Name: logan
Age: 69
Gender: hermaprodite
City or State: texas
Favorite SB episode: texas
Favorite SB character: cheeks sandy
Favorite song: texas
Favorite movie: texas (1941)
Favorite movie genre: black comedy
Favorite book: history of texas
Favorite TV Genre: soap opera
Favorite (not spongebob) TV Show: dallas, dynasty
Favorite (not spongebob) cartoon: jehovah's witness of magical pony friendship
Favorite band/artist: ♥justin bieber♥
Favorite actor: patrick duffy
Favorite actress: victoria principle
Favorite food: gelatin
Favorite snackfood: leaves
Favorite sport: BLANK
Favorite store: great walmart superstore of texas
Favorite vacation spot: san diego beach
Favorite quote: "One less lonely girl" -Justin Bieber
Favorite website: 4chan
Favorite color: rainbow
Favorite videogame: many
Favorite pasttime: posting fake facebooks of people, posting images of people i would promise to keep secret
A word or phrase that describes you best? mayo