091a. Goo Goo Gas

Pretty good episode. It manages to get baby humor correct. While there were a bit too many fart jokes for my taste, the plot is nice and I like some of the visual gags.

Ranking so far:
1. Krabs a la Mode (A+)
2. Roller Cowards (A+)
3. New Digs (A)
4. Bucket Sweet Bucket (A)
5. The Krusty Plate (A)
6. Spy Buddies (A)
7. Sing a Song of Patrick (A)
8. Friend or Foe (A)
9. SpongeBob vs. the Patty Gadget (A)
10. Money Talks (B)
11. Goo Goo Gas (B)
12. Picture Day (B)
13. The Krusty Sponge (B)
14. Boat Smarts (B)
15. Night Light (C)
16. Rise and Shine (C)
17. The Donut of Shame (C)
18. Slimy Dancing (C)
19. Pat No Pay (C)
20. Fungus Among Us (D)
21. The Original Fry Cook (D)
22. Good Ol' Whatshisname (D)
23. A Flea in Her Dome (D)
24. Breath of Fresh Squidward (E)
25. Waiting (E)
26. To Love a Patty (F)
A good Plankton episode. There were some funny lines here and there, and Plankton just makes any episode better by default. I will admit that some of the gross stuff near the end was a bit unneeded and the ending was pretty strange, but it's a pretty good episode overall.

Good episode (7/10)

1. Roller Cowards (10)
2. Spy Buddies (8)
3. Spongebob vs. the Patty Gadget (8)
4. Sing a Song of Patrick (8)
5. The Krusty Plate (8)
6. Friend or Foe (8)
7. Krabs à La Mode (8)
8. The Krusty Sponge (7)
9. Goo Goo Gas (7)
10. New Digs (7)
11. Bucket Sweet Bucket (7)
12. Money Talks (6)
13. The Donut of Shame (6)
14. Night Light (5)
15. Boat Smarts (5)
16. Rise and Shine (5)
17. Slimy Dancing (5)
18. Breath of Fresh Squidward (5)
19. The Original Fry Cook (5)
20. Good Ol' Whatshisname (4)
21. A Flea in Her Dome (4)
22. To Love A Patty (3)
23. Waiting (3)
24. Fungus Among Us (2)
This episode ended season 5 i thought the fart jokes were decent. Baby Mr. Krabs, Baby SpongeBob and Baby Squidward and Baby Patrick are all adorbs.

Rating: Amazing Episode

Roller Cowards (Perfect)
Friend or Foe (Perfect)
Goo Goo Gas (Amazing!)
Spy Buddies (Amazing!)
SpongeBob Vs. The Patty Gadget (Amazing!)
Sing a Song of Patrick (Great)
Bucket Sweet Bucket (Great)
Krab a la Mode (Great)
The Donut of Shame (Great)
Slimy Dancing (Great)
Breath of Fresh Squidward (Great)
Rise and Shine (Great)
The Krusty Plate (Great)
Boat Smarts (Meh)
A Flea in her Dome (Meh)
Fungus Among Us (Meh)
Night Light (Alright)
The Krusty Sponge (Okay)
The Original Fry Cook (Okay)
New Digs (Okay)
Good Ol' Whathisname (Bad)
Money Talks (Bad)
To Love a Patty (Terrible)
Waiting (Terrible)
Next up, we've got "Goo Goo Gas", and looking at the comments above, I fear I'm about to espouse an unpopular opinion. Sidenote real quick before we get started though, but I have no idea what the DVDs were on when they were made, but for some reason this episode was on the last of the season 5 DVDs instead of the 3rd one with its sister episode so that was fascinating, but whatever. It might be because these season 5 DVDs are based on the volumes instead of on production order. Either way, it was annoying for rewatch purposes, and it also made me see what episodes I had left to cover, and oh boy this second half of season 5 is where the real infamous stuff begins ("WhoBob WhatPants" is on the way...enough said). I'm stoked (except for the part where they are specials and I’m a busy college student, but hey I’ll get it done). Anyway, let's get this episode review properly underway.

The beginning of this episode was a kinda underwhelming Plankton scheme, but that failed scheme does set the atmosphere nicely so I can forgive the underwhelming aspect a bit. And I liked the gag with SpongeBob acting as a rocket launcher, that was fun. Seeing Plankton at the park was nice too, because we don’t normally see Plankton outside of the two locations we see him. Now why that mother was acting weirdly towards her baby, idk, but whatevs. I like how Plankton was like “huh, reminds me of my mother” lmao. Now let me say something real quick, I’ve never been a fan of de-aging plots, so you already know this episode is about to be pretty meh for me because of that alone. Just wanted to put that out there. At the very least, the babies in this episode are pretty cute, especially Mr. Krabs as a baby lol, and the baby humor is not horrendous, so that's a plus. And I also love that in this initial stage of Plankton's plot, we see that SpongeBob’s good with babies, which is adorable. And then we get a really great joke in Plankton’s monologuing being heard by SpongeBob, who then calls the police lol, that was great and exactly what I think every time Plankton starts monologuing.

And then after Plankton escapes from the police and we get a fun moment between SpongeBob and Squidward, we get the reappearance of Karen who shows up just to tell Plankton how to get his plan to work, because she’s queen like that. Of course, Plankton is a little bit of an idiot, so that was both funny and annoying (see, you can make annoying funny if you do it right!). After another failed attempt (which was pretty amusing), we get another unfunny old couple joke (why do they keep doing this, it never works LMAO), but then things improve when it turns out the gas is turning people into older versions of themselves instead of babies. And I love how SpongeBob comes out of nowhere because of his offense over Plankton’s insult of old people. I like that little bit of continuity from “Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy” lol. And Plankton’s little comment to SpongeBob was delightfully morbid. Seeing Plankton get his comeuppance in the form of old people beating him with their canes is great.

And then we move to the final attempt at babyfying everyone, which is Plankton’s most successful attempt so far. The part in the Barg N’ Mart is hilarious, probably my favorite part of the episode? Not sure, there are some other moments that could qualify. Anyway, Plankton is so horrible for testing the gas out on Karen lmao, but I thought it was neat that she turned into a calculator. And then Patrick is there for no reason and we get the hilarious looking Patrick baby. However, just like the beginning of the episode, this last part of the episode is kind of…underwhelming? And abrupt with the ending, as SpongeBob plays with the gas which ends up turning Plankton into a microscopic baby, and that ends that.

"Goo Goo Gas" is a fine episode. Unfortunately I'm not in agreement with others that it's great or amazing, because this episode really isn't all that funny to me. It's got the enjoyment factor down, but the jokes are a bit far and few in between. Not to mention this episode missed way too many opportunities to turn into something greater, particularly at the beginning and end of it. So this episode belongs in "Okay", I'd say. It's not quite a failure in any regard, as would drop it to "Mediocre", but I can't stomach putting it in "Good" either. It's just...okay.

Episode Tier: Okay
Episode Score:
Next up, we've got "Goo Goo Gas", and looking at the comments above, I fear I'm about to espouse an unpopular opinion. Sidenote real quick before we get started though, but I have no idea what the DVDs were on when they were made, but for some reason this episode was on the last of the season 5 DVDs instead of the 3rd one with its sister episode so that was fascinating, but whatever. It might be because these season 5 DVDs are based on the volumes instead of on production order. Either way, it was annoying for rewatch purposes, and it also made me see what episodes I had left to cover, and oh boy this second half of season 5 is where the real infamous stuff begins ("WhoBob WhatPants" is on the way...enough said). I'm stoked (except for the part where they are specials and I’m a busy college student, but hey I’ll get it done). Anyway, let's get this episode review properly underway.

The beginning of this episode was a kinda underwhelming Plankton scheme, but that failed scheme does set the atmosphere nicely so I can forgive the underwhelming aspect a bit. And I liked the gag with SpongeBob acting as a rocket launcher, that was fun. Seeing Plankton at the park was nice too, because we don’t normally see Plankton outside of the two locations we see him. Now why that mother was acting weirdly towards her baby, idk, but whatevs. I like how Plankton was like “huh, reminds me of my mother” lmao. Now let me say something real quick, I’ve never been a fan of de-aging plots, so you already know this episode is about to be pretty meh for me because of that alone. Just wanted to put that out there. At the very least, the babies in this episode are pretty cute, especially Mr. Krabs as a baby lol, and the baby humor is not horrendous, so that's a plus. And I also love that in this initial stage of Plankton's plot, we see that SpongeBob’s good with babies, which is adorable. And then we get a really great joke in Plankton’s monologuing being heard by SpongeBob, who then calls the police lol, that was great and exactly what I think every time Plankton starts monologuing.

And then after Plankton escapes from the police and we get a fun moment between SpongeBob and Squidward, we get the reappearance of Karen who shows up just to tell Plankton how to get his plan to work, because she’s queen like that. Of course, Plankton is a little bit of an idiot, so that was both funny and annoying (see, you can make annoying funny if you do it right!). After another failed attempt (which was pretty amusing), we get another unfunny old couple joke (why do they keep doing this, it never works LMAO), but then things improve when it turns out the gas is turning people into older versions of themselves instead of babies. And I love how SpongeBob comes out of nowhere because of his offense over Plankton’s insult of old people. I like that little bit of continuity from “Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy” lol. And Plankton’s little comment to SpongeBob was delightfully morbid. Seeing Plankton get his comeuppance in the form of old people beating him with their canes is great.

And then we move to the final attempt at babyfying everyone, which is Plankton’s most successful attempt so far. The part in the Barg N’ Mart is hilarious, probably my favorite part of the episode? Not sure, there are some other moments that could qualify. Anyway, Plankton is so horrible for testing the gas out on Karen lmao, but I thought it was neat that she turned into a calculator. And then Patrick is there for no reason and we get the hilarious looking Patrick baby. However, just like the beginning of the episode, this last part of the episode is kind of…underwhelming? And abrupt with the ending, as SpongeBob plays with the gas which ends up turning Plankton into a microscopic baby, and that ends that.

"Goo Goo Gas" is a fine episode. Unfortunately I'm not in agreement with others that it's great or amazing, because this episode really isn't all that funny to me. It's got the enjoyment factor down, but the jokes are a bit far and few in between. Not to mention this episode missed way too many opportunities to turn into something greater, particularly at the beginning and end of it. So this episode belongs in "Okay", I'd say. It's not quite a failure in any regard, as would drop it to "Mediocre", but I can't stomach putting it in "Good" either. It's just...okay.

Episode Tier: Okay
Episode Score: 6.6/10
Yikes you aren’t too fond of a well liked post movie episode 😱 jkjkjkjk we respect your opinion
I know I might as well just pitchfork myself LMAO
ew getting squid baby flashbacks...
  1. Friend or foe (10/10)
  2. The Donut Of Shame (10/10)
  3. Roller Cowards (10/10)
  4. Krabs à La Mode (10/10)
  5. Spy Buddies (10/10)
  6. Spongebob Vs The Patty Gadget (9.5/10)
  7. Bucket Sweet Bucket (9.5/10)
  8. The Krusty Sponge (9.5/10)
  9. Sing A Song Of Patrick (9.5/10)
  10. The Krusty Plate (9/10)
  11. Rise And Shine (9/10)
  12. New Digs (8.5/10)
  13. Night Light (8.5/10)
  14. Money talks (8.5/10)
  15. Goo Goo Gas (7.5/10)
  16. Breath Of Fresh Squidward (7.5/10)
  17. Slimy Dancing (5.5/10)
  18. The Original Fry Cook (4.5/10)
  19. Good Ol'Whatshisname (3.5/10)
  20. Boat Smarts (3/10)
  21. A Flea In Her Dome (2/10)
  22. Waiting (1/10)
  23. Fungus Amongus (0.5/10)
  24. To love a patty (0/10)