157a. Squidward's School for Grown Ups

Currently the worst episode of Season 8 for me. I found Squidward completely unlikable and while I'm glad he lost at the end, this episode still bothers the heck out of me.

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I don't know about you, but I thought this episode was terrible. My main problem is the way it deals with maturity and growing up--It divides it into a complete and utter black-and-white scenario with one end being obnoxiously loud and hyper and the other end being overly uptight and superficial. In real life, maturity comes from past experiences and learning from mistakes, it doesn't just "happen" to come with puberty to bring you from one one-sided personality to another. Also, rather than explaining that people are have different ways of experiencing life, and that a balance of silliness and seriousness is key, it pretty much implies that all maturity is bad that you should never grow up if anyone wants to stay your friends, which is a really horrible message. Although that isn't the only thing wrong, no, it also expects me to feel sympathy for SpongeBob losing his "friend" after being irritating and highly immature throughout the whole episode, and to treat Sqquidward as the evil force taking him away for being just as bad as him, and expects me to believe that a lowsy friendship opera is all it takes to "forgive". (The song on it's own was enjoyable in a weird way, though). It expects me to believe that SpongeBob actually deserves to succeed. And the humor failed too. What wasn't black-and-white stereotypes (the moment at the restaurant or the idea that the immature'll ruind art) or mind-numbing filler (Yelling at the cars for a full 2 minutes), made the story really confused and free from any logic (looking at you, sea urchin). All-and-all, I give this a 3/10
Sorry but i dont hate this episode but i dont like it either

kinda one of those episodes like move it or lose it its not terrible not great its just kinda there while i will admit its no where near season 5 standards just could of been a lot better

A bad mixture of Breath of Fresh Squidward and Patrick Smartpants. I don't like it at all.

I saw this one this afternoon and had low expectations. The first few minutes are why cartoon-hating adults hate cartoons. And the ending was incredibly random with Spongebob in the opera (and I knew exactly what would be coming with Squidward the second after Patrick stepped on stage...getting a little predictable, isn't it?). I don't have a problem with the rest other than the fact that it's just fairly dull and there's not a lot of humor. Squidward and Patrick had some good lines, and I'm surprised this concept hasn't been done before.

Equal parts good and bad, so 5.5/10 it is.
This episode was very middle of the road for me. The plot was extremely weak, the beginning was frustrating and Squidward was a jerk and very stereotypical that just because Patrick grew a beard automatically made him more mature than SpongeBob which I honestly find really stupid. However there were some good moments like the male opera singer singing "LAAAAAAAA!" and then just walking off that was pretty amusing and I also liked Patrick in this episode he was only acting jerky to impress Squidward but deep down in his heart you knew he wanted to hang around with SpongeBob, also I liked the ending with Squidward getting his comeuppance hence the fact that it was quite heart-warming. So yeah there were bad moments but there are some good moments to balance it out into a meh episode.

I think More explained this one better than I could.

I did like some jokes though such as "Lalala" but this episode isn't good at all.

I like grown up Patrick better than regular Patrick.

Squidward was great to. I hated the ending though.

Episode: Squidward's School for Grown Ups

BORING!!! This ::dolphin noise::ty episode is a HUGE WASTE TO TIME! Everything is just boring when (1) SB and Pat screaming at moving boats passing-by, and (2) SpongeBob acting childish in this episode. This episode is all about growing up and puberty, since Patrick has a "beard", but SpongeBob is acting very immature and childish here. The only good thing is Patrick's "beard" running away because it's just a hairy creature. The ending sucks. My reaction:


Final Score = 1/10 :patboo:
This episode bored me. I didn't find much of it entertaining at all. In fact, I can't remember much of it. I think there were a couple funny jokes, but overall, very mediocre.

Ranking so far:
1. The Hot Shot (A+)
2. Frozen Face-Off (A+)
3. Drive Thru (A)
4. A Friendly Game (B)
5. Sentimental Sponge (C)
6. Accidents Will Happen (C)
7. Squidward's School for Grown-Ups (C)
8. The Other Patty (D)
I honestly like this episode quite a bit. It's not perfect, but what it has to offer is relatively solid. There were some pretty good jokes, such as Patrick covering up his insult of the art museum by saying "flooring", and the sequence of Spongebob trying to fix the painting. The only thing holding the episode back is the beginning, which consists of Patrick and Spongebob screaming for long stretches. And, of course, there's the occasional slow-moving scene, but overall, it's fine
Meh thats all i can pretty much say. SpongeBob acted super childish and its just boring i liked the "Dear, Friend" song. So thats what i think of this episode.

Rating: Mediocre Episode

The Hot Shot (Perfect)
A Friendly Game (Great)
Accidents Will Happen (Great)
Sentimental Sponge (Good)
Frozen Face Off (Good)
Drive Thru (Alright)
The Other Patty (Meh)
Squidward's School for Grown-ups (Mediocre)
I loved this episode. Sure the screaming at the beginning was a bit random but it was so cute seeing Patrick trying to be a grown-up and SpongeBob tagging along. The concept is great and is executed very well. It was a little weird at the end when SpongeBob was singing in an opera at the end but it was funny when Squidward tried to take over and got booed. All in all this was a great episode.
Okay, this episode has got to be one of the most forgettable episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants ever. No matter what I do I can never remember anything in this plot beyond Patrick growing a beard. Literally.

I’m glad that all of these episodes have been beginning with some gorgeous backgrounds, because I just love, love, love it! And this beginning segment of the episode signals that this is gonna be one of the ones about SpongeBob and Patrick’s friendship…oh boy. Those can either go very good, or very bad. And the whole screaming at cars activity that they do is both annoying and boring, which is almost an impressive combination. This episode is also interesting because of its direct highlighting of the child-adult line this show likes to straddle. Or at least, the idea of the episode doing this is interesting. The execution, on the other hand, leaves much to be desired.

For one thing, the plot is dumb and nonsensical, and not in a good way. Patrick just falls asleep, which is boring, and then when he wakes up he suddenly has a beard. This episode almost feels like it’s stealing from the first movie by making sudden facial hair the marker of adulthood, but okay. Not to mention, this episode feels like it’s taking all the wrong pages from the book of “Patrick SmartPants”. Because where that episode is an endearing look at SpongeBob and Patrick’s friendship, this episode is a boring, annoying mess, to be quite honest. Squidward’s involvement here makes the episode feel like an unholy combination of the first movie, “Naughty Nautical Neighbors”, and “Patrick SmartPants”, as he just creates the wedge between SpongeBob and Patrick by inducing Patrick into the Squidward school of how to be a miserable jerkwad in your adult years. And there’s just a complete lack of charm in how this is done. If there was some charm, I think I would’ve liked the episode.

Another reason I don’t like this episode is that literally every single character is bad. Main character, at least. Squidward just feels like he’s missing something to make me like him more, but he’s the most…normal. Patrick is a jerkwad for no reason (especially once we see that the beard wasn’t even real). SpongeBob is written very annoyingly in some parts of this episode which to me is a fundamental misunderstanding of his character. He acts like how Patrick would act in this episode, which to me means that this episode should’ve shown SpongeBob as the one growing the beard and trying to become a grown up. That wouldn’t have been a ton better but I think it would’ve been an improvement over what we got.

There were two good things in this episode though. One of them was the bit at the art museum. It’s nice to see that there was a clear capability for this episode to be funny and it just…didn’t do that. And notice how the funny part involved SpongeBob, not anything Squidward and Patrick were doing. Just thought I’d point that out. The second thing I liked was the opera, specifically SpongeBob’s singing. Teresa Parente has a beautiful voice, clearly. I would never, ever go to opera in real life, but I do enjoy good singing.

“Squidward’s School For Grown-Ups” could’ve been about the important of preserving one’s inner child, much like “Idiot Box” or “Grandma’s Kisses”, but instead it felt like an episode without clear focus because it spent so much time on unnecessary and annoying things, and not enough time building up its actual story. So it’s just an unpleasant watch. The ending feels unearned and rushed, and it’s just…not great. It just barely misses my Mediocre tier, because Squidward makes me want to go into the episode and strangle him. If he wasn’t so infuriating, this would’ve been Mediocre-tier for sure.

Episode Tier: Tolerable
Episode Score:
It's fine! I like it enough for it to be real enjoyable for me!
I liked it
ok i don't like it as much as i did but the only issues i have are the car scene and thats about it aside from that this episode is good
  1. Frozen Face Off (10/10)
  2. The Hot Shot (10/10)
  3. Drive Thru (9.5/10)
  4. A Friendly Game (8.5/10)
  5. Squidward's School For Grown Ups (8/10)
  6. Sentimental Sponge (7/10)
  7. Accidents Will Happen (6.5/10)
  8. The Other Patty (6/10)