197b. Two Thumbs Down

Just watched this episode. It was OK. I give it a 7.5/10.

EDIT: I rewatched this episode. It was still OK, but not very funny. The plot was a little dumb IMO. 7/10.
It was nice to hear the track "Jungle Baby", it's been a LONG time since I've heard that track in the show. That aside, this was probably my least favorite 9.2 episode, but it wasn't necessarily bad. It just felt more like a "meh" 9.1 episode. I laughed only once (the video game controller scene), and giggled twice (can't remember what parts). It was....eh. Which is too bad because I was willing to go along with the weird plot. That's my opinion and I can see why some people loved it and some hated it. I'm just kinda neutral on it.
Growlie said:
I don't think it works in SpongeBob, heck, they don't even know what a tiger is.
Either way SB said "eye of the tiger" in Jellyfishing but then again he might not know what that was.
This episode was good, for the most part. It wasn't great, because the plot seemed weak and rushed and Spongebob getting his thumbs back seemed forced and predictable. I liked the "Eye of the Tiger" part, Jungle Baby returning, and the images used when Spongebob broke his thumbs. Even if it is one of the weaker 9.2 episodes, I still enjoyed it. Wished it had better jokes, though. The thumb song was pretty good though, and I liked the creative visuals, so that saves the episode from being less than good.

Growlie said:
I don't think it works in SpongeBob, heck, they don't even know what a tiger is.
Well, I think it works pretty well. There needs to be some variety outside of Hawaiian tracks and archival music.
Remember "Quest for the Best 1" from "Krusty Krab Training Video"?
Well, I think it works pretty well. There needs to be some variety outside of Hawaiian tracks and archival music.
Remember "Quest for the Best 1" from "Krusty Krab Training Video"?
Yeah, but that's not eye of the tiger though.
Either way SB said "eye of the tiger" in Jellyfishing but then again he might not know what that was.
Unless, they have sea-tigers like they've sea-lions. Maybe?
As for this episode, it started pretty meh but then it got better. It's another average episode.
I JUST SAW THIS EPISODE!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! IT MIGHT BE MY NEW FAVORITE EPISODE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100000000000000000/10
This was better than I expected. The premise didn't seem really interesting but I was still hopeful because I know this show can pull off simple premises and I think this episode was successful. I really enjoyed moments of SpongeBob giving thumbs up to everyone and how he effected everyone. It didn't feel repetitive at all, they were really nice gags. The humor was really well-done, I really liked jokes here, the hardest part I laughed was the game console scene, which has become one of my favorite season 9.2 moments already. I liked how SpongeBob wasn't so whiny about him losing his thumbs, he was sad but not in an All That Glittlers way, yuck and Sandy coming to SpongeBob's house and encouraging him was really nice and it made Sandy my favorite character in the entire episode. Just like Mall Girl Pearl, this episode had a climax and it was a lot of fun. Thumbs war between SpongeBob and Patrick was really enjoyable. The song was also amazing, it felt like Gary Come Home style and I really liked it. And lastly I wanna mention is that it was nice for Squidward to want to help SpongeBob to cook patties. It was a 2 seconds moment but even small moments like this prroved why I love Squidward. This wasn't as good as Mall Girl Pearl but it's another great addition to season 9.2.

Grade: A-
This one's a complete anti-thesis to Mall Girl Pearl. The plot is stupid, like it's seriously lazy. Thumbs? Seriously? They didn't even make a joke about the possibilities of all these sea creatures having opposable thumbs. However, I think the execution was great for a plot this lazy. It's obviously mimicking the whole 'hero to zero back to hero' formula used in so many movies (especially sports movie).

But therein lies the problem. It's a movie plot. 11 minutes of cramming everything in would make the entire episode feel rushed, and it does feel rushed.

Apart from that, the climax is actually a pretty good book-end/callback, or whatever, and it's infinitely better than Mall Girl Pearl's climax. Everyone seems so nice in this episode, even Squidward seems really nice to SpongeBob, lending him a helping hand. Patrick's sort of funny in this episode, too.

Though more than that, there's just a certain part of me that's entertained with the idea that every overly dramatic thing in this episode is caused by freaking thumb injuries. And yeah, this episode's pretty freaking dramatic. Best part of the episode is when Sandy comes over to visit a depressed SpongeBob and everything gets dramatic, with Sandy telling SpongeBob to "find something you love, something to live for." The sheer ridiculousness of this out of nowhere 'romantic sub-plot' got me good. It was the loudest I've ever laughed at an episode. The rice barn bit was the tipping point, though.

Tell you what though, if there's ever a show that can make thumb injuries as dramatic as this (and make it funny), it's SpongeBob.

Overall, a dumb plot saved by some good execution. 7/10.
In some countries, thumbs up is considered swearing.

I wonder if they will show this episode. :P
In some countries, thumbs up is considered swearing.

I wonder if they will show this episode. :P
I didn't know that. Why is thumbs up swearing in some countries?
In some countries, thumbs up is considered swearing.

I wonder if they will show this episode. :P
I didn't know that. Why is thumbs up swearing in some countries?
I didn't laughed at all. Yeah, Spandy moments, but not enjoyable episode.
It's was a bad idea trying to recycle "I had an accident"...
And that baby crying is annoying as heck... Why they put that? >.>

Annnnnnnndddd... Isn't SpongeBob a sea sponge? Why he just didn't grow new arms?

Look, they should have used this reference on the ending of the episode:
(I took time editing the pic to look like two thumbs down :T why u didn't edit only the bad word I used?)

Moderator note: Please don't use the "h" word unless you mean the actual place. <Not american sorry, didn't even know that was considered a swear word :T