel a little rusty. I almost want to put this one in Tolerable, but it didn’t really do anything to me, I guess. Except disappoint me. Greatly.
Episode Tier: Mediocre
Episode Score: 5/10