"Oh I wish I was frying up some Krabby patties!"
i would have gave it a 7.5 but "i thought you said weast!" brought it up to 9
"Weast" and Patrick with 2 eyepatches are super funnyAh I love this episode. It's a classic one for sure. I actually enjoy this one more than it's sister episode, Rock Bottom.
I love the "Mr. Krabs, I want to go to bed!" part, that was my favorite. It's hilarious to me how obsessed Mr. Krabs is about the game. Another one of my favorite parts was the part when SpongeBob kept saying "argh" before everything and then Patrick started doing it too. I also liked the part with the flying dutchman.
I enjoy this episode, a great Mr. Krabs episode. It's nice seeing Mr. Krabs focus episodes without Plankton (as much as I like Plankton).
9/10 episode!!