So, I just watched this one, and I actually thought it was pretty good. If you ask me, it's almost like an improvement of One Coarse Meal. Think about it. A character has a fear, another character, fed up with something the other character does, decides to stalk that character with said fear. Except in this case, Squidward is Mr. Krabs, and Spongebob and Patrick is Plankton. If that's really what they were trying to do here, I have to give them some credit, they did a pretty good job. They didn't drive the character being tormented to suicide, the tormentor actually got punished for their actions, and no one, except debatably Spongebob was out-of-character here. Even if this wasn't what they were going for, this was still an entertaining episode on its own. The jokes were pretty funny, the visuals were amazing, I mean, just look at the moon in the background; and they managed to keep me thoroughly entertained throughout the entirety of the episode. If I have one gripe about this episode though, it has to be the ending. It sort of reminded me of A Pal For Gary. Squidward reveals himself to have been The Fisherman all along, and Spongebob thinks that The Fisherman is trying to eat Squidward. Seriously writers? Spongebob IS NOT STUPID. Meaning that he isn't oblivious of the obvious. Along with that, we get some really over-the-top squid abuse. Geez, maybe hit him on the head once or twice, you didn't have to go and hit him six times. However, putting the ending aside, this was a really good episode. Not the best of season 9, but it's still pretty high on my list. My final ranking is 8/10.