113b. The Card

I think this is a meh episode. 6/10
Ah, "The Card". So…we all remember the times that I’ve said that I hate feeling frustrated when watching an episode, right? Yes? Good. I think you all know where this review is going from here. But before I get to that, funny thing about this episode: I can’t think of it without thinking of that review by you-know-who. You know, the one where they talk about this episode being the worst episode for Patrick as a character? I can’t tell if that review gives me retroactive enjoyment or not because of how melodramatic it is. All I know is that I laugh when thinking about it. But that’s besides the point, let’s talk about the actual episode.

The first scene at the bank encapsulates issue #1 of the episode, which is that it’s boring. Issue 2 is the bigger problem, but this isn’t unimportant. This scene drags on way too much for me. I understand what they were going for here, with SpongeBob seeming like such a weirdo to the bank guy, and I like that well enough, but the awkwardness humor has GOT to stop, because this is not working. Goofy Conversation Continued playing in the background just adds to the whole awkwardness vibe that’s being purposefully cultivated. And like yeah, these writers and the whole team have got awkwardness down to a T, like they do that well. The issue is that awkwardness is not something I’m interested in watching. How many times do I need to say this? Anyway, at least the little joke with the robber was somewhat humorous. The entire scene at the comic book store is also very boring, and predictable because we know what’s going to happen.

One thing about this episode that’s kind of funny (not enjoyment wise) to me is how they really shouldn’t have made it about cards LMAO. To me, this episode is more about collectibles?? With the whole focus on super duper rare cards, and the fact that literally the characters never actually use the cards to play games here. Like, I’m not getting Magic: The Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh vibes here, I’m getting more…Funko Pop. Or even better, Silly Bandz LMAO.

Okay back to the episode. Once Patrick of course gets ahold of the rare card, I realize how much better this episode would be if it leaned into the card or collectible angle more. Because Patrick completely lacking any care towards this rare card could’ve been legitimately funny, especially if it was emphasized how much the card really doesn’t matter because it’s all fake lol. It also doesn’t quite make sense because he likes Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy too, but I’ll let it slide. Anyway, I did like the bit where we see how Patrick completely is not taking in what SpongeBob is saying, it helps…explain some things.

From here, the episode turns into SpongeBob trying to protect the card from all of the incidents Patrick finds himself falling into, and these little bits range from being interesting to utterly dull and boring and at times frustrating. Never quite funny, though. Well…there is one bit. Y’all know the one. Does “SpongeBob, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keep you on your toes” ring a bell? Yeah, I was once influenced to hate this line, but now I love it because of its brilliant use of lampshading writing inconsistency, all for humor. I like when Patrick has these moments of pure lucidity too. And also Patrick just falling straight into a construction site after this is pretty funny. Unfortunately that’s the only real funny bit for basically the rest of the episode, because we’re just forced into watching boring and annoying stuff. I like that Patrick offers to give the card to SpongeBob, but that also makes the last few minutes of the episode (until the reveal that Patrick has 4 more of those cards) painful and frustrating to watch because why is Patrick treating something that he means to give to his friend like this? At least we get a gorgeous background out of this part, and the very ending joke of the episode is actually pretty funny.

"The Card" is yet another episode I find myself nowhere near disliking as much as I used to. And that's probably because I actually sat down and watched it for the purposes of this review, instead of listening to an overly-angered cartoon reviewer. Now of course, that doesn't mean this episode is good, because it's not, but it's not horrible. It's just boring with some "delightful" sides of frustration, along with some actually delightful bits of humor. All in all, a good "Mediocre"-tier episode.

Episode Tier: Mediocre
Episode Score:
Historic episode, because it was (imo) the first truly bad SpongeBob episode (to air). I will forever remember November 28, 2008 as the night SpongeBob died (ok maybe that's a bit hyperbolic, but there were way more stinkers after this episode).
(OUTDATED OPINION) "Spongebuddymania you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keeps you on your toes"- Patrick probably
episode ranking: 1.5/10
Rank: F tier
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This episode was so frustrating, like a lot of other frustrating episodes, I don't like it.

"Spongebuddymania you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keeps you on your toes"- Patrick problaby
episode ranking: 1.5/10
Rank: F tier
outdated opinion I actually think this episode is more fine now since it does have a few jokes and the ending was nice but also its not frustrating its just kinda... bland the line is the worst part making this episode into a 3/10
  1. Krabby Road (10/10)
  2. Not Normal (10/10)
  3. Suction Cup Symphony (10/10)
  4. Patty Caper (9.5/10)
  5. The Krabby Kronicle (9/10)
  6. Spongebob Squarepants Vs The Big One (9/10)
  7. House Fancy (9/10)
  8. A Life In A Day (9/10)
  9. Giant Squidward (8/10)
  10. Spongicus (8/10)
  11. Gone (7.5/10)
  12. Grooming Gary (7/10)
  13. The Slumber Party (7/10)
  14. Krusty Krushers (6.5/10)
  15. Penny Foolish (6.5/10)
  16. Porous Pockets (6.5/10)
  17. No Nose Knows (6/10)
  18. Nautical Novice (5/10)
  19. The Card (3/10)
  20. Sun Bleached (3/10)
  21. Slide Whistle Stooges (1/10)
  22. Boating Buddies (0.5/10)
  23. Plankton's Regular (0.5/10)
  24. The Splinter (0/10)
  25. Choir Boys (-9999999999999999999/10)
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I should write a more in depth review
This episode was so frustrating, like a lot of other frustrating episodes, I don't like it.

To update this to be more "review-like" to where I actually review instead of just giving my opinion. There's more to get into than just "I don't like it". This episode rating, 2/10, is probably still pretty accurate. Now let me get started on this one.

Let's start off with what I call "Big Pink Meanie" I call it to make fun of all the annoying Patrick episodes where he's more of the antagonist than anything. I get it, they can't use Plankton or Squidward as an antagonist the entire show, but Patrick? Patrick is supposed to be SpongeBob's childhood best friend, and in these episodes, like Pet Sitter Pat, The Card and probably many others, make me question why they are even best friends anymore, it doesn't make any sense. Patrick in Season 6 honestly reminds me of an old friend I used to have who took my money I was saving for a 1998 South Park plushie so they could go do something with their other friend. Glad I'm not friends with them anymore.

But anyway, more about the episode. It starts off just okay, I had hopes in the beginning. Another episode where SpongeBob is focusing around Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. I had some hopes in the start, maybe it'd be a self vs self conflict or something like that. No. It was SpongeBob versus his idiotic and upright jerk best friend. This is coming from someone who was a Patrick fan for a LONG time. Patrick was a great character before his flanderization. But then came the flanderization arc, when the only thing he was, was an idiot. That's all. As a writer, you can make stupid characters without making them jerks.

But as mentioned by Pugs4Thugs (actually why I started doing reviews), the first scene drags on for too long. I don't have much more to say about that part, check Pugs review because they're opinion is pretty similar to mine.

But as the episode goes on, and Patrick gets more and more annoying then the task before, I feel for SpongeBob. Another Patrick antagonist episode, and I'm not a fan of those. He's not supposed to be an antagonist character. His tasks just seemed tedious, he was more annoying than a good best friend.

And then there's the ending. I don't remember exactly how it ended, but I do remember Patrick revealing he had about 3 more of the ultra rare card that SpongeBob had and Patrick ruined. So basically, Patrick put SpongeBob through all that to reveal he had more. Sure it's sort of an apology, but not really.

But now for an edit, requested by SpongebobMaster, another reviewer, asked me to bring up "The Line" , infamously known. "I want to keep you on your toes," so that means he's doing it on purpose! This isn't even flanderization this is straight up unrecgonizable Patrick. So he's been a big jerk the entire time on purpose. This just makes me question their friendship even more.

2/10 still, I had hopes in the beginning and immediately lost them. Still easily one of the worst Season 6 episodes along with The Splinter and Choir Boys. Overall, Season 6 was actually not bad. A few more forgettable episodes but not too many horrid ones, with the exception of this and the previously mentioned episodes.
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To update this to be more "review-like" to where I actually review instead of just giving my opinion. There's more to get into than just "I don't like it". This episode rating, 2/10, is probably still pretty accurate. Now let me get started on this one.

Let's start off with what I call "Big Pink Meanie" I call it to make fun of all the annoying Patrick episodes where he's more of the antagonist than anything. I get it, they can't use Plankton or Squidward as an antagonist the entire show, but Patrick? Patrick is supposed to be SpongeBob's childhood best friend, and in these episodes, like Pet Sitter Pat, The Card and probably many others, make me question why they are even best friends anymore, it doesn't make any sense. Patrick in Season 6 honestly reminds me of an old friend I used to have who took my money I was saving for a 1998 South Park plushie so they could go do something with their other friend. Glad I'm not friends with them anymore.

But anyway, more about the episode. It starts off just okay, I had hopes in the beginning. Another episode where SpongeBob is focusing around Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. I had some hopes in the start, maybe it'd be a self vs self conflict or something like that. No. It was SpongeBob versus his idiotic and upright jerk best friend. This is coming from someone who was a Patrick fan for a LONG time. Patrick was a great character before his flanderization. But then came the flanderization arc, when the only thing he was, was an idiot. That's all. As a writer, you can make stupid characters without making them jerks.

But as the episode goes on, and Patrick gets more and more annoying then the task before, I feel for SpongeBob. Another Patrick antagonist episode, and I'm not a fan of those. He's not supposed to be an antagonist character. His tasks just seemed tedious, he was more annoying than a good best friend.

And then there's the ending. I don't remember exactly how it ended, but I do remember Patrick revealing he had about 3 more of the ultra rare card that SpongeBob had and Patrick ruined. So basically, Patrick put SpongeBob through all that to reveal he had more. Sure it's sort of an apology, but not really.

2/10 still, I had hopes in the beginning and immediately lost them. Still easily one of the worst Season 6 episodes along with The Splinter and Choir Boys. Overall, Season 6 was actually not bad. A few more forgettable episodes but not too many horrid ones, with the exception of this and the previously mentioned episodes.
Should have talked about
The one where he says to SpongeBob that he wants to keep him on his toes meaning he is doing this intentionally
Should have talked about
The one where he says to SpongeBob that he wants to keep him on his toes meaning he is doing this intentionally
Oh yeah, that was THIS episode. He's not even doing it because he's stupid, he literally is doing this for fun. What a great best friend.
To update this to be more "review-like" to where I actually review instead of just giving my opinion. There's more to get into than just "I don't like it". This episode rating, 2/10, is probably still pretty accurate. Now let me get started on this one.

Let's start off with what I call "Big Pink Meanie" I call it to make fun of all the annoying Patrick episodes where he's more of the antagonist than anything. I get it, they can't use Plankton or Squidward as an antagonist the entire show, but Patrick? Patrick is supposed to be SpongeBob's childhood best friend, and in these episodes, like Pet Sitter Pat, The Card and probably many others, make me question why they are even best friends anymore, it doesn't make any sense. Patrick in Season 6 honestly reminds me of an old friend I used to have who took my money I was saving for a 1998 South Park plushie so they could go do something with their other friend. Glad I'm not friends with them anymore.

But anyway, more about the episode. It starts off just okay, I had hopes in the beginning. Another episode where SpongeBob is focusing around Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. I had some hopes in the start, maybe it'd be a self vs self conflict or something like that. No. It was SpongeBob versus his idiotic and upright jerk best friend. This is coming from someone who was a Patrick fan for a LONG time. Patrick was a great character before his flanderization. But then came the flanderization arc, when the only thing he was, was an idiot. That's all. As a writer, you can make stupid characters without making them jerks.

But as mentioned by Pugs4Thugs (actually why I started doing reviews), the first scene drags on for too long. I don't have much more to say about that part, check Pugs review because they're opinion is pretty similar to mine.

But as the episode goes on, and Patrick gets more and more annoying then the task before, I feel for SpongeBob. Another Patrick antagonist episode, and I'm not a fan of those. He's not supposed to be an antagonist character. His tasks just seemed tedious, he was more annoying than a good best friend.

And then there's the ending. I don't remember exactly how it ended, but I do remember Patrick revealing he had about 3 more of the ultra rare card that SpongeBob had and Patrick ruined. So basically, Patrick put SpongeBob through all that to reveal he had more. Sure it's sort of an apology, but not really.

But now for an edit, requested by SpongebobMaster, another reviewer, asked me to bring up "The Line" , infamously known. "I want to keep you on your toes," so that means he's doing it on purpose! This isn't even flanderization this is straight up unrecgonizable Patrick. So he's been a big jerk the entire time on purpose. This just makes me question their friendship even more.

2/10 still, I had hopes in the beginning and immediately lost them. Still easily one of the worst Season 6 episodes along with The Splinter and Choir Boys. Overall, Season 6 was actually not bad. A few more forgettable episodes but not too many horrid ones, with the exception of this and the previously mentioned episodes.
when is the choir boys review tho?
Oh god here we go again:Ok so I hate this episode so much,it's a episode where Patrick is such a jerk.I hated when Patrick said:SpongeBob, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keep you on your toes. I screamed at my pillow when I heard it.The ending made me scream so bad:After spongebob found out that the card was Ruined he started crying.When I heard it I felt sad to hear him cry.🙁 Atleast Patrick gave him 4 cards at the end.I give this episode 0/10
Oh god here we go again:Ok so I hate this episode so much,it's a episode where Patrick is such a jerk.I hated when Patrick said:SpongeBob, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keep you on your toes. I screamed at my pillow when I heard it.The ending made me scream so bad:After spongebob found out that the card was Ruined he started crying.When I heard it I felt sad to hear him cry.🙁 Atleast Patrick gave him 4 cards at the end.I give this episode 0/10
the ending of patrick giving him the 4 rare cards is the only reason I give it a 0.5/10
I think this episode is worse than Yours Mine and Mine. That's how bad this episode really is. I just hate how ignorant Patrick is and him not showing any care for Spongebob's pain about the card. This was a very pointless episode. 1/10
I agree 🙄