153b. The Other Patty

I kind of enjoyed it, but i like the idea of Mr.Krabs and Plankton working together.

Ranking: 6.8/10.0
Season: 8

Episode: The Other Patty

This episode was between decent and good for me. I liked Spongebob's idea turning Mr. Krabs and Plankton friends again (sadly it was a big fiasco). It didn't have many jokes but it was still kinda funny. 6/10
I Don't Like This One At All.Its a Boring Rip Off To Best Frenemies.

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Well, Well, Well, here's my review:
It has a lot of the same concepts that Best Frenemies had, that's for sure. I thought BF was better because of the ending, but Top is... Actually not that bad. Sure, it is kinda bland at times, but the Krabs and Plankton team up works again. It had some decent jokes to give occasional laughter, but the ending is sort of dumb.
Score: 6.5/10 (Decent)
The twist doesn't really make sence, even by cartoon logic
Eh might as well talk about a few episodes that I didn't have enough to say about to put on the list.

This episode was perfectly fine... middle of the road... it's fun to see Mr. Krabs and Plankton back together and see the shenanigans they cause, it's just funny that they can be so certain about their ideologies when we clearly know both are in the wrong, and that even when faced with this new obstacle that would affect both of them negatively, the stubbornness still persists and it allows for some humorous slapstick and arguments.

Although it does leave a lot to be desired. It's pretty much a wannabe of "Best Frenemies" that took any of the bonding and teamwork out, mainly for one significant change: SpongeBob's influence. It would be fun to have them rage over some petty thing, or like in Best Frenemies have them cooperate out of fear, but SpongeBob turned it into a preachy, constantly shoved moral of cooperation. It's like your mother constantly interfering with potential resolutions because "we need to communicate the problem and work it out" even though that's obviously what we're doing. Seeing that SpongeBob created the Flabby Patty deliberately, it just shoves that cliche in further. His presence prevents anything genuine from forming.
It's a good episode but kind of forgettable! and also, it was boring at some parts! I really liked the fact that Mr.Krabs cooperated or whatever is called , to get a secret formula, even though SpongeBob was behind all of this...The ending was quite good but poor Spongy :P , again, it was kind of boring.............8/10 :sbdance:
This episode lacks the heart, humor, and story of Best Frenemies but it has fun moments, it had some really good jokes but that's about it.

I forgot about this episode until I watched it today.

It was good. I liked how Mr. Krabs and Plankton teamed up. I give this episode a 7.5/10.
Pretty average episode that suffers from being too similar to the much better "Best Frenemies", though it is inoffensive overall.

This episode isn't the worst but definitely not worth a watch. It didn't make sense that the Flabby Patty shack is open when SpongeBob was talking to Plankton (cause SpongeBob's the one who opened it), it was really dull, and of course it's extremely similar to Best Frenemies.

3.5/10 (Bad)
A few funny jokes, but I didn't find myself liking this one. It's repetitive, and the plot is too similar to Best Frenemies, a better episode. I think this episode had the potential to be good but the execution failed.

Ranking so far:
1. Accidents Will Happen (C)
2. The Other Patty (D)
One of my personal hated episodes, Obviously Best Frenemies and this episode are too similar but aside from that there is nothing too enjoy here, the episode also made no sense with Spongebob who opened the shack being there when Plankton and Krabs first see it. To the episode's credit it is inoffensive but that doesn't mean it's good, also the ending is just a slap in the face. Best Frenemies is a much better use of your time,

The Other Patty Awful 3/10
  • Spongebob makes a reference to Friend or Foe when he explains to Mr. Krabs and Plankton that they used to be friends.
  • This is the second episode where Plankton stops stealing the Krabby Patty secret formula. The first is "New Leaf".
This episode did a little bit of damage to my overall opinion of the series when I first watched it, when this aired. I have so little respect for this episode. It was so bad to me when I first watched it, that it made me give up on the show for a little while.
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