099b. SpongeHenge

I like SpongeHenge, I just didn't like the ending. It was just too eerie for a cute show like SpongeBob. The ending wasn't like anything I'd see in the show. But other than that, this episode isn't bad by any means.


Gary Look Doubloons! said:
Oh.. this episode. Don't get me started. It was horrible. Pointless. Whenever it comes on, I feel like one more Patrick Not-star just died. I can't stand it...

Yeah, like that isn't an exaggeration whatsoever.
Season: 5

Episode: Spongehenge

This episode was between bad and decent for me. The ending was weird, but i liked it in some way. There were few funny jokes. 5.5/10
I agree with PieGuy

I despise this episode while I actually start to think season 7 is worst then 5 but this episode is abysmal 0/10
This episode is the most boring episode in the history!!! The plot is stupid...I can't understand why did they make this episode...not jokes...no story , nothing !!! I only liked the scene that MrKrabs took a fish stick and took Spongebob for work and the beginning with the food on Spongebobs face ... I am giving this episode a 4.5/10
Very overhated I found the premise to be cool and entertaining but the ending was really bizarre but it didn't really ruined the epsiode for me

Grade: 8.5/10

Best Character: :sbx:

Best Line: Aye aye sir

Best Moment: SpongeBob yanked to the Krusty Krab
I definitly don't think this episode is as bad as other people say. There are a few funny things, I like the part where Patrick says "Fishy go bye bye" after the fish blows away.

The only thing that I hate about this episode is the ending. Other than that I'm relatively fine with it. I do like the creativity and even if it's creepy at least it's somewhat engaging and has a couple of funny moments.

This episode is really creepy and cool. I love it because it's so different from any other SpongeBob episode out there. That ending scared the hell out of me as a kid, and it's still pretty disturbing, though. It's far from being SpongeBob's worse.

Fell kind of flat on jokes....

The problem with this episode is that it's too dark, especially the ending. The other problem is that dark plots have been used before in dying for pie, but it works there because it uses a silly tone to contrast with the dark idea, while this episode dosent use it to its advantage.

The only funny moment in there is Mr. Krabs fishing spongebob, something actually funny, but it's drowned out by how depressing the episode was. I have the same problem with this episode that pieguy has with HYSTS. However, that one was also really funny to contrast with its depression, like with dying for pie, unlike here.

Not to mention, the ending felt creepy and out of place in something spongebob related, but people have talked about the ending quite a lot. Even with all that, it's still really boring and forgettable.

Overall, it's a SCUMBOB EPISDOE. The plot was not well-done, the ending was horrible, it was dry of humor, and the only good character in here was Mr. Krabs.
The only thing that I hate about this episode is the ending. Other than that I'm relatively fine with it. I do like the creativity and even if it's creepy at least it's somewhat engaging and has a couple of funny moments.


This is pretty much my thoughts on the episode as well. I don't think it's quite as bad as people say it is, and the creepiness is intentional so I'm not that bothered by it. It's not fantastic, and some scenes can be a little boring, but I think the concept is interesting and it's not too bad.

I remember this episode for trying to be edgy and interesting, yet it doesn't try at all to revitalize something we respect. Parodies are something we can all enjoy, seeing something we recognize and love, being played in something else we love. However, this episode chooses to do it's own thing in the style of a parody, but to do nothing with its' identity. It's its own story, and it is boring. I don't remember too much about this one, besides the ending. Doing a parody can be loved in an ironic sense, like Nasty Patty to dark settings, or Dunces and Dragons to medieval settings. When you go all buzerk like this, at least make it funny. Episodes like SB-129 or Frankendoodle, played something bizarre and made it funny and interesting. I don't care about the jellyfish bugging SpongeBob, we've seen it before, it isn't original at all. The statues are decently designed, but the tone of it just feels off. Like there is some sort of build up to it, but there isn't (at least until the end). Speaking of the ending, it's easily the worst part, why would you guys do this? It doesn't make sense, so he was out so long that humanity is gone? It throws the tone straight out the window, it's out of place, and it feels like a parody to it's own thing, which is dumb. What kid wants to see humanity swept out with their main characters dead? No one, not unless it makes sense and is funny, but it's neither. And then this episode plays more useless story continuation, and goes into the future with all of these really creepy looking aliens, at that point it just feels like they abandoned all logic, and just said screw it. I hate seeing this episode, it makes me literally crunch in my chair. The worst part is that it could've just been some mediocre episode, nothing too great, but no, they have to play this stupid story into a complete mess of an episode.

I thought this episode was AWFUL: 1.5/10
I hate this episode. A lot. It wasn't funny, not in the slightest. I can't think of a single episode of this entire show that was more unfunny than this one. This episode's plot is really weak. Scratch that. It has no plot. If it was trying to be like Stonehenge, then it failed because SpongeBob is not the kind of show where that could work at all. And that ending. Oh my god, that ending. Probably one of the most depressing endings in the entire show. Overall, this episode lacks substance, plot, and comedy. I'm giving this the first "F-". It's THAT bad.

Ranking so far:
1. Krabs a la Mode (A+)
2. Roller Cowards (A+)
3. New Digs (A)
4. Bucket Sweet Bucket (A)
5. Blackjack (A)
6. The Krusty Plate (A)
7. Atlantis SquarePantis (A)
8. Spy Buddies (A)
9. Sing a Song of Patrick (A)
10. Friend or Foe (A)
11. SpongeBob vs. the Patty Gadget (A)
12. The Inmates of Summer (A)
13. The Battle of Bikini Bottom (B)
14. Money Talks (B)
15. Goo Goo Gas (B)
16. Picture Day (B)
17. Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob (B)
18. The Krusty Sponge (B)
19. 20,000 Patties Under the Sea (B)
20. Boat Smarts (B)
21. Blackened Sponge (B)
22. Night Light (C)
23. Rise and Shine (C)
24. To Save a Squirrel (C)
25. The Donut of Shame (C)
26. The Two Faces of Squidward (C)
27. Pest of the West (C)
28. Slimy Dancing (C)
29. Le Big Switch (C)
30. Pat No Pay (C)
31. Fungus Among Us (D)
32. The Original Fry Cook (D)
33. Good Ol' Whatshisname (D)
34. A Flea in Her Dome (D)
35. Breath of Fresh Squidward (E)
36. Waiting (E)
37. Whatever Happened to SpongeBob? (F)
38. To Love a Patty (F)
39. SpongeHenge (F-)
This episode is so rancid and out of place, i don't even know how to express myself, i'm not an enterbot who screws against imaginary stories with imaginary people but this is episode is an insult to everyone who loves this show,
83 Trilogy Episodes might be infamous for understandable reasons, To Love a Patty is creepy ok, WBWP is pointless and has a very Mean-Spirited beginning, but this it's just Spongebob being stalked by Jellyfishes and forced to live in a cave for the next 30 years, and there's the music which isn't bad, maybe the only reedeming quality of the episode, but i can't enjoy it anymore because it reminds me of this specifically episode.
After 30 years passed Spongebob leaves the cave and finds out that the Krusty Krab has failed and now it's buried under the sand, Mr.Krabs 99.9% surely died because of that, this is the first time we see something so out of place, this episode feels more like a weird parody made to shock fans rather than an episode from the actual show, "The Splinter" is better than this because showing "The Splinter" to someone and seeing his/her reaction it's actually something funny despite being something that shouldn't never been on the show, while this episode is just depressing, mean-spirited, pointless and the final part with the aliens commenting the Spongehenges? Wtf is that
The only acceptable things about this episode are the music and the fact that is not damaging any character at least, even though this makes me wish that in the "To Love a Patty" song, there were Jellyfishes instead of Scallops
One of the strangest episodes of the entire show. The plot is so random and all over the place that I'm wondering what the intention of the episode even is. The episode was also pretty humorless, and the ending was pretty disturbing. I still don't think the episode is bad, because there are some semi-interesting scenes and creative ideas, but I really can't think of anything very good about the episode either. It gets a very low 5.

Meh episode (5/10)

1. Roller Cowards (10)
2. Spy Buddies (9)
3. Spongebob vs. the Patty Gadget (8)
4. The Krusty Plate (8)
5. The Two Faces of Squidward (8)
6. Friend or Foe (8)
7. Krabs à La Mode (8)
8. Sing a Song of Patrick (8)
9. The Krusty Sponge (7)
10. Goo Goo Gas (7)
11. Pest of the West (7)
12. Blackened Sponge (7)
13. New Digs (7)
14. Mermaidman vs. Spongebob (7)
15. Bucket Sweet Bucket (7)
16. The Battle of Bikini Bottom (7)
17. Picture Day (6)
18. Money Talks (6)
19. Blackjack (6)
20. The Donut of Shame (6)
21. The Inmates of Summer (6)
22. Night Light (5)
23. Boat Smarts (5)
24. Rise and Shine (5)
25. 20,000 Patties Under The Sea (5)
26. To Save a Squirrel (5)
27. Slimy Dancing (5)
28. Breath of Fresh Squidward (5)
29. The Original Fry Cook (5)
30. Spongehenge (5)
31. Le Big Switch (4)
32. Good Ol' Whatshisname (4)
33. Pat No Pay (4)
34. A Flea in Her Dome (4)
35. What Ever Happened to Spongebob? (4)
36. To Love A Patty (3)
37. Waiting (3)
38. Atlantis Squarepantis (3)
39. Fungus Among Us (2)