107a. Giant Squidward

Garybot 9000 said:
I can't speak Spanish, so what did you say?
No puedo hablar ingles, por favor, aprende espanol por mi y entonces puedamos hablar con nosotros


  • The giant clarinet actually cheering up Squidward
  • Patrick coming out of Squidward's flowers
  • I really like the part where Squid sticks his finger in his mouth and pulls out his tounge, I don't know why
  • Funnier than most S6 episodes

  • it felt like a rehash of Sponge Who Could Fly when Squidward was helping people
  • The ending was really quick and made the episode seem shorter than it was
  • Some of it was annoying
Season: 6

Episode: Giant Squidward

This episode was pretty bad. The plot was pretty bad too. Spongebob and Patrick were kinda annoying, but at least they tried to help. The bikini bottomies were jerks towards Squidward. There were few funny jokes. 5/10
I hated a lot of things about this episode. First, it rehashe's a lot of episodes, Second, has Squid abuse and what makes it bad is the fact that it's not even his fault in the first place, and lastly, dumb Spongebob and Patrick. They are just so dumb in this episode. The only thing I liked here was Spongebob and Patrick making Squid a clarinet but unfortunately Squid has to be normal sized again so it was pointless. 0/10
An episode generally on the good side, which is fairly funny.

Underrated Masterpiece I re-watched last night. I love how after SpongeBob gives the Big Money joke it cuts to a random live-action studio audience, that I didn't remember before re-watching.
I think it's a meh episode, but I can't say I enjoyed Squidward being treated like that by the Bikini Bottomites without any reason :( That's something that got me really sad :( And I don't easily get sad by Squidward torture....and then Squidward tried to prove that he's actually a good giant and he did like everything apart from saying bless you to that ---- moron and then they thought he's bad again, that was the WORST part of the episode and got me like ---> -_~ ...But I liked the other parts from the episode, the ending was the best and as I said the rest didn't bother me...7/10
Pretty stupid episode that has too much unjustified Squidward abuse for my liking. I do like the "big money" joke, but that's the only positive I have.

I remember almost nothing about this episode besides being plain ol bad, it's some weird Frankenstein of much better episodes with no good enough jokes to create its own identity.

Now I know that this is going to be a pretty unpopular opinion, but I'll give my review now:

This episode was amazing. No, I'm not joking. There's just something about this episode that grabbed my attention. Maybe it was the interesting story, the funny jokes, or how there was no gross out in what is to be called the most disgusting season of SB. I loved the beginning where Patrick comes in and says that the flowers were pretty, and I liked the cheesy puns during the kelp spray bit. I also liked the part where Squidward claims to be a lamppost. Everything in this episode was spot-on for me, and that is kind of rare in this season of mediocrity. Definitely an underrated gem that is worth watching. (at least for me, lol) I give it a 9.5/10.
I think this episode is okay, There are some parts i like, but some parts are pretty bad.

The episode is not bad, as the Squid Abuse is not cringeworthy or maddening, and SpongeBob and Patrick feel bad about growing Squidward to his large size. Some of the jokes were pretty decent too.7.4/10
I'll admit it, this episode is kind of lame. It's boring, but I guess the part where he helped he fish of Bikini Bottom out was kind of neat. Besides that, nothing is special about it. I will give it props to having some good jokes though.
It's alright. It's not too special, nor is it that memorable, but there are a few jokes, and I like the premise, even if the execution could have been a bit better.

Ranking so far:
1. Krabby Road (A)
2. Not Normal (A)
3. Suction Cup Symphony (A)
4. A Life in a Day (B)
5. Gone (B)
6. Slide Whistle Stooges (B)
7. House Fancy (C)
8. Giant Squidward (C)
9. Spongicus (C)
10. Nautical Novice (C)
11. Penny Foolish (D)
12. Sun Bleached (D)
13. The Splinter (F)