09a. Nature Pants

I never knew this episode got hate before coming into this thread. :huh: Hate to say it but, I think I have to agree with them, though. I always thought this was one of the more boring episodes and definitely out of place with the rest of the classics this season. I guess I don't really hate it but, it's just not that funny in my opinion. I think it's watchable, it's just not memorable to me. =/
I really dislike this one. Why would SpongeBob want to live with the jellyfish? Doesn't he love his life? It seemed really OOC to me. Squidward was the gem of this episode. He was hilarious, but not enough to save this bland, stupid, OOC mess.
I would give this one a 3/10, but 11 Minutes, Take Patty, and the ending boost it to 5.2/10.
*Hugs episode* It's OK, Nature Pants. I think you're an awesome episode. I don't think SpongeBob living with the jellyfish was a dumb idea. He has done MUCH stupider stuff than that. I loved the humor in this episode and it had heart which most newer episodes lack. 10/10
I think It's a little better than Squeaky Boots but I hated this episode too. SpongeBob was OOC when he decided to live with jellyfishes. The idea is very dumb and the plot is very boring. There are a few funny parts like Squidward having a party and the ending is sweet but overall, this episode is dull. 4/10
This is one of my least favorite Season 1 episodes. Honestly, "Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost" and "The Chaperone" are the only ones that would be relatively close to this one. This episode is SO boring.
Why is there so much hate?! Okay, it can come off to be a little boring but it's still has some good humor and the idea isn't that bad. You also see what SpongeBob's friends will do if he "leaves". I like the episode.
I used to hate this episode and think it was the worst pre-movie ep. After re-watching it, this episode holds up a little better than I remember. It's sort of boring at first, but it has a few nice gags and the animation and backgrounds are beautiful! The look of the episode beats the writing by far… it's not top-notch tho. I'd only give it a 6-7. It's a light-hearted episode, and shows how much Pat cares for SB.

Best moments:
-Take patty….take bite
-I'll give him 11 minutes
-Squiddy celebrating SB leaving :p
This episode has some people who hate it, and some who like it. As for me...I'm kinda inbetween. I think it's meh. I mean, it has some decent moments, but spongebob is so OOC, it's not very funny. Patrick trying to capture spongebob was amusing, but deranged at the same time. As for the rest, it was between meh and decent. I dunno. 5/10
Milkmaidman said:
Terrible. I hated Spongebob's OOCness in this episode, and it was boring. The only funny thing is the "take patty" scene.
You know, nowadays, I don't think this episode is really that bad. It's funny, and has some memorable moments. i think the hate for it has sorta cooled down, but maybe that's just me.
Uh, why is there so much hate for this episode, again? The reasons don't really make too much sense.
Season: 1

Episode: Nature Pants

This episode was very decent. The plot was kinda decent and weird. I agree with most people here that Spongebob was kinda out of character. Patrick kinda bothered me, but he was still a little funny. The ending was heartwarming. There were some funny jokes. 6.5/10
I can sum this episode up as one word...WEAK.

This episode was seriously weak, there's not a lot of gags in here except the 11 minute gag, Squidwards celebration and "Take Patty" but that's all. The rest of the episode is just so weak. Patrick crying over Spongebob is just a bit too much for a show like this and I have no idea why there was a Welcome home party at Spongebob's house when everyone thought Spongebob was gonna live there forever. I really do not like this episode and don't see the appeal in it. 4.5/10