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Moldy Sponge

Episode Info
Typed By: ssj4gogita4

Mr. Krabs: (holds up a green trash bag that is leaking green ooze) SpongeBob, take these moldy sponges to the garbage, will ya?
SpongeBob: Eww. (trips over a bucket, sending him out the door, covered in the moldy green sponges. Looks up at the green moon. A wolf howls as SpongeBob's body turns green) What's happening to me? (grows mushrooms out of the side of his body and his eyelashes grow extra long. Laughs evilly)
Mr. Krabs: I thought I told SpongeBob to throw these moldy sponges away? (throws SpongeBob in the dumpster and closes the lid. The lid re-opens as SpongeBob breathes hard)