117b. Professor Squidward


Facing the BSOD
Jun 26, 2015
In a vat full of eggplants
Strange, I don't hate this episode. But I have to say that this episode has its flaws. First of all, I thought that the fish were idiots thinking that Squidward was Squilliam, and the episode gets worse from there. I thought it was going to be pretty good, but no. It turned out to be lackluster, but it has its moments. Funny enough, I liked the metronome gag, it was a bit random and stupid, but it was pretty funny. Spongebob and Patrick were annoying, because of them abusing Squidward. Most of the gags fell flat, but there were a couple that I enjoyed (The metronome gag). The majority of the gags were either random or unfunny, and it annoyed me a bit. Not much, but still. The redeeming quality of why this is not a bad episode is that Squidward got arrested for an actual justified reason. The mean-spirited stuff did not offend me as much as others, but I can't ever say that I will like it. I would rather have a mean-spirited and boring episode than a gross out episode. Just a boring meh-pisode that gets a...

**drum roll**


Alex Squarepants

angrier than ever
Dec 24, 2015
This episode is pretty boring, I don't find it as annoying as other people may say. but I think this episode is so boring. There isn't really many interesting things going on and the plot structure is the typical redundant annoy Squidward episode. There are a few funny gags and Squidward actually got concequences for impersonating Squilliam at the end. But other than that, this episode doesn't have a whole lot of funny gags and the plot structure is overused.


Ol Bold and Brash

Hu Tao stan
Dec 2, 2015
This episode is so darn stupid and it's one of the worst S6 episodes it's just boring and annoying and not so funny SpongeBob and Patrick are very annoying is this episode but there are some funny moments like Patrick randomly becomes tiny and rides a toy train and the tick joke was sorta funny but it got a little repetitive but this episode was awful but its much better than Cephalopod Lodge (THE WORST S6 EPISODE)

Grade: 3/10

Worst Character: :sbx: :patx:

Worst Line: None

Worst Moment: None (most of it is just boring and annoying)


random gal
Jul 9, 2014
Finally, Squidward had the opportunity to live his dream -even for 10 mins- but yeah :P SpongeBob and Patrick were funny IMO in that episode, they didn't really ruin it for Squidward....it was just the police that found out for him...The ending was really bad though...this reminds me of a sunny day that at night gets cloudy and then thunderstorm, that's what this episode is...it's good all way through , apart from the ending that it is irritating, annoying and really bad....it lowered my rating a lot, but it still is a good rating!!! I also loved Squidward's wig, he could put a mustache on as well, just so he's more like Squilliam :P 8/10

Honest Slug

Ink Lemonade hurts me.
Nov 21, 2015
At least Squidward deserved it but this plot is so long-winded and boring, and any gags are simply grating. SpongeBob and Patrick shouldn't of been in this episode.

Feb 1, 2017
At the Jellyfishing Convention
Okay, so I think this episode has some pretty funny parts, but it's actually kind of forgettable. I forgot this episode existed until now. They could've expanded more on the story instead of packing in a bunch of jokes, which I thought were funny. So essentially, writing and story is really lacking on this one.
Nov 10, 2017
United States
This episode was alright. I think it had some funny parts, but for the most part, it wasn't that entertaining. And SpongeBob and Patrick really had no reason to be here.

Ranking so far:
1. Patty Caper (A+)
2. Krabby Road (A)
3. Not Normal (A)
4. Krusty Krushers (A)
5. Suction Cup Symphony (A)
6. The Slumber Party (B)
7. A Life in a Day (B)
8. Gone (B)
9. Ditchin' (B)
10. No Nose Knows (B)
11. Slide Whistle Stooges (B)
12. House Fancy (C)
13. Grandpappy the Pirate (C)
14. Giant Squidward (C)
15. To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants (C)
16. Spongicus (C)
17. Plankton's Regular (C)
18. Nautical Novice (C)
19. Professor Squidward (C)
20. SpongeBob SquarePants vs. The Big One (C)
21. Porous Pockets (C)
22. Shuffleboarding (D)
23. Squid's Visit (D)
24. Penny Foolish (D)
25. Grooming Gary (D)
26. The Krabby Kronicle (D)
27. Sun Bleached (D)
28. Dear Vikings (E)
29. Cephalopod Lodge (E)
30. The Splinter (F)
31. Boating Buddies (F)
32. The Card (F-)
33. Choir Boys (F-)


Moby Dollar
May 13, 2020
Weenie Hut Jr's.
Ugh, this is another pretty grating episode. The concept of Squidward teaching a music class is cool, but man is the execution messy. All of the gags are strange and don't go anywhere, and Spongebob and Patrick really didn't need to be here. It seems like an attempt was barely made to make an entertaining plot here.

Bad episode (3/10)

1. Not Normal (8)
2. Ditchin' (7)
3. The Slumber Party (7)
4. Krabby Road (7)
5. Grandpappy the Pirate (7)
6. Porous Pockets (6)
7. House Fancy (6)
8. Patty Caper (6)
9. A Life in a Day (6)
10. Spongicus (5)
11. Spongebob Squarepants vs. The Big One (5)
12. Nautical Novice (5)
13. Krusty Krushers (5)
14. Plankton's Regular (5)
15. No Nose Knows (5)
16. Suction Cup Symphony (5)
17. Grooming Gary (4)
18. Shuffeboarding (4)
19. Cephalopod Lodge (4)
20. Dear Vikings (4)
21. The Krabby Kronicle (4)
22. Sun Bleached (4)
23. Penny Foolish (4)
24. Gone (4)
25. To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants (4)
26. Slide Whistle Stooges (3)
27. Giant Squidward (3)
28. Professor Squidward (3)
29. The Splinter (3)
30. The Card (3)
31. Boating Buddies (2)
32. Squid's Visit (2)
33. Choir Boys (2)


The Pokemon Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2021
SpongeBuddy Mania
Meh thats all i say. Its funny and interesting but that ending ruined the episode.

Rating: Alright Episode

Grandpappy the Pirate (Perfect)
Suction Cup Symphony (Perfect)
Krabby Road (Amazing)
Boating Buddies (Great)
A Life in a Day (Great)
Grooming Gary (Great)
Nautical Novice (Great)
To SquarePants or Not To SquarePants (Good)
No Nose Knows (Good)
Slide Whistle Stooges (Good)
Not Normal (Good)
Porous Pockets (Good)
Gone (Good)
Spongicus (Good)
Giant Squidward (Okay)
Professor Squidward (Alright)
SBSP Vs. The Big One (Alright)
Penny Foolish (Meh)
Dear Vikings (Meh)
Squid's Visit (Mediocre)
Plankton's Regular (Mediocre)
Cephalopod Lodge (Bad)
Patty Caper (Bad)
Krusty Krushers (Bad)
The Slumber Party (Bad)
House Fancy (Bad)
Sun Bleached (Bad)
Shuffleboarding (Inferior)
The Card (Inferior)
Choir Boys (Terrible)
The Krabby Kronicle (Terrible)


#1 SpongeBob Reviewer
Apr 23, 2016
“Professor Squidward” is yet another average, unremarkable episode from season 6. Before rewatching, I could remember the basic plot of the episode, as well as the one big joke with the metronome. So I’m not sure if I’d call this episode forgettable, but it does fade into the background, I think.

It’s nice to see an episode that follows a different character. I mean, we’ve been getting them this season, but it’s always just nice to see anyway. It’s also nice to see Squilliam again in this episode, especially knowing that I’m approaching the end of his episode appearances lol. Squidward’s turtleneck in this episode is also a good design choice, I like when they change up the ways characters look, but particularly when it’s these subtle ways. The way that this entire plot surrounds Squidward being mistaken for Squilliam raises some questions from me…is it that all squids look alike, or are fish just racist? I kid, I kid. But also I mean the headmistress is exceedingly dumb to believe Squidward when he says he’s Squilliam after his whole loud display, not to mention he doesn’t even have the unibrow. But I mean, the characters in this show aren’t necessarily known for their common sense lol. And I mean this part is funny to me so it really doesn’t matter, especially once they start roasting Squidward.

From here, the episode kind of reminds me of “Artist Unknown”. But before anyone says anything, there’s nothing wrong with that, and I also am against the propensity to call things “rip-offs”, because I think that’s dumb lol. First off, how can you rip off yourself? And yes, usually it’s different writers writing the episodes that people consider to be rip-offs, but y’all know what I mean. A show can’t rip itself off…it can use similar plots, but rip-off just makes no sense to me. That was my little tangent I guess. And all of that is to say that the only similarity between this episode and “Artist Unknown” is Squidward teaching a class about something related to the arts. That’s it. I mean I guess SpongeBob being one of his students is a similarity, but then that’s really it.

Squidward coming in with that ugly a** wig is hilarious to me. Also I didn’t know this until I started watching some British crime dramas (Broadchurch lovers, where you at?), but apparently lawyers (and judges) in the UK wear those ugly wigs to trials? That’s horrendous. Anyway, this beginning scene with the name-writing is awkward humor. It’s of a different kind to the type that I abhor, but it is still based in awkwardness, with Billy being like “this guy is weird”, and us being like “this interaction is weird”. So while it doesn’t really annoy me like the slow, not talking type of awkward humor does, it does feel boring.

And then SpongeBob and Patrick come in, and I already get a bad feeling seeing that design of SpongeBob that I can’t stand. Also, I’m really starting to become tired with the constant use of the same dynamic between these 3. Like we can have other kinds of dynamics between all 3 of them you know, it doesn’t have to be SpongeBob and Patrick randomly messing up whatever Squidward’s trying to do. Though I guess here it’s a little different since Squidward is definitely in the wrong for lying and assuming Squilliam’s identity. But like, again I see no use for Patrick here. It could’ve been SpongeBob on his own and nothing would’ve changed, not even the humor. I don’t know what’s going on with having Patrick randomly be in these episodes he has no business being in (well, I do have an idea, and it’s about marketability), but it’s very tiring to me. At least the banter between SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward in this scene is actually entertaining to me (well, entertaining after Squidward tells them to refer to him as Squilliam). I like how they’re talking about new years’ resolutions, idk it just feels very…common and small-talk like, which adds to this show I think. And this episode does lean into the adult side of things (kind of…SpongeBob and Patrick give adult learners much more than college students), so that’s nice.

Moving on, we get probably the least funny version of the whole “repetitive interruption” type of joke I’ve gotten in this show so far. For other examples of this kind of joke, think Squidward introducing Pearl in “Culture Shock”, or the whole Sheldon thing in “Plankton’s Army”. But anyway, SpongeBob’s laugh isn’t necessarily annoying here (I feel like I’ve built a very high tolerance to his laugh, it rarely irritates me), but it also isn’t exactly engendering hilarious feelings. And then when Squidward confronts SpongeBob and Patrick, the scene feels so freaking slow. Especially with Patrick’s delivery of “He’s making that up! It was him!”, that was just so weirdly done. And then the reveal that SpongeBob was tickling himself really just makes all of this feel pointless to me? Idk. Though it’s improved exponentially when after Squidward puts the whole class in a line, Patrick does end up tickling SpongeBob. That was funny. Too bad it doesn’t last, because we get yet another slow-going scene after this one, now between Patrick and Squidward.

I can tell that the episode is going for more of a light plot and heavy on the gags kind of vibe, but the problem is the gags are not very good, and nearly all the scenes in the bulk of the episode feel slow and empty. Like the witty humor is actually there for the most part, as we saw in the beginning interaction between Squidward, Patrick, and SpongeBob, but the rest of the humor just isn’t really there. Like visual gags? Nope. Reactions? Nope. Slapstick? This episode doesn’t even try, which is fine, but I mean that’s just another bit of humor that’s not present. And the witty humor in this episode only comes once in a while, so all the other attempts at jokes just don’t work. And this metronome bit is just…boring. I at least like how absurd it is.

And then when Squidward ends up being revealed as a liar, it’s very anticlimactic. Like SpongeBob and Patrick end up revealing him through their apology, which to me is dumb because they had clearly understood they should call Squidward ‘Squilliam’. Like the reveal should’ve been more interesting and chaotic. And we eventually get that once the police bust in and arrest Squidward, but even then that’s not enough. And then the episode ends with SpongeBob and Patrick placing themselves back in the metronome trance, which would’ve been better had the metronome joke happened earlier in the episode, and not like a minute before this. Call-backs work better the farther away they are from the original instance (to a point, of course).

“Professor Squidward” starts off well, but then tapers off pretty quickly, which is disappointing. It’s always rough to see an episode begin with so much potential that is promptly squandered. But seriously, this episode is just so freaking boring. This is definitely a trend so far in these season 6 episodes, with so many episodes just wasting time and not being funny, and I don’t know what’s going on. It’s also just weird because for so many of them I can’t put them any lower that “Okay”-tier, because while they bore me, they don’t really irritate me or anything, so there’s no reason to put them in “Mediocre”. But anyway, I think for this episode the big issue is that I’m sitting there just waiting for it to actually start. All the scenes in this episode feel like set-ups or the beginnings of something, not entire jokes on their own. So I just leave feeling unsatisfied. I also didn’t like the pretty much the only characters to do anything in this episode are SpongeBob and Patrick and Squidward. What was the point of having these background characters there if they weren’t going to add to the humor at all? I mean we had Billy at least, so there was at least an attempt to utilize the background characters, but unfortunately that one attempt was very boring.

Episode Tier: Mediocre
Episode Score:
Feb 19, 2024
spongebob and Patrick are so annoying they make me want to slice my ears off like SHUT UP!! i guess its nice seeing squilliam and Squidward kinda deserved it but that's it
  1. Krabby Road (10/10)
  2. Not Normal (10/10)
  3. Ditchin' (10/10)
  4. Grandpappy The Pirate (10/10)
  5. Suction Cup Symphony (10/10)
  6. Patty Caper (9.5/10)
  7. The Krabby Kronicle (9/10)
  8. Spongebob Squarepants Vs The Big One (9/10)
  9. House Fancy (9/10)
  10. To Squarepants Or Not To Squarepants (9/10)
  11. A Life In A Day (9/10)
  12. Giant Squidward (8/10)
  13. Squid's Visit (8/10)
  14. Spongicus (8/10)
  15. Gone (7.5/10)
  16. Grooming Gary (7/10)
  17. The Slumber Party (7/10)
  18. Krusty Krushers (6.5/10)
  19. Penny Foolish (6.5/10)
  20. Porous Pockets (6.5/10)
  21. No Nose Knows (6/10)
  22. Nautical Novice (5/10)
  23. The Card (3/10)
  24. Sun Bleached (3/10)
  25. Professor Squidward (1/10)
  26. Slide Whistle Stooges (1/10)
  27. Cephalopod Lodge (0.5/10)
  28. Boating Buddies (0.5/10)
  29. Shuffleboarding (0.5/10)
  30. Dear Vikings (0.5/10)
  31. Plankton's Regular (0.5/10)
  32. The Splinter (0/10)
  33. Choir Boys (-9999999999999999999/10)
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