“Pull Up A Barrel” is a very unique episode, I really don’t think we’ve had one like it before. The closest thing is “Friend Or Foe”, but even that doesn’t quite fit this episode about Mr. Krabs’ dramatized past. And that’s a good thing, because it makes this episode stand out.
This episode starts out with Mr. Krabs being the money-hungry crab that he is, and again this is another example of the rapport between Mr. Krabs and Squidward. One day they’ll do something more with this, like an episode with just them, one day. Anyway, I feel Squidward in my very soul when he’s forced to wait for someone to leave so that he can leave, because that’s exactly what it’s like to work in service. And of course, once Squidward is able to leave early, the nastiest storm ever decides to roll in (bringing with it some wonderful atmosphere). I love when Squidward gets the short end of the stick, yeah I said it. It’s funny!
We then move to Mr. Krabs’ old navy tale, and this is a fun one. I love the inclusion of the characters we know and love (with neat designs too), and I love how they’re in places we might not expect (like Patrick being the captain of the ship, or Squidward being a guard). And seeing Mr. Krabs actually be a cook, and be good at it too, is great. I like when Mr. Krabs is portrayed this way, getting into the restaurant business not just because of money, but because he does actually like food. Hopefully I’m making sense. Basically what I’m saying is that Mr. Krabs’ portrayal in this episode is good.
This episode was simply fun and enjoyable. Not super funny, but it definitely did the job where it needed to. And I just loved seeing Mr. Krabs narrate all of this, Clancy Brown did a great job as always. And so this is why I really don’t have much to say about this one, it was just a very entertaining 11 minutes. It’s fun to explore Mr. Krabs’ navy days, let’s do more of that! Oh, but maybe get rid of that romance-toned stuff with Pirate Sandy. Just…no. On so many levels.
Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9/10