20b. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II

Season: 1

Episode: Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II

This episode was pretty good. The plot was decent. Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy's appearance was great, and the ending made it well. There were some funny jokes. 7.5/10
Another great MM/BB episode but it is a bit more forgettable. However the is interesting that it actually feels like a sequel to the first. I am a fan of this one 8.5/10
I like it....It's a classic one as someone said before (and I agree) , I liked the plot a lot but in the episode it gets boring at times..good and humourous quotes but something's not good about this episode and I cannot remember what, I guess I am going with a 7.5/10
Not honestly a big fan of this one. The final minutes of this episode are fairly entertaining, but I do think the whole conch shell business does eventually overstay its welcome. But hey, it's not that bad.

A really underrated episode with some memorable gags, and a great return for our two favorite superheroes.


P.S: This is my 1,000th post.
This was actually just on. Anyway, this episode isn't talked about much, even though it's one of the best MM&BB episodes in my opinion. We have the childish SpongeBob, that actually works here, nice Mermaid-Man, and stern Barnacleboy. A really good trio, if used correctly.

Also this episode is just cute and uplifting, so those are pluses.
After three days where here phew.
So this is the best season finale episode (until hello bikini bottom I tell you more when I get there.)
The jokes are funny like he can't even open mayo XD. Hey 11/11 and GOLDEN episode come here!
This is the weakest of the MM&BB sextology, but it's not bad. Nothing about this episode really stood out to me. It's not a bad watch, but this episode could have been even better.

Final Ranking:
1. Employee of the Month (A+)
2. SB-129 (A+)
3. Sleepy Time (A+)
4. Pickles (A+)
5. Pizza Delivery (A+)
6. F.U.N. (A)
7. Plankton! (A)
8. Arrgh! (A)
9. Naughty Nautical Neighbors (A)
10. Sandy's Rocket (A)
11. Karate Choppers (A)
12. Walking Small (A)
13. Help Wanted (A)
14. Rock Bottom (A)
15. Culture Shock (B)
16. Boating School (B)
17. Bubblestand (B)
18. Suds (B)
19. Scaredy Pants (B)
20. Home Sweet Pineapple (B)
21. Hall Monitor (B)
22. Hooky (B)
23. Jellyfishing (B)
24. Texas (B)
25. Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost (C)
26. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy (C)
27. Jellyfish Jam (C)
28. Tea at the Treedome (C)
29. Opposite Day (C)
30. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II (C)
31. Ripped Pants (C)
32. Valentine's Day (C)
33. Reef Blower (C)
34. The Chaperone (C)
35. Nature Pants (C)
36. MuscleBob BuffPants (D)
37. The Paper (D)
38. Fools in April (D)
39. Squeaky Boots (D)
40. Neptune's Spatula (D)
41. I Was a Teenage Gary (E)
I actually really liked this episode, I think it's better than the first, and is pretty funny. Once again, a good moral, and it shows the Dirty Bubble, it's a very nice episode, which I think is great.
This one is a funny case.

This is my least favorite of the original five episodes, however I did give the other 4 all 9/10's. This one has a very annoying Spongebob and a slow first half and that's really the only flaws, On the other hand it doesn't do anything supremely well but does the small things right, Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy are great characters as always, Dirty Bubble is a great character and Charles Nelson Reilly gave a wonderful performance, And mostly it has a nice plot. I like how Spongebob gets to actually spend the day with Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy and it also is a nice finish to season 1. Some of the jokes like Barnacle Boy getting burned, them falling off the roof, Springboob Squirepint, the breakfast biters and also the weird functions of the boat mobile are little chuckles, the opening is what holds this one back, the montage is just kinda boring and also the episode is just mediocre until Barnacle Boy takes the conch shell which is where the episode picks up steam and stays on a nice simple steady track until the end.

Overall while no where near close to one of my favorites it is one I do often go back to and I have to admit I may like it more in the future after some more watches but for now this is a perfectly fine episode of Spongebob and a nice end to my favorite season of the show

2Ob Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy II: Good 7/10
This one is slightly worse than the first one imo. It's pretty funny, but the plot is a little weak, and it gets a little boring at times. It's a perfectly competent episode, but I feel like they didn't utilize the conch to it's fullest potential, and I find myself just getting uninterested by the second half of the episode.

Average episode (6/10)

1. Pizza Delivery (10)
2. Rock Bottom (10)
3. SB-129 (9)
4. Opposite Day (9)
5. Pickles (9)
6. Texas (9)
7. Hooky (9)
8. MuscleBob BuffPants (9)
9. Sleepy Time (9)
10. Help Wanted (9)
11. Naughty Nautical Neighbors (8)
12. Plankton! (8)
13. Sandy's Rocket (8)
14. Employee of the Month (8)
15. Arrgh! (8)
16. F.U.N. (8)
17. Hall Monitor (8)
18. Scaredy Pants (8)
19. Ripped Pants (8)
20. Suds (7)
21. Tea at the Treedome (7)
22. Karate Choppers (7)
23. Walking Small (7)
24. Jellyfish Jam (7)
25. Culture Shock (7)
26. Home Sweet Pineapple (7)
27. Boating School (7)
28. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy (7)
29. Bubblestand (7)
30. Neptune's Spatula (6)
31. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II (6)
32. Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost (6)
33. Valentines Day (6)
34. Reef Blower (6)
35. I Was A Teenage Gary (6)
36. Squeaky Boots (6)
37. Nature Pants (5)
38. The Chaperone (5)
39. Jellyfishing (5)
40. Fools in April (5)
41. The Paper (4)

It's decent and good humor at best, but some of it can be boring. My favorite from this episode might be the sulfur vision gag. Other than that, this is decent at best.

Naughty Nautical Neighbors: (10/10)
Ripped Pants: (10/10)
Tea at the Tree-Dome: (10/10)
SB-129 (10/10)
Walking Small: (10/10)
Help Wanted: (9.5/10)
Karate Choppers: (9.5/10)
Sleepy Time: (9/10)
Rock Bottom: (9/10)
Pizza Delivery: (9/10)
Plankton!: (9/10)
F.U.N: (9/10)
Arrgh!: (8.5/10)
Boating School: (8.5/10)
The Paper: (8.5/10)
Bubblestand: (8.5/10)
Culture Shock: (7.5/10)
Reef Blower: (7.5/10)
Pickles: (7/10)
Neptune's Spatula: (7/10)
Scardey Pants: (7/10)
The Chaperone: (6.5/10)
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy I: (6.5/10)
Valentines Day: (6.5/10)
I Was A Teenage Gary: (6.5/10)
Home Sweet Pineapple: (6.5/10)
Employee of the Month: (6.5/10)
Texas: (6/10)
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II: (6/10)
Suds: (6/10)
Opposite Day: (6/10)
Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost: (5.5/10)
Nature Pants: (4.5/10)
Sandy's Rocket: (4.5/10)
Hall Monitor: (4/10)
Hooky: (4/10)
Squeaky Boots: (3.5/10)
MuscleBob BuffPants: (2/10)
Fools in April: (2/10)
Jellyfishing: (1.5/10)