“Spin The Bottle” is one of those episodes I remember decently well, but never one I’ve had strong feelings towards. It’s simply an episode that has appeared before me haha. I’m hopeful that a rewatch might improve these opinions, but I’m not banking on any such thing.
I…have nothing to say about Plankton’s costume in this episode. Nothing at all. I think I’ll simply move on. Plankton’s idea about tricking Mr. Krabs into thinking he’s a genie is…for sure desperate, because I highly doubt that would ever work, but hey, it might mean we get some prime entertainment, so I’m excited. Plankton rolls himself outside of Mr. Krabs’ door, and as expected, his plan completely fails, because Mr. Krabs (after a funny gag of him stealing someone’s newspaper and coffee) ends up kicking Plankton’s bottle as he reads the paper, not even noticing it at all. Plankton does eventually roll to the Krusty Krab, in a scene that I wish I could find something to laugh at during (the slapstick wasn’t…slapstick-y enough), but Mr. Krabs thinks that Plankton’s bottle is trash. Luckily (or not) for Plankton, SpongeBob thinks the bottle is pretty, so he enacts his plan with SpongeBob instead. Thankfully, the slapstick in this part is better than before, especially with that “whatever’s happening, I’m sure it’ll be over soon” followed by a cut to a shot that proves that what is happening will not, in fact, be over soon.
SpongeBob is adorably overjoyed at “finding” a genie in his bottle (and while we’re here, don’t think I didn’t see that reference to “Your Shoe’s Untied” with Gary’s choice of television). And of course, SpongeBob wants his three wishes, which throws a wrench into Plankton’s plans. SpongeBob’s so wholesome, deciding to make wishes for his friends (and making an MLP reference while he’s at it). And Plankton has to try and make it seem like he can make wishes come true. This first bit with Squidward is fun enough, poor Plankton has to put his evil band camp skills to good use haha. Squidward then proclaiming that “magic is real” was pretty wholesome too, especially if you think of this episode alongside “Wishing You Well”.
Next up we’ve got Patrick making a wish. And his wish is predictably dumb, but also somewhat cute, considering he just wants company for when SpongeBob’s at work. “New Student Starfish” part 2, anyone? Or would this be more like “A Pal For Gary” LMAO. Anyway, Plankton simply draws a face on Patrick’s hand, and as we’d all expect, Patrick easily falls for that. In the end, that’s probably better than growing an extra head. Patrick arguing with “Noggin” is hilarious though. Weird association, but it reminds me of that one scene in Infinity War, with Bruce failing to turn in the Hulk and Tony basically says the same thing to him as Patrick says the Noggin. Kinda funny that that movie also has a SpongeBob reference. See, it all comes together!
Lastly, SpongeBob decides to let Mr. Krabs make a wish, which is what Plankton was hoping for. I really don’t know why Plankton thinks this would work, but okay. The interaction between SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs here is funny and I again get my quasi-father-son crumbs (this time with the flavor of SpongeBob being in the child side of the child-adult line, so that’s something new). Also this scene is the origin of a decently funny reaction pic (not linking it because I’m sure that most of y’all aren’t the target for such a meme, and I’m not even going to get into that argument ever here. If you know the meme I’m talking about, then you just know it.), which just shows me the continued relevance this show has, to have popular reaction pics all the way through season 11 (but I’m sure seasons 12 and 13 will have their own entries).
Anyway, Plankton grants Mr. Krabs’ wish, which of course gets him very interested in possessing the genie’s bottle. But he’s not the only one who wants a piece of that genie. Squidward suddenly enters the scene, grabbing the bottle right from Mr. Krabs, and Patrick comes in too. So now the 3 are all fighting over the bottle, and even SpongeBob tries to get in there to prevent anyone from getting the bottle. After a cute little speech about magic, SpongeBob decides to have the 3 play spin the bottle to decide who gets it. Poor Patrick had the real rules of the game ready to go lol. After some interference from Plankton, Mr. Krabs gets the bottle. But poor Plankton’s been way too beat up to even be coherent, so he gives up on the charade.
The episode’s not done yet, because suddenly, a real genie shows up. Turns out, Plankton was subletting this guy’s house, and was gonna break it. The sublet joke was probably the funniest bit of this episode for me, outside of the Noggin thing. Even better that it’s one of those jokes for older watchers to get. Love when SpongeBob SquarePants proves that it hasn’t lost its touch for writing jokes for all ages. The genie decides to punish Plankton, Mr. Krabs, Patrick, and Squidward by trapping them all in a ketchup bottle. And unlike the genie’s bottle, SpongeBob doesn’t mistake this bottle for anything but trash.
“Spin The Bottle” isn’t the funniest episode, but I think it does a good job balancing humor and general entertainment value from the relatively extensive plot. It’s definitely not a “meh” episode by any means. I think for this episode, the style of humor is more that of big, flashy jokes every 30 seconds to a minute or so, and then maybe a couple subtle ones in between. So not the kind of constant stream of humor we might be more used to. And I think it works well here.
Episode Tier: Great
Episode Score: 8.6/10