153a. Accidents Will Happen

Ugh... I did not like it... I could go into details, but I'm lazy... It was kind of gross, unoriginal... You know, the usual stuff...
I think the writers went lazy on this episode. I didn't make a single laugh! Squidward breaks his ankel - Krabs does what Squidward says - SpongeBob calls in OWS(some employee injury officials) - Squidward lies about how his ankle breaks...a selfish act - Squidward does what Krabs says - end. This episode would go perfect with the eps from season 6 or 7.

Rating: 4/10
Also sounds like Aaron Springer wrote it.

The writers for this episode were Luke Brookshier, Nate Cash, and Dani Michaeli.

As for the episode itself, I really didn't think it was as bad as everybody else seems to. There were several moments that made me chuckle, such as Mr Krabs' "criminal negligence" explanation and Squidward's version of the accident. Not a stand-out episode, but not a stinker by any means.
There were several moments that made me chuckle, such as Mr Krabs' "criminal negligence" explanation and Squidward's version of the accident.
Actually, I did like Squidward's little story. It was a little funny.... Like when he stood up on the boat with his heroic look... :D
Hey, did anyone else notice that Patrick said "finland" in this episode! (Just like in Frankendoodle! :D)
Hey, did anyone else notice that Patrick said "finland" in this episode! (Just like in Frankendoodle! :D)
I thought this episode reminded of ''Frankendoodle'' when Patrick said ''finland''.
I liked this episode, but didn't love it.
Squidward's story was hilarious. A bun that had 10 sesame seeds instead of 11.
Frankendoodle is overrated.

Aaron Springer is great writer.

Rating: 7/10
It wasn't my favorite, Oral Report is still my favorite of the season thus far.
It might have been one of my least favorite episodes of the season. It was alright, but seemed done before.