197a. Mall Girl Pearl

Oh yeah the store comparisons of Hot Dog on a Stick, Hot Topic and Claire's was interesting. Also the reference to the Now! albums.

So far cameos that I've seen:


Dougie Williams

Inspector Yellowtail

Bubble Buddy


lunch lady from the first MM&BB ("Here ya go, son. Heheheh.")

SB and Squidward of course tho

Yet I haven't seen "Squidward smells" or "Krabs is a", maybe someone can pull a screenshot of it when it's available via online.
Reedjack made an Oscar worthy comment on the SpongeBob wiki . He even admitted he doesn't like the show. Why is he on there lol.

I am not offended. I just find it funny and pathetic.
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Honest Slug said:
Reedjack made an Oscar worthy comment on the SpongeBob wiki . He even admitted he doesn't like the show. Why is he on there lol.

I am not offended. I just find it funny and pathetic.
Is there ANYWHERE I can watch this? (Not in US)
i really liked this episode, and all the activity going on in the background made it a lot of fun to watch.

the callbacks from previous episodes were.....interesting. it's not something i expect from the show so it was strange!

eta: the fact that they had an episode with so little of spongebob is very different. it's exciting to see that they're not afraid to branch out and tell different types of stories! this season is starting to remind me of futurama season 6 in a way, which followed a horrible season of "movies" and started out pretty weak, then suddenly they put out some of the best episodes of the series, and they paired up characters in different ways which got them to go places they hadn't been before, and i'm starting to see the beginnings of spongebob following down that same path. i love it and i can't wait to see where it goes from here.
Honest Slug said:
Reedjack made an Oscar worthy comment on the SpongeBob wiki . He even admitted he doesn't like the show. Why is he on there lol.

I am not offended. I just find it funny and pathetic.
What are you talking about? The comment doesn't deserve an Oscar. It deserves a KCA :sbgrin:
Been searching for a place to watch this episode all day and turned up absolute jackshit.

It seems that if Kisscartoon doesn't update and you're not in the US, you're essentially out of luck. Guess I won't be seeing this and TTD for a while.
8/10, lots of cameos. Seriously a SpongeBob episodes.
I loved this one! It was very entertaining, funny, and had a nice story. I liked that the focus was on Pearl, and Spongebob's appearances with Squidward were hilarious, especially because we have no idea what they were doing. I didn't even notice most of the cameos. I'm glad they're giving more characters the spotlight. I don't even know what else to say, this was just a really good solid episode.
Wow. I'm pleased with this episode. The jokes and story line we're solid, I like the cameos, and some little throwbacks. I liked "Squidward smells" and "Krabs is a". The twist near the end was pretty nice as well. And for pacing, this was actually kinda...good (for a season 9.2 episode)
Kisscartoon has FINALLY put these episodes up... but I have no time to watch them. I'll review them when I have a chance to watch them.
AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS EPISODE WITH SO MANY HILARIOUS JOKES AND HIDDEN BACKGROUND GAGS/CALLBACKS!!!!!!! Also, one of the most unique episodes ever, with SpongeBob only having one line!!! 1000/10

Also, I'm ignoring previews to episodes now. I did for both of these two and I think they're way, way better when Nick's commercials don't give anything away! :)
Finally I had a chance to see this one and I was impressed by it. Tbh I do like most Pearl's episodes, despite I really don't care about her character and SpongeBob is the character that made me like those Pearl episodes but this was a nice change that we got an episode that actually centers around Pearl and surprisingly I cared for her in this episode. She wasn't bratty in this episode at all, all she wanted was to get a job because getting a job is really important if yoıu want to be independent in the future obviously, it was nice to see Pearl actually taking responsibility but at the same time she actually enjoys her job so much. Another thing is that I could relate to Pearl when it comes to friends because friends can make fun of you for something that they find very unsual or embarassing. That doesn't mean I dislike my friends, it's just that it happens sometimes. Pearl got a nice development at the end as well, it was good to see her not caring how their friends feel about her acting like a grandma, I find this as a nice moral for kids, even if this show isn't meant to be educational. I loved the grandma, Beatrice in this episode. She was such a wise and interesting character that I really enjoyed, she didn't feel like a sterotypical mean old lady, she was nice to Pearl but at the same time, she was actually a badass. She actually defeated Pearl's friends and give them what they deserved and it was such a cool climax. I really find it so cool how writers add really memorable one-time characters in these new episodes. Another thing I liked about her is that her advice to Pearl at the end of the episode. Even if Pearl liked being old lady, Batrice said growing up slowly and feeling like a young is important and I agree with that. It's good to feel energetic and health when you are young and it's important to not miss any of chance. This episode felt so fresh for not just new episodes but the show in general. Not just because of this is a really well-written Pearl centric episode with character development, nice morals, fun climax and excellent one-time character; I loved loved how many character cameos were put, it broke the record for most referenced SpongeBob episode. This is the first episode written by Clare O'Kane and I personally feel that she must really love this show because of all the cameos she put and how she wrote Pearl and Beatrice's character. I can tell she's gonna bring really amazing episodes soon and I hope I'm right. And lastly the humor was good, I liked how the manager of hot dog stand got burnt, it was funny to see SpongeBob chasing Squidward and a mistaken death lady joke really got me. This is tied with The Sewers of Bikini Bottom as my favorite season 9.2 episosde. Well done SpongeBob.

Grade: A
Great plot, great idea, and a good story overall, but the execution's a little botched. Pearl clearly can't carry an episode all by herself. She's a little bit too obnoxious all by herself, but I absolutely love the idea of having a lesser character being given a shot at carrying an entire episode. It shows that the writers are trying to do new and different things. As for Betty White, well, she's adorable. I love her acting, I love how sweet she is, and I love her entire role in the episode. I also love all the callbacks they did in this episode, so many characters from the past getting passing cameos. Squidward and SpongeBob in the background were hilarious. The only thing I really hated about this episode is "Grandma Power". That is seriously one of the stupidest climaxes I've ever seen. Overall, a nice effort, but a little shoddy. 6/10
Like for "Squidward Smells" and "Krabs is a" making an appearance on that metal door :wub:
I couldn't see it. If you know where it is, could you spot it and post it here? The episode is already on kisscartoon. Thanks. :)
