04a. Naughty Nautical Neighbors

Words cannot describe how good the amazing season 1 episodes were. This is one of them. The plot works great. This is probably the best plot of the first season. And it's hilarious. Squidward separating SpongeBob and Patrick and paying the price for that is such a classic plot.

#8. Tea At The Treedome (D)
#7. Jellyfishing (
#6. Ripped Pants (
#5. Reef Blower (
#4. Plankton! (
#3. Bubblestand (
#2. Help Wanted (
#1. Naughty Nautical Neighbors (
This is probably the only "slice-of-life" episode from the season that I genuinely love, which might be because this episode actually has a good story that actually comes full circle, with classic interactions between characters, and some surprisingly good comedy! Now, admittedly there are few moments in the episode that feel on the slow side, but certainly not bad enough to ruin what is otherwise a stellar episode. It's good!
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An episode with a clever plot that i kinda like. The jokes were funny.

Rating: Amazing Episode

Reef Blower (Amazing!)
Help Wanted (Amazing!)
Plankton! (Amazing!)
Naughty Nautical Neighbors (Amazing!)
Bubblestand (Great)
Jellyfishing (Great)
Ripped Pants (Okay)
Tea at the Treedome (Meh)
I like this episode a lot. It's really funny, and I like the progression of SpongeBob and Patrick's relationship throughout. It's fun watching them try to outdo each other in being Squidward's friend, while Squidward just wants to be left alone.

Episode Rating - 9/10

1. Help Wanted (9/10)
2. Naughty Nautical Neighbors (9/10)
3. Plankton! (9/10)
4. Bubblestand (8/10)
5. Ripped Pants (7/10)
6. Tea at the Treedome (7/10)
7. Reef Blower (7/10)
8. Jellyfishing (6/10)
this is one of the only times were SpongeBob and Patrick act hostile towards each other. the ending is very wholesome, and the start is really funny

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Next in line is the episode that not only gets into the neighborly relationship between SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward, but also the best friendship between Patrick and SpongeBob! This is a sorely-needed episode to help establish (or further establish) these character dynamics.

"Naughty Nautical Neighbors" is funny and a classic example of the shenanigans these three characters get up to. Squidward's imitations of SpongeBob and Patrick's voices never fails to crack me up. SpongeBob and Patrick's arguing throughout the episode is great too, and I died with all of the melodrama (especially with the bath scene). You know, now that I think of it, this episode almost feels like a parody of a soap opera.

Anyway, this episode is full of so many iconic moments, from Squidward's choking, to SpongeBob's classic "the gang's all here". And then of course, we have the quick return of one of my favorite gags, things randomly blowing up, when SpongeBob and Patrick start laughing after drinking too much soda. Speaking of that scene, it's very heartwarming to see that their bond is so deep that even after they think the other said all those horrible things to them, they can return to being thick as thieves just by finding something funny.

Something about this episode makes me especially nostalgic, more than every other episode so far. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I don't know, maybe I watched this episode a lot when I was really little and now I have that association. Who knows.

I also like that this episode actually follows Squidward rather than SpongeBob, the character we've basically been following this whole time. This isn't something I think about often (except for more recently, where episodes have been nearly missing SpongeBob altogether, which I'm cool with), but SpongeBob SquarePants actually engages in this sort of a thing a lot, following other main characters that aren't our titled protagonist. It makes for a lot more possibilities for episodes.

Also, I like that we get to see the back of everyone's houses, I feel like that rarely ever happens in this show. Apparently this episode used to be called "Friendly Fire". I must say, this title is better.

In contrast to my season review back in January, this episode now sits firmly in the "Amazing" category for me. I really have no qualms with this episode at all. It's hilarious, it shows new sides and dynamics to our characters, it's heartwarming, and it doesn't drag at all. And it has that "wow" factor that bumps it up from "Great" to "Amazing". I think I underappreciated this episode before. No longer.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
Next in line is the episode that not only gets into the neighborly relationship between SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward, but also the best friendship between Patrick and SpongeBob! This is a sorely-needed episode to help establish (or further establish) these character dynamics.

"Naughty Nautical Neighbors" is funny and a classic example of the shenanigans these three characters get up to. Squidward's imitations of SpongeBob and Patrick's voices never fails to crack me up. SpongeBob and Patrick's arguing throughout the episode is great too, and I died with all of the melodrama (especially with the bath scene). You know, now that I think of it, this episode almost feels like a parody of a soap opera.

Anyway, this episode is full of so many iconic moments, from Squidward's choking, to SpongeBob's classic "the gang's all here". And then of course, we have the quick return of one of my favorite gags, things randomly blowing up, when SpongeBob and Patrick start laughing after drinking too much soda. Speaking of that scene, it's very heartwarming to see that their bond is so deep that even after they think the other said all those horrible things to them, they can return to being thick as thieves just by finding something funny.

Something about this episode makes me especially nostalgic, more than every other episode so far. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I don't know, maybe I watched this episode a lot when I was really little and now I have that association. Who knows.

I also like that this episode actually follows Squidward rather than SpongeBob, the character we've basically been following this whole time. This isn't something I think about often (except for more recently, where episodes have been nearly missing SpongeBob altogether, which I'm cool with), but SpongeBob SquarePants actually engages in this sort of a thing a lot, following other main characters that aren't our titled protagonist. It makes for a lot more possibilities for episodes.

Also, I like that we get to see the back of everyone's houses, I feel like that rarely ever happens in this show. Apparently this episode used to be called "Friendly Fire". I must say, this title is better.

In contrast to my season review back in January, this episode now sits firmly in the "Amazing" category for me. I really have no qualms with this episode at all. It's hilarious, it shows new sides and dynamics to our characters, it's heartwarming, and it doesn't drag at all. And it has that "wow" factor that bumps it up from "Great" to "Amazing". I think I underappreciated this episode before. No longer.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9/10
this is one of those season 1 episodes, that i would go back to
This episode goes to an interesting place. This is the first time SB and Patrick really have a big fight, and it's kind of surprising to me to see it this early on in the series. Squidward tricked them into fighting to be fair though. Since they no longer are talking to each other, they try to compete for Squidward's attention. It's pretty funny and interesting to watch. Squidward gets some karma for tricking them into fighting, since his plan backfires with SB and Patrick both annoying him more now that they're not friends. So Squidward has to come up with a plan to get them to be friends again. The ending is pretty funny and nice where SB and Patrick try to stay mad at each other, but they can't help but laugh and become friends again. An interesting episode for this early on in the show.
Very good episode. 8/10.
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I think that was a good episode. 8.5/10
Calamardo es mi mejor amigo en el mundo!!!! calamardo es mi mejor amigo en el mar!!!
  1. Ripped Pants (10/10)
  2. Plankton! (8.5/10)
  3. Naught Nautical Neighbors (8/10)
  4. Help Wanted (8/10)
  5. Bubble Stand (8/10)
  6. Reef Blower (6.5/10)
  7. Tea At The Treedome (5.5/10)
  8. Jellyfishing (2.5/10)