170b. Home Sweet Rubble

I agree with Rocko's Milkmaid. It's better than Home Sweet Pineapple. Patrick saying "SpongeBob, I having another eggs and pencis crisis" was really funny. I gave this episode a 10/10.
Amazing! If you ask me, this one definitely compares to Home Sweet Pineapple for sure. This one may even be better. Seeing the characters interacting with each other was very cool to watch as well as all the features put into the house. The ending was kind of cheesy but who cares anyways.
This a rip-off of Home Sweet Pineapple. Even the title's a rip-off.
While it was pretty good at times, I found this episode a bit cruel and dumb a bit. Weird that Squidward was tied to the house, and how he would be inside the new pineapple. Other than that, at least it wasn't that bad and a bit more funny (A Pal for Gary). 7/10
Season: 8

Episode: Home Sweet Rubble

This episode was very decent. The plot was interesting. There was some little Squid abuse, but i can slide it. There were some funny jokes. 6.5/10
That bit with Patrick taking a message from his secretary was fantastic
One big problem is that it forced the plot so early and it did feel like a copy of Home Sweet Pineapple which a lot of people say it is (They even mentioned the name of the episode here) and I kinda have to agree with them mainly because the ending is pretty much the exact same. That joke with Patrick's dream wasn't funny and to me seemed like filler, speaking of Patrick he is kind of annoying in this episode like the whole phone call with Sandy although I did like the jokes with him having a exit pencils crisis I thought that was a good joke and it mixed together well with the other weak joke and I don't like how everyone tries to force SpongeBob to change his house it just felt out of place and it didn't need to be there. Also that scene with SpongeBob getting mustard in his eyes in slow-motion was very cringe worthy. Now while this episode does have quite a few flaws there are quite a few positives such as the interior design of SpongeBob's new house as well as Squidward unravelling and even though he was a bit annoying here Patrick did have quite a few funny lines.

It definitely isn't original but the rest of this isn't so bad. The plot is at least somewhat interesting and I did laugh a couple of times and I enjoyed the design of SpongeBob's new house. It isn't special but it's acceptable.

The line, "It's no home sweet pineapple, but I guess it could be worse", sums up my thoughts on the episode completely. It's nowhere as good as "Home Sweet Pineapple", and it's pretty forgettable, but at the same time, it doesn't do anything bad, so I think an okay score is what it deserves.

Episode: Home Sweet Rubble (S8-E170-B)

This episode is decent and mediocre to me. It's like a ripoff of Home Sweet Pineapple. I like Patrick's dream, where he's an executive doing nothing. I don't like Squidward being tortured as a safety strap to secure SB's pineapple.

Final Score = 5/10
This episode felt very similar in quality to Home Sweet Pineapple, the episode it's parodying. I think this episode is pretty good, and I also feel like it has a few good jokes. Overall, pretty good episode.

Ranking so far:
1. The Hot Shot (A+)
2. Frozen Face-Off (A+)
3. Drive Thru (A)
4. Planet of the Jellyfish (A)
5. Ghoul Fools (A)
6. The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom (A)
7. Mooncation (A)
8. Mermaid Man Begins (B)
9. Mr. Krabs Takes a Vacation (B)
10. Plankton's Good Eye (B)
11. Home Sweet Rubble (B)
12. Walking the Plankton (B)
13. The Way of the Sponge (B)
14. A Friendly Game (B)
15. Free Samples (B)
16. Sentimental Sponge (C)
17. Bubble Troubles (C)
18. A SquarePants Family Vacation (C)
19. Accidents Will Happen (C)
20. Fiasco! (C)
21. House Sittin' For Sandy (C)
22. Sweet and Sour Squid (C)
23. Barnacle Face (C)
24. Squidward's School for Grown-Ups (C)
25. The Googly Artiste (D)
26. The Other Patty (D)
27. Bubble Buddy Returns (D)
28. Patrick's Staycation (D)
29. Oral Report (E)
30. Restraining SpongeBob (E)
31. Pet Sitter Pat (F-)
32. Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom (F-)
33. Are You Happy Now? (F-)
A very obvious rip-off of fellow season 1 episode Home Sweet Pineapple. I kinda prefer this over that episode. Its actually meh just like its sister. Its funny and the ending was kinda cheesy but like i said before its an obvious rip-off of Home Sweet Pineapple.

Rating: Mediocre Episode

Mermaid Man Begins (Perfect)
The Hot Shot (Perfect)
Planet of the Jellyfish (Amazing)
Restraining SpongeBob (Great)
Oral Report (Great)
A Friendly Game (Great)
Accidents Will Happen (Great)
Sentimental Sponge (Good)
Frozen Face Off (Good)
Sweet and Sour Squid (Good)
Mooncation (Good)
The Way of the Sponge (Good)
Plankton's Good Eye (Good)
Are You Happy Now? (Okay)
The Googly Artiste (Okay)
Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom (Okay)
Patrick's Staycation (Okay)
Ghoul Fools (Okay)
Drive Thru (Alright)
Pet Sitter Pat (Alright)
The Other Patty (Meh)
Free Samples (Mediocre)
Squidward's School for Grown-ups (Mediocre)
The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom (Mediocre)
Home Sweet Rubble (Mediocre)
Bubble Troubles (Bad)
Barnacle Face (Bad)
Walking the Plankton (Bad)
A SquarePants Family Vacation (Inferior)
House Sittin For Sandy (Inferior)
Bubble Buddy Returns (Ridiculous)
Fiasco! (Terrible)
Oh goodie, yet another episode I remember very little of. Honestly, I’ve always remembered this episode as “Home Sweet Pineapple” + “Bucket Sweet Bucket”, which is funny because all 3 of these episodes use the same phrase as the base of their pun lol.

It’s funny that last episode ended with A Pineapple Luau Faster, and this episode starts with the same thing. It made watching them back to back pretty funny. But anyway, to get into the actual episode, it takes no time at all to see what the conflict for this episode is going to be, as SpongeBob’s house starts rotting and wilting in the sun. Should’ve gotten that sun protection paint SpongeBob, rookie mistake. Poor Gary doesn’t even get fed because of this either. Also, I love the continuity of Patrick dreaming about the most boring things lol. Squidward quickly gets involved in the deteriorating situation as SpongeBob’s house crashes into his, and his whole freak out about this being the end of the world is funny. Not to mention it reminds me of Gravity Falls lol. And the way Patrick goes straight to tying Squidward up around the house is hilarious.

Patrick then gets Sandy to come over, meaning that this is clearly going to be an episode with the core 5 (which it is, as Mr. Krabs comes along quickly after). I like that everyone is brought in pretty quickly, because that means we get more time with all 5 of the core characters at SpongeBob’s pineapple. They all start working to restore SpongeBob’s pineapple, with Squidward just holding everything together, and they do so to the tune of my favorite piece of background music, Traveling Along. I love how literally no one can just do anything right, it’s all pretty funny.

Everyone starts building the pineapple in their own way, which in a way could be seen as sweet, everyone wanting to add their own touches to SpongeBob’s house, but in practice it’s…yeah, not so great that everyone is trying to make SpongeBob’s house their way. And we then get another reminder that Gary hasn’t been fed, which, if you weren’t already thinking that Gary getting fed was going to be an important plot point, now you’ve gotta know, and I enjoy this…foreshadowing? I don’t know what to call it. Chekov’s Gary feeding LMAO. The way Gary cannot be bothered when SpongeBob gets mustard crumbs in his eyes is absolutely hilarious. Poor SpongeBob even gets used like a sponge by Sandy’s bathroom robot.

Unfortunately, right as SpongeBob is about to feed Gary, Squidward unravels, leaving SpongeBob’s house in ruins. But not for long, as finally SpongeBob feeds Gary, only to open a jar of furnished pineapple in a can. Well…that’s mighty convenient!

“Home Sweet Rubble” was a pretty good episode that I don’t have very much to say about, as you can see. It’s pretty harmless, I’d say. It's not especially hilarious, but that doesn't exclude it from anything but the Amazing tier. Yeah, I could, I suppose, take issue with the way that SpongeBob’s friends kind of selfishly help him instead of actually listening to him, but truthfully I didn’t really have much of a problem with this aspect of the episode at all, probably because it was done in a funny and not annoying way. And other than that, while this episode wasn’t drop dead hilarious, it still had lots of funny moments. So, definitely a Great-tier rating from me.

Episode Tier: Great
Episode Score:
Oh goodie, yet another episode I remember very little of. Honestly, I’ve always remembered this episode as “Home Sweet Pineapple” + “Bucket Sweet Bucket”, which is funny because all 3 of these episodes use the same phrase as the base of their pun lol.

It’s funny that last episode ended with A Pineapple Luau Faster, and this episode starts with the same thing. It made watching them back to back pretty funny. But anyway, to get into the actual episode, it takes no time at all to see what the conflict for this episode is going to be, as SpongeBob’s house starts rotting and wilting in the sun. Should’ve gotten that sun protection paint SpongeBob, rookie mistake. Poor Gary doesn’t even get fed because of this either. Also, I love the continuity of Patrick dreaming about the most boring things lol. Squidward quickly gets involved in the deteriorating situation as SpongeBob’s house crashes into his, and his whole freak out about this being the end of the world is funny. Not to mention it reminds me of Gravity Falls lol. And the way Patrick goes straight to tying Squidward up around the house is hilarious.

Patrick then gets Sandy to come over, meaning that this is clearly going to be an episode with the core 5 (which it is, as Mr. Krabs comes along quickly after). I like that everyone is brought in pretty quickly, because that means we get more time with all 5 of the core characters at SpongeBob’s pineapple. They all start working to restore SpongeBob’s pineapple, with Squidward just holding everything together, and they do so to the tune of my favorite piece of background music, Traveling Along. I love how literally no one can just do anything right, it’s all pretty funny.

Everyone starts building the pineapple in their own way, which in a way could be seen as sweet, everyone wanting to add their own touches to SpongeBob’s house, but in practice it’s…yeah, not so great that everyone is trying to make SpongeBob’s house their way. And we then get another reminder that Gary hasn’t been fed, which, if you weren’t already thinking that Gary getting fed was going to be an important plot point, now you’ve gotta know, and I enjoy this…foreshadowing? I don’t know what to call it. Chekov’s Gary feeding LMAO. The way Gary cannot be bothered when SpongeBob gets mustard crumbs in his eyes is absolutely hilarious. Poor SpongeBob even gets used like a sponge by Sandy’s bathroom robot.

Unfortunately, right as SpongeBob is about to feed Gary, Squidward unravels, leaving SpongeBob’s house in ruins. But not for long, as finally SpongeBob feeds Gary, only to open a jar of furnished pineapple in a can. Well…that’s mighty convenient!

“Home Sweet Rubble” was a pretty good episode that I don’t have very much to say about, as you can see. It’s pretty harmless, I’d say. It's not especially hilarious, but that doesn't exclude it from anything but the Amazing tier. Yeah, I could, I suppose, take issue with the way that SpongeBob’s friends kind of selfishly help him instead of actually listening to him, but truthfully I didn’t really have much of a problem with this aspect of the episode at all, probably because it was done in a funny and not annoying way. And other than that, while this episode wasn’t drop dead hilarious, it still had lots of funny moments. So, definitely a Great-tier rating from me.

Episode Tier: Great
Episode Score: 8.5/10
Bold: I wouldn’t consider Sandy part of the core 5 considering how rarely she appeared in most episodes at this point even Plankton is a more relevant character than her the other 4 are definitely the core 4 tho