14 Years of SBM!

Happy 14th Anniversary, weird that this site existed before I was born next year
El Jacko said:
Happy anniversary SBM! Now you are as old as me (again) :D
It’s shocking that at some point, there’ll be a bunch of active members who were born after the creation of SBM. Already it’s alarming that a majority were born during the Pre-Movie era, but it’s crazy to think we’ll soon be a whole generation behind the show’s original demographic [6-11 year olds in the late 90s].
Just to think, SBMANIA will be a decade and a half old next year (15). Also, has time really went by this fast? It's hard to believe that I've a member for almost two years, and in turn I've witnessed the thirteenth anniversary.
Happy 14th anniversary to a website where I've met many, many great friends over the years! That just feels so awesome to me! <3
They grow up so fast. :wub:

Due to my inactivity over the last few months, I'm late to this, again, but happy anniversary
Congrats to all our staff! Thanks to all members for being here for any part of these 14 years!

I was 13 when this site launched. :| :spongey: