disney channel

  1. BeanoSponge

    Animated Series PJ Masks Coming To Disney Channel

    I airs on Disney Channel and Disney Junior, like The Lion Guard. It is an acquired show, so Disney don't make it. http://www.licensing.biz/news/read/disney-to-debut-eone-s-new-kids-show-pj-masks/042637 It's good to see Disney Channel getting more animated shows. There is a clip here...
  2. How would you fix Disney Channel

    -Air "Disney Replay" in the daytime every day Yep, that's basically it.
  3. BeanoSponge

    The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X19M8Ugshlw The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar is a TV movie which will be on Disney Channel this November, it will then have a TV series next year...
  4. Favorite Disney Channel show.

    What is your favorite Disney Channel show of all time. For live-action my favorite show is/was Good Luck Charlie. The show ended in 2014 but I still watch. The show is where I had my first celebrity crush on Leigh Allyn Baker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leigh-Allyn_Baker) As for animation my...
  5. Descendants

    So this is an upcoming movie about 4 teenagers who are moving to a new school. They are the kids of the 4 evilest DC villains of all time. Carlos = Son of Cruella De Vill (101 Dalmations) Jay = son of Jafar (Aladdin) Evie = Daughter of Evil Queen. (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs) Mal = Daughter of...
  6. Girl Meets World

    So what do you think of GMW? I like it. Since DWB and Jessie are ending this is the only live-action left that I will watch. So what do ya think?
  7. Favorite Disney Villain

    Who is your favorite Disney Villain? My favorite villain is Maleficent. After all who could be better then...
  8. Illiniguy34

    What if "Wander Over Yonder" and "Star vs The Forces of Evil"?

    *What if Wander Over Yonder and Star had a crossover (my bad) I mean, they're perfect for a crossover! Both deal with supernatural beings and worlds, both have incredibly cheery main protagonists with more down-to-earth sidekicks, and the antagonists have similar goals. I can already imagine it...
  9. MrColeslaw

    Phineas & Ferb Finale

    The Phineas and Ferb finale, "The Last Day of Summer", aired last night. It also airs tonight at 11pm EST if you missed it. If you saw it, what did you think about it? Please put any possible spoilers in spoiler tags. :) There might already be a P&F topic, but I didn't want to bump an old topic.
  10. BeanoSponge

    Tangled To Have A TV Series

    http://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/03/entertainment/tangled-disney-series-thr-feat/ "The genius of the original movie was its seamless blending of cinematic adventure, character-driven comedy and touching emotion," said Gary Marsh, president and chief creative officer at Disney Channels Worldwide...
  11. What Gravity Falls Could've Been

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FOPPc8IJyI Ew, cheap Flash puppet animation.
  12. BeanoSponge

    Phineas and Ferb Finale Airing In June, Creators Making A New Disney Cartoon

    http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2015/05/07/phineas-and-ferb-is-ending-its-run/70940024/ The finale is airing June 12, there will be a special 'The O.W.C.A. Files' airing in Fall. :( But, the creators of P&F (Dan Povenmire and Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh) are making a new cartoon for Disney X D...
  13. SpongeOddFan

    Disney Channel is FINALLY coming to Canada!

    yep, it's true Source: http://www.corusent.com/home/Corporate/PressReleases/tabid/1697/Default.aspx?Id=2967
  14. Favourite Disney Cartoon Era

    First Era: 1985-1990 Disney Afternoon Era: 1990-1997 One Disney Era: 1997-2002 Disney Original Era: 2002-2009 Dark Era: 2007-2012 Modern Era: 2012- present
  15. BeanoSponge

    Mickey and The Roadster Racers

    http://blogs.indiewire.com/animationscoop/disney-junior-jumpstarts-mickey-and-the-roadster-racers-for-2017-20150408 This will likely be a follow up to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse which has now ended. Here is a clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sMqMV1oRcY
  16. Kim Possible Returning to Disney

    Kim Possible is possible to have a revival coming https://www.fanlala.com/news/christy-carlson-romano-bringing-back-kim-possible-sort
  17. BeanoSponge

    'Muppet Moments' On Disney Channel This April

    http://www.licensing.biz/news/read/muppet-moments-series-heads-to-disney-channel-this-april/041726 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAuSdOVeiX4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YfZAtdcHe0 If it's a Disney Junior show, why are they airing it on Disney Channel?
  18. BeanoSponge

    Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero

    I love this show! It's a new show on Disney xD created by Jared Bush and Sam Levine. Jared Bush is currently writing Disney's upcoming movie, Zootopia. So far there have been 5 episodes (one is a Christmas special) The upcoming episodes are I'm Super (Guest starring Adam West) - 15th...
  19. BeanoSponge

    TST #11: Regular Show vs The Fairly Odd Parents

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww8A2apSpx0 (no lyrics) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6yH1MCiqUM Timmy is an average kid That no-one understands Mom and dad and Vicky Always giving him commands Vicky: Bed twerp The doom and gloom Up in his room Is broken instantly By his magic little fish...
  20. BeanoSponge

    TST #5: Danny Phantom vs Gravity Falls

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWW4itY3PJ8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2DUpDxFJyg