"Hey, TheOtherSpongebob, wanna blow some bubbles?"
Sure, how much do they cost?
"Only a quarter."
A quarter? Sure I have one of those! Uhh, Spongebob, can I borrow a quarter?
"Sure thing, pal."
Ok. (gives quarter to SB, who bites on it, and it bends)
(blows bubble) While I'm blowing bubbles, let me tell you why I love this episode. (bubble pops) It's POP-tacular! Hahahaha! Get it? Ha ha ha. Yeah. Okay. This episode is a standard "Spongebob and Patrick bug Squidward" episode, and it's great. It's also one of the episodes where Squidward gets into their nonsense and enjoys it, only to go back to being the Butt Monkey again. It's sorta like "Slide Whistle Stooges", only better. Squidward isn't going complete crazy enough to end him up in the hospital, and SB and Pat aren't idiotically oblivious to Squidward about to kill them for the accident. But this isn't about that episode. This is about a good episode. :) "Bubblestand" is an episode I know so well from my childhood, as well as its sister episode. My favorite parts of the episode are the iconic "bubble technique" and the giant bubble that Squid blew taking away his house. What makes it even funnier is Patrick's delayed reaction after he's stopped from dancing by Sponge. XD (blows hard on the bubble wand, but no bubble comes out)
"Would you like some lessons? Only 25 cents."
Of course. Now if you excuse me, I need to "bring it around town!" TheOtherSpongebob, out. ;)