15b. Suds


Same problem with Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost, just a teensy bit better. Basically, funny, but not a really good plot. Patrick was funny, but just really meh in terms of plot. Sandy was my favorite here though, that's a plus. SpongeBob getting the SUDS was alright, but in later parts was just sort of meh. The ending was pretty good though.

Naughty Nautical Neighbors: (10/10)
Ripped Pants: (10/10)
Tea at the Tree-Dome: (10/10)
SB-129 (10/10)
Help Wanted: (9.5/10)
Karate Choppers: (9.5/10)
Sleepy Time: (9/10)
Pizza Delivery: (9/10)
Plankton!: (9/10)
F.U.N: (9/10)
Boating School: (8.5/10)
Bubblestand: (8.5/10)
Culture Shock: (7.5/10)
Reef Blower: (7.5/10)
Pickles: (7/10)
Scardey Pants: (7/10)
The Chaperone: (6.5/10)
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy I: (6.5/10)
I Was A Teenage Gary: (6.5/10)
Home Sweet Pineapple: (6.5/10)
Employee of the Month: (6.5/10)
Suds: (6/10)
Opposite Day: (6/10)
Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost: (5.5/10)
Nature Pants: (4.5/10)
Sandy's Rocket: (4.5/10)
Hall Monitor: (4/10)
Squeaky Boots: (3.5/10)
MuscleBob BuffPants: (2/10)
Jellyfishing: (1.5/10)
This episode might get gross but the jokes were very funny. I also liked the fact that Patrick got some good karma at the end!

Rating: Great Episode

SB-129 (Perfect)
Sleepy Time (Amazing!)
F.U.N. (Amazing!)
Pizza Delivery (Amazing!)
Reef Blower (Amazing!)
Opposite Day (Amazing!)
Help Wanted (Amazing!)
Pickles (Amazing!)
Plankton! (Amazing!)
Naughty Nautical Neighbors (Amazing!)
STUFG (Great)
Employee of the Month (Great)
Squeaky Boots (Great)
Bubblestand (Great)
Jellyfishing (Great)
MMABB (Great)
Suds (Great)
I Was a Teenage Gary (Great)
Scaredy Pants (Great)
Karate Choppers (Great)
Ripped Pants (Okay)
Boating School (Okay)
Hall Monitor (Okay)
Culture Shock (Okay)
Tea at the Treedome (Meh)
Jellyfish Jam (Meh)
Sandy's Rocket (Meh)
The Chaperone (Bad)
Home Sweet Pineapple (Bad)
MuscleBob BuffPants (Bad)
Nature Pants (Terrible)
I feel so bad for Sponge in this episode... that pained cry he does right before he sneezes for the final time tugs at my heartstrings AND sets off my misophonia. That's why I don't watch this episode if it's on.
I don't know what it is with me and having the most random episodes be the most nostalgic for me, but "Suds" gives me a lot of nostalgia. Watching this episode takes me right back to childhood, so like the show in general it's a comfort for me.

Like many episodes in season 1, SpongeBob is absolutely adorable in this episode, even if I do feel bad for the little guy during the whole thing. This episode is also a great example of how to have characters make things worse (Patrick, I'm looking at you), without being annoying or infuriating or malicious about it ("Stuck in The Wringer", I'm glaring at you).

"Suds" is simply hilarious. Like this episode really gets me on the floor laughing every time, and I think it's because it's a less popular episode, so I don't think about it as much, meaning every joke feels fresh. Not that episodes like "Band Geeks" don't feel fresh, but I'm sure you all understand what I mean. Sandy is excellent in this episode, which I don't see many people talking about, but her no-nonsense attitude is a perfect straightman to Patrick's shenanigans. Her Texas-isms are also at their best in this episode.

Patrick is also great in this episode, and in general this episode is great at random humor. Like that one "treatment" Patrick is in the middle of doing with SpongeBob when Sandy arrives, what is that? I love it. The ending of "Suds" is also great, with Patrick getting his comeuppance, even if what he was doing wasn't malicious at all. It's like Squidward receiving the consequences of his own actions.

I'm going to bump this episode up a tier from when I did my season review, because looking back at it I really have no problems with it and I find it hilarious, so it deserves to be in my "Amazing" tier.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9/10
I feel so bad for Sponge in this episode... that pained cry he does right before he sneezes for the final time tugs at my heartstrings AND sets off my misophonia. That's why I don't watch this episode if it's on.
Like, SAME, girl. My mom and I, like, honestly loathed that sound.
Ok no this is definitely the first episode I remember watching this all the time on a dvd
as someone who has been sick this is relatable
  1. Pizza Delivery (11/10)
  2. Ripped Pants (10/10)
  3. Sb-129 (9.5/10)
  4. Suds (9.5/10)
  5. F.U.N (9.5/10)
  6. Sleepy Time (9/10)
  7. Karate Choppers (9/10)
  8. Plankton! (8.5/10)
  9. Pickles (8.5/10)
  10. Scaredy Pants (8.5/10)
  11. Naught Nautical Neighbors (8/10)
  12. Boating School (8/10)
  13. Nature Pants (8/10)
  14. Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost (8/10)
  15. Culture Shock (8/10)
  16. Employee Of The Month (8/10)
  17. Mermaid And Barnacle Boy (8/10)
  18. Jellyfish Jam (8/10)
  19. Help Wanted (8/10)
  20. Bubble Stand (8/10)
  21. Opposite Day (7.5/10)
  22. Reef Blower (6.5/10)
  23. The Chaperone (6/10)
  24. Tea At The Treedome (5.5/10)
  25. Hall Monitor (3.5/10)
  26. Home Sweet Pineapple (3/10)
  27. Sandy's Rocket (2.5/10)
  28. Musclebob Buffpants (2.5/10)
  29. I was a Teenage Gary (2.5/10)
  30. Jellyfishing (2.5/10)