115b. Cephalopod Lodge

It was my favorite episode from that week. However, it would've been WAY better if they showed more of what they in the lodge and if Squidward got back in at the end. But I guess Squidward can't have a happy ending for once.
It was my favorite episode from that week. However, it would've been WAY better if they showed more of what they in the lodge and if Squidward got back in at the end. But I guess Squidward can't have a happy ending for once.
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
It was my favorite episode from that week. However, it would've been WAY better if they showed more of what they in the lodge and if Squidward got back in at the end. But I guess Squidward can't have a happy ending for once.
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.

If he gets what he wants, what are we to laugh at?
It was my favorite episode from that week. However, it would've been WAY better if they showed more of what they in the lodge and if Squidward got back in at the end. But I guess Squidward can't have a happy ending for once.
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.

If he gets what he wants, what are we to laugh at?
Well, I guess you have a point there, but I just feel kinda bad for him sometimes, especially in this ep because it really looked like he would get what he wanted. And, another thing--isn't there usually a better reason that he doesn't get what he wants? Don't you think that the writers could have come up with something better than SB and Patrick just walking out of the giant sock to get him kicked out again?
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
Of course, that's why Band Geeks, Suction Cup Symphony, and House Fancy don't exist.
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
Of course, that's why Band Geeks, Suction Cup Symphony, and House Fancy don't exist.
lol yeah, I think "Squidward wins" episodes are coming too often now... one from seasons 1-5 and 2 from season 6...
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
Of course, that's why Band Geeks, Suction Cup Symphony, and House Fancy don't exist.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about those eps...
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
Of course, that's why Band Geeks, Suction Cup Symphony, and House Fancy don't exist.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about those eps...
Yeah, I was starting to worry until I saw "Professor Squidward" when they found out Squidward really wasn't Squilliam. Squid still loses a lot more than he wins.
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
Of course, that's why Band Geeks, Suction Cup Symphony, and House Fancy don't exist.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about those eps...
Yeah, I was starting to worry until I saw "Professor Squidward" when they found out Squidward really wasn't Squilliam. Squid still loses a lot more than he wins.
Yeah, but I think most of the time Squidward should lose. The fact that it was so rare made the end of Band Geeks possibly the greatest Spongebob moment of all time.
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
Of course, that's why Band Geeks, Suction Cup Symphony, and House Fancy don't exist.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about those eps...
Yeah, I was starting to worry until I saw "Professor Squidward" when they found out Squidward really wasn't Squilliam. Squid still loses a lot more than he wins.
Yeah, but I think most of the time Squidward should lose. The fact that it was so rare made the end of Band Geeks possibly the greatest Spongebob moment of all time.

That's one of the reasons why Band Geeks is so great. The ending was so rare and you did not expect it at all.

I agree Squidward should lose most of the time. Squid winning just makes a mockery of Band Geeks.
Exactly, I mean, would it hurt to have just one teensy little episode where he ACTUALLY GETS WHAT HE WANTS? I think it would be a nice change of pace if that happened once in a while.
Of course, that's why Band Geeks, Suction Cup Symphony, and House Fancy don't exist.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about those eps...
Yeah, I was starting to worry until I saw "Professor Squidward" when they found out Squidward really wasn't Squilliam. Squid still loses a lot more than he wins.
Yeah, but I think most of the time Squidward should lose. The fact that it was so rare made the end of Band Geeks possibly the greatest Spongebob moment of all time.

That's one of the reasons why Band Geeks is so great. The ending was so rare and you did not expect it at all.

I agree Squidward should lose most of the time. Squid winning just makes a mockery of Band Geeks.
Agreed, Band Geeks took a much unexpected turn in that way.
I honestly didn't know this and "Good Neighbors" were two different episodes. Whatever, both of them are terrible.

2|10 Overall
I hate this episode ALOT! Not only was this filled with Annyoying Squidward abuse, but Mean-Spirited and Idiotic characters. I mean, when I was watching the beginning of this episode, I thought it was gonna be a good episode, but when SpongeBob and Patrick decide to stalk Squidward, the mean-spirited cephalopod members, throw Squidward out the club, for what, having two morons that stalk him? After that, I didn't think the episode could get worse, but I was wrong, SpongeBob and Patrick both set up a new club, in which is just minutes of horrible Squidward-Abuse. Sure, maybe the sock was funny, but when it also has this kind of stuff in episode, it just kills it. And for the ending, just when you think maybe this episode isn't that bad, SpongeBob and Patrick blow their cover as the sock, and Squidward is yet again kicked out the club, and SpongeBob and Patrick abuse Squidward yet again.
Overall, it's a horrible episode, and one of the few episodes that, if on, I don't watch, even if there's nothing else on.

I actually really like this episode in my top 200. FEATHER FRIENDS. And there were so illuminati references which was gah but whatevs :P
This episode is awful!. It starts with Squidward looking eerily happy, as a guy named Roger comes to the Krusty Krab. He tells Squidward that it's the "big night". Spongebob decides to find out what's going on. They stakeout by hiding under the bus that Squidward takes to the somewhere. Squidward gets off at a pyramid with an Illuminati eye on it o_o. Basically him and Roger do the secret handshake, and then they go in. To start the lodge has an initiation for a new member, where you have to get stung by an eel. Ah, I remember the simple days of getting a hydrodynamic spatula for initiation. But then after the new member gets his hat, SPONGEBOB AND PATRICK START CLAPPING AND CHEERING FOR ALL TO HEAR. SQUIDWARD THEN GETS BANNED FOR KNOWING THESE TWO IDIOTS. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. SB and Pat try to say it wasn't Squidward's fault, but when asked who fault it WAS, Sponge and Patrick go back and forth for half a minute, one saying it wasn't the other's fault. Because of such a fail, Squidward is still banned. Spongebob gets the brilliant idea of making their own club for Squidward to join. They then make a club with no name, where the initiation is getting stung on the tongue hey that rhymes by a jellyfish. After that fails, Squidward gets a package in the mail, and it's his new uniform for----the Feather Friends. At least it has a name, but I was going toward "The Milkmaidman Fan Club", where the uniform is blue shirts with purple triangles, resembling our president's, Rocko, INSTEAD OF CHICKEN SUITS. And it's called the Feather FRIENDS because the Feather BUDDIES was taken. Is Bikini Bottom really that stupid? Then Spongebob has an idea-He and Patrick dress up as an eel for Squidward to slay and be let back in the club for "saving" everyone's life. Basically they go to the Illuminati I mean Cephalopod Lodge and SB and Patrick dress up as a giant eel, which is actually a giant sock pulled over Spongebob and Patrick -__-. Squid is let back in as he does it successfully, only for it to be revealed that it was Spongebob and Patrick the whole time as they start clapping and Squidward is re-banned. He goes back to one of the Spongebob's clubs, and the episode ends with Squidward's jellyfish initiation. The episode was just-I don't even know what to say.
Honestly, I like this episode. Yeah, it has some Squid Abuse and the characters are flanderized (including Squidward), but the abuse really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. It's pretty mild compared to certain other episodes. At least Cephalopod Lodge has some funny moments.
HarryPotterLives said:
Honestly, I like this episode. Yeah, it has some Squid Abuse and the characters are flanderized (including Squidward), but the abuse really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. It's pretty mild compared to certain other episodes. At least Cephalopod Lodge has some funny moments.
I like this epsiode too omfg this is too creepy