082a. The Original Fry Cook

In this episode, I like the fact Squidward's hair is turning gold! But I really get angry when they think Jim is better than SpongeBob and that's what pisses me off in this episode! Overall I think it's meh or decent ! I give it a 6 out of 10! =)
A fairly annoying and bland episode. It was unfunny, and Jim was so undeveloped he had no real effect on anything.

I really liked this episode. We have a good story where SpongeBob has to face a new challenge he's never had to face before. I like Jim because while he's a bit of a jerk they show that he wants SpongeBob to genuinely improve and I think it's cool to see SpongeBob work really hard. We got some good backstory too and the episode is very funny.

This was an interesting episode, but wasn't too funny, I would say that the backstory and the story of this episode in general were good though. I do agree with Pinhead Larry on Jim having no character development though. 6.5/10
I'm sorry but I didn't like this one. Jim was annoying, the way they treated SpongeBob was unfair, and the whole episode didn't have much going for it. There are a few jokes, but this isn't one of my favorites.

Ranking so far:
1. The Krusty Plate (A)
2. Friend or Foe (A)
3. SpongeBob vs. the Patty Gadget (A)
4. Money Talks (B)
5. Picture Day (B)
6. Boat Smarts (B)
7. Rise and Shine (C)
8. The Donut of Shame (C)
9. Pat No Pay (C)
10. The Original Fry Cook (D)
11. Good Ol' Whatshisname (D)
12. Waiting (E)
Not too crazy about this one. Jim isn't really all that interesting of a character in my eyes and the way everyone treats Spongebob here just kinda rubs me the wrong way. I will say that I liked the flashback parts, the atmosphere during those moments was very unique, and I liked a couple of the jokes, but overall this episode is just... eh.

Meh episode (5/10)

1. Friend or Foe (8)
2. The Original Fry Cook (5)
This episode showed why Squidward is so miserable and also that he and SpongeBob are basically slaves to Mr. Krabs!
This episode is a bit of a mixed bag, I did enjoy a couple of the jokes, and of course the flashback segments, but the rest of the episode didn't really speak out to me. I wasn't a big fan of the way that Spongebob gets treated. I will say that Jim is a good character, he can get a couple laughs out of me, and he does genuinely seem set on helping Spongebob.
Old review

This one could been definetly executed better. Jim was an okay character. He wasnt supportive to SpongeBob but at least its got a couple of decent jokes

Therefore i think this was an Okay episode
Last edited:
This one could been definitely executed better. Jim was an okay character. He wasnt supportive to SpongeBob but at least its got a couple of decent jokes

Rating: Okay Episode

Friend or Foe (Perfect)
The Original Fry Cook (Okay)
"The Original Fry Cook" is more of a return to form for this season. And by that I mean since season 5 started off with a special that was pretty different from most SpongeBob SquarePants episodes, this episode brings us back to our typical 11-minute collection of gags held together by a loose plot. This episode is real interesting when it comes to SpongeBob's character in a way that harks back to episodes like "Ripped Pants" and "Employee of the Month". This episode also does the thing I used to talk about all the way back in season 1 with establishing Mr. Krabs and Squidward having some kind of friendship or friendly relationship prior to the start of the show. So really, we got some interesting character and character dynamics things happening all around in this episode.

This episode starts off perfectly fine with things getting interesting once the plot arrives in the form of a solid gold liimo. For some reason I just love how emphatically Squidward says “LOOK!”. Even got the animated point and everything. Maybe because it’s in sharp contrast to the monotone way he was handling Old Man Walker. And then I love how absurdly rich Jim is with all of his solid gold stuff, especially considering that he's still a frycook as far as we can tell, apron and all. Honestly, I liked Jim as a character in general. His completely boring name in comparison to everyone else's is just very funny to me for whatever reason, and I though Jim himself was pretty funny, even though he was making slick comments left and right. I mean, the slick comments were for the most part funny so I'm letting it pass.

I really liked the flashbacks we got of the Krusty Krab in this episode. It's kind of interesting that two episodes in a row involved flashbacks and telling stories about the past. The flashback of the “classy” Krusty Krab was cool and also just absurd which made it very amusing to me. And then the cut back to the present with SpongeBob laughing along with them was a good blend of awkward and funny. It made me think of that moment in “Enemy-in-Law” (and by extension, “Imitation Krabs”). SpongeBob’s inferiority and jealousy starts to rear its ugly head almost immediately, and I can appreciate an episode that gets right into the meat of things quickly. I also like the return of the “Employee of the Month” wall from the eponymous episode (and the movie, though that had it in SpongeBob’s house).

Now one thing I don’t like in this episode is how rude Mr. Krabs is to SpongeBob because it was uncalled for. While the guy is never typically warm to SpongeBob, the whole breaking his awards thing and then making him clean it up was…not great. And I know that's the point, especially as we reach the end of the episode and it becomes clear why Jim left and why Mr. Krabs likes having SpongeBob around, but it still wasn't pleasant to watch. But I do like that when Mr. Krabs makes a slick comment a little later, SpongeBob actually gets visibly irritated over it. I like when SpongeBob doesn’t take disrespect sitting down. But then Mr. Krabs complimenting Squidward over SpongeBob…that was just out of character lmao. I’ll chalk it up to Mr. Krabs reminiscing about the days where he, Squidward, and Jim worked together, so Squidward was at the forefront of his complimenting mind. Mr. Krabs’ and Jim’s chat is a little bit of a lull, but I did like Jim’s line about having to charge Mr. Krabs for doing any kind of cooking. As he should. Know your worth Jim! Though Mr. Krabs’ laugh went on too long, I feel like that padded out the scene unnecessarily.

I have a lot of questions about this episode, though, because haven’t we already established that SpongeBob is an expert patty maker? How are Jim’s patties that much better than his? Eh whatever, this show has no continuity so let me not do that. I liked the visuals of SpongeBob going on a Jim Patty journey lol. And then SpongeBob deciding that he wants to learn from Jim was definitely a good direction for this episode to go in, because I couldn’t stand any more slick comments and SpongeBob feeling like garbage. Though I didn’t really get that much of a reprieve given all the slick comments Jim keeps throwing SpongeBob’s way. And I don’t like to see SpongeBob begging. I also didn’t find this scene to be that amusing or funny, so that’s a detractor as well. Though Jim’s line about groveling did definitely save much of that scene for me, as did SpongeBob’s cute little smile at the end.

This episode doesn't start getting actually funny until the montage of Jim training SpongeBob, with all the little fun bits and gags. I liked Jim forcing SpongeBob to break the laws of physics to cook his patty. And the continuous flushing was great like you can’t just trash it like a normal person? I love how that gag in particular paid off with the toilet being clogged in the end and SpongeBob running out crying, and the reaction from that Incidental was hilarious. SpongeBob has some glorious dramatics at the end of this montage, and I love how they’re cut short by Squidward. His whole “I’ve gotta cry too” was pretty funny. And then Squidward’s reaction to SpongeBob’s assumption was so funny, it’s fun to see him be this happy sometimes. SpongeBob writing a resignation letter on toilet paper was great. All of this is just so gloriously dramatic while also being absurd. HIs face as he put the letter in the envelope was so good and expressive. The scene where Mr. Krabs finds the resignation letter is the perfect blend of emotional and comedic, far more on the comedic side which works considering the emotional moment we were just put through a minute ago. And this time when Jim and Mr. Krabs share a laugh, I actually started laughing too because Jim’s comment was funny. Honestly Jim was just a very funny character here. Even some of his slick comments (“both of those reasons are true, SpongeBob”) get a chuckle out of me.

I love the real flashback we get of life at the Krusty Krab when Jim worked there. The music was a great touch, and I love how we can see an evolution in Squidward retroactively, as he’s only working at the Krusty Krab until his “clarinet career takes off”, which we know will never happen. And the way his hair just dissipates is hilarious. And I love all the lingo Jim uses as he tells Mr. Krabs he wants a raise. Mr. Krabs here reminds me a lot of his reaction to SpongeBob in “As Seen on TV”, equally hilarious. And I love how Mr. Krabs is still laughing as we cut back. The ending of this episode is cute as SpongeBob re-establishes his confidence in himself. Poor guy doesn’t value his work the way Jim does. Someone needs to teach this little guy a little something about labor unions…

"The Original Fry Cook" is an episode I find myself going back and forth on about how I feel about it. On one hand, a large part of this episode just barely breaks the entertaining threshold, and then after that is not all that funny, but on the other hand there are parts of this episode that are really funny and great commentaries. And then on some days I get far more annoyed by Jim and Mr. Krabs' behaviors than others. So it's hard to figure out where to place this episode. I think high on my "Good" tier fits it just fine.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score:
"The Original Fry Cook" is more of a return to form for this season. And by that I mean since season 5 started off with a special that was pretty different from most SpongeBob SquarePants episodes, this episode brings us back to our typical 11-minute collection of gags held together by a loose plot. This episode is real interesting when it comes to SpongeBob's character in a way that harks back to episodes like "Ripped Pants" and "Employee of the Month". This episode also does the thing I used to talk about all the way back in season 1 with establishing Mr. Krabs and Squidward having some kind of friendship or friendly relationship prior to the start of the show. So really, we got some interesting character and character dynamics things happening all around in this episode.

This episode starts off perfectly fine with things getting interesting once the plot arrives in the form of a solid gold liimo. For some reason I just love how emphatically Squidward says “LOOK!”. Even got the animated point and everything. Maybe because it’s in sharp contrast to the monotone way he was handling Old Man Walker. And then I love how absurdly rich Jim is with all of his solid gold stuff, especially considering that he's still a frycook as far as we can tell, apron and all. Honestly, I liked Jim as a character in general. His completely boring name in comparison to everyone else's is just very funny to me for whatever reason, and I though Jim himself was pretty funny, even though he was making slick comments left and right. I mean, the slick comments were for the most part funny so I'm letting it pass.

I really liked the flashbacks we got of the Krusty Krab in this episode. It's kind of interesting that two episodes in a row involved flashbacks and telling stories about the past. The flashback of the “classy” Krusty Krab was cool and also just absurd which made it very amusing to me. And then the cut back to the present with SpongeBob laughing along with them was a good blend of awkward and funny. It made me think of that moment in “Enemy-in-Law” (and by extension, “Imitation Krabs”). SpongeBob’s inferiority and jealousy starts to rear its ugly head almost immediately, and I can appreciate an episode that gets right into the meat of things quickly. I also like the return of the “Employee of the Month” wall from the eponymous episode (and the movie, though that had it in SpongeBob’s house).

Now one thing I don’t like in this episode is how rude Mr. Krabs is to SpongeBob because it was uncalled for. While the guy is never typically warm to SpongeBob, the whole breaking his awards thing and then making him clean it up was…not great. And I know that's the point, especially as we reach the end of the episode and it becomes clear why Jim left and why Mr. Krabs likes having SpongeBob around, but it still wasn't pleasant to watch. But I do like that when Mr. Krabs makes a slick comment a little later, SpongeBob actually gets visibly irritated over it. I like when SpongeBob doesn’t take disrespect sitting down. But then Mr. Krabs complimenting Squidward over SpongeBob…that was just out of character lmao. I’ll chalk it up to Mr. Krabs reminiscing about the days where he, Squidward, and Jim worked together, so Squidward was at the forefront of his complimenting mind. Mr. Krabs’ and Jim’s chat is a little bit of a lull, but I did like Jim’s line about having to charge Mr. Krabs for doing any kind of cooking. As he should. Know your worth Jim! Though Mr. Krabs’ laugh went on too long, I feel like that padded out the scene unnecessarily.

I have a lot of questions about this episode, though, because haven’t we already established that SpongeBob is an expert patty maker? How are Jim’s patties that much better than his? Eh whatever, this show has no continuity so let me not do that. I liked the visuals of SpongeBob going on a Jim Patty journey lol. And then SpongeBob deciding that he wants to learn from Jim was definitely a good direction for this episode to go in, because I couldn’t stand any more slick comments and SpongeBob feeling like garbage. Though I didn’t really get that much of a reprieve given all the slick comments Jim keeps throwing SpongeBob’s way. And I don’t like to see SpongeBob begging. I also didn’t find this scene to be that amusing or funny, so that’s a detractor as well. Though Jim’s line about groveling did definitely save much of that scene for me, as did SpongeBob’s cute little smile at the end.

This episode doesn't start getting actually funny until the montage of Jim training SpongeBob, with all the little fun bits and gags. I liked Jim forcing SpongeBob to break the laws of physics to cook his patty. And the continuous flushing was great like you can’t just trash it like a normal person? I love how that gag in particular paid off with the toilet being clogged in the end and SpongeBob running out crying, and the reaction from that Incidental was hilarious. SpongeBob has some glorious dramatics at the end of this montage, and I love how they’re cut short by Squidward. His whole “I’ve gotta cry too” was pretty funny. And then Squidward’s reaction to SpongeBob’s assumption was so funny, it’s fun to see him be this happy sometimes. SpongeBob writing a resignation letter on toilet paper was great. All of this is just so gloriously dramatic while also being absurd. HIs face as he put the letter in the envelope was so good and expressive. The scene where Mr. Krabs finds the resignation letter is the perfect blend of emotional and comedic, far more on the comedic side which works considering the emotional moment we were just put through a minute ago. And this time when Jim and Mr. Krabs share a laugh, I actually started laughing too because Jim’s comment was funny. Honestly Jim was just a very funny character here. Even some of his slick comments (“both of those reasons are true, SpongeBob”) get a chuckle out of me.

I love the real flashback we get of life at the Krusty Krab when Jim worked there. The music was a great touch, and I love how we can see an evolution in Squidward retroactively, as he’s only working at the Krusty Krab until his “clarinet career takes off”, which we know will never happen. And the way his hair just dissipates is hilarious. And I love all the lingo Jim uses as he tells Mr. Krabs he wants a raise. Mr. Krabs here reminds me a lot of his reaction to SpongeBob in “As Seen on TV”, equally hilarious. And I love how Mr. Krabs is still laughing as we cut back. The ending of this episode is cute as SpongeBob re-establishes his confidence in himself. Poor guy doesn’t value his work the way Jim does. Someone needs to teach this little guy a little something about labor unions…

"The Original Fry Cook" is an episode I find myself going back and forth on about how I feel about it. On one hand, a large part of this episode just barely breaks the entertaining threshold, and then after that is not all that funny, but on the other hand there are parts of this episode that are really funny and great commentaries. And then on some days I get far more annoyed by Jim and Mr. Krabs' behaviors than others. So it's hard to figure out where to place this episode. I think high on my "Good" tier fits it just fine.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7.9/10
i really like the comment jim makes to spongebob, when he told him ''The kid's a good fry cook, but he'll only be a great fry cook when he finally gets the guts to quit this dump'' that line could make for a whole episode
i really like the comment jim makes to spongebob, when he told him ''The kid's a good fry cook, but he'll only be a great fry cook when he finally gets the guts to quit this dump'' that line could make for a whole episode
I agree. I wish the episode had been more about that from the beginning rather than making it seem like SpongeBob was a bad fry cook for some reason.
The Original Fry Cook is a wonderful addition to the SpongeBob SquarePants series, and I rate it 9.5/10.
Very overrated episode I just feel bad for spongebob Jim isn't even that cool it felt very mean spirited to spongebob there were some good stuff but aside from that overrated
Very overrated episode I just feel bad for spongebob Jim isn't even that cool it felt very mean spirited to spongebob there were some good stuff but aside from that overrated
My thoughts of the episode
  1. Friend or foe (10/10)
  2. The Original Fry Cook (4.5/10)
Ugh,why do I even bother.🙄I hated Jim and Mr Krabs in that Spongebob is the best fry cook in bikini bottom.When I heard:Three cheers for the world's greatest fry cook... SpongeBob!I WAS LIKE:WOHOOOOO,I was happy at first when I heard it, but then I wanted to scream on my pillow when Mr Krabs said:Come here. Help us cheer for Jim.UGH WHYYYY..I thought everyone was gonna cheer at spongebob,Ughh.0/10
Ugh,why do I even bother.🙄I hated Jim and Mr Krabs in that Spongebob is the best fry cook in bikini bottom.When I heard:Three cheers for the world's greatest fry cook... SpongeBob!I WAS LIKE:WOHOOOOO,I was happy at first when I heard it, but then I wanted to scream on my pillow when Mr Krabs said:Come here. Help us cheer for Jim.UGH WHYYYY..I thought everyone was gonna cheer at spongebob,Ughh.0/10
yeah its a overrated one